E16 – Birth Keeper Shares Her Empowerment Hospital Home / Free Births
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  If you find you’re wanting to fuel yourself with some birth empowerment in your pregnancy, well this episode is for you! Avalon, Birth Keeper and Soul Guide creator of Blossoming Woman shares her three birth journeys. What I enjoyed here listening to Avalon was her absoluteness. Nothing was going to get into the beautiful spectrum of Avalon during her birth journeys. She knew her intuition and this is why her calling is into the work she is doing now. Birth, and showing us we can have a voice and we need to listen and reclaim that. Her first birth experience is the gateway into her work she is doing now, that being, supporting women into fem power! This story is amazing, Avalon, having no great deal of informing her self in birth, still knew intuitively what felt right for her. Her birth experience was a powerful lesson to her on how, if birthing in a hospital system, it is great to inform yourself, gain confidence in your body, birth and birth team. Avalon nearly had a water birth, yet was told to get out of the water as the baby was emerging, she went on to birth beautifully, yet the intensity of the decisions around her caused her hormones to engage with more adrenaline. Enter her second birth – after the first experience Avalon knew that home was best for her birthing. After this first experience Avalon become a birth fanatic. Avalon, during her Wholistic Psychology studies, studied birth down to a tee. There was no doubt again she used her confidence, self awareness and informed her self on the processes. She was ready, the experience she describes as incredible and healing. Third birth, this woman is empowered and ready, this time, she has met an awesome new partner that has two children to a previous relationship. She had to learn to let him into this birth journey, open her self up and let the love in! They decided that with all their knowledge that they will birth together as a free birth. From that you will hear about their beautiful connection that lead into what is complete surrender. Orgasmic birth and empowerment, they had the complete experience and honoured the sacred right of birth and babes entry into the earth outside the womb. From Avalon – “To me birth is the ultimate sexual opening, sexuality and birth naturally go togther for me”. “We are all about clearing and releasing moving into freedom. This is natures design, for birth to be an ecstatic celebration!” Resources * The Birth of Zen … my ecstatic freebirth story. * Im so glad someone finally mentioned one of my favourite birth books! – Sunni Karl – Sacred Birthing * Check out conscious conception, Avalon taps into this though our her journeys * Lotus Birth – Sarah Buckley writes well for learning about this * Orgasmic Birth – Its all about surrender!  Connect with Avalon Website: Blossoming Woman https://blossomingwoman.com.au Email : Contact Form Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/avalondarneshpage/ I’m Avalon, a Shamanic Birthkeeper, Soul Guide and Evolutionary Activist. I help awakening women reclaim their feminine power and inner wisdom...
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