E20 – More with Maryn from Indie Birth – Story of Miscarriage With a Natural Birth
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BEFORE YOU LISTEN – POTENTIAL TRIGGER – MISCARRIAGE – If you are currently pregnancy or planning. This may not be the right episode to listen to right now please come back it at more approprite time – Any one facing miscarriage or been through, this is a story that is speaking truths of her birth as a woman with and though her own child birth experiences. Please keep an open heart in a space not to judge, but to listen and connect with all our experiences in birth. So this is essentially part 2 of the that last amazing and informative and interesting journey from Maryn from Indie Birth. I felt so connected to this recording. Going through the experience of miscarriage myself with what is knows and a partial molar pregnancy, I completely connected with Maryn’s story. Maryn talks about the birth of Sable Sage. This story takes us into 16 weeks of a pregnancy where Maryn felt that something was not quite right. We hear of such a huge ‘letting go’ process from when she found out that baby died to birthing Sable nearly at her due date. We hear of the journey she went through during those months of carrying Sable and choosing that deep connection within her body to trust the process and let this happen when ready. This podcast again is very informative and will especially resinate with birth workers on the journey of loss. I felt again lots of healing by hearing and sharing parts of my own story with Maryn. I found when I went though loss that the more I talked to people the more that I found there was many out there that had similar experiences.  My advocacy for birth extends to death, in a sense that we deserve the right to a death that is honoured and informed. Maryn and I in this podcast both agreed that having the right support for the decisions in miscarriage made a big difference in the process, emotions and the healing after. Please if faced with this, you are not alone by all means, reach out, there is support out there. We are all with you with light and love xx From Maryn – “As a midwife this has stuck with me.. Its so powerful the words we say to women if we don’t believe in them, then we should not be working with them and if we do believe in them then our words mean so much ”  “ You have to have the births to become the person you are today”  “Birth and life are journeys, they do teach us what we need.”  “I do believe these babies come with their lessons, and we are all here to learn”. Resources * Indie Birth Wise Womens Circle – Yearly membership to join a community of connected women to learn, enhance and find support for birth workers and families. ‘sisterhood’ with teaching, live calls and group chat. HERE Connect with Maryn and Indie Birth Websites:  http://www.indiebirth.com and midwifery school http://www.indiebirthmidwiferyschool.com Email : https://www.indiebirth.com/consultations/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/indiebirth/?fref=ts Maryn Green, CPM/Traditional Birth Attendant/Indie Birth Publisher/Trustee My journey into birth actually began with the birth of my first child, albeit in a hospital. I did not even know that homebirth was an option, but I was frustrated with the hospital experience I ended up having. With my second child, I was introduced to the idea of birthing at home by my doula, who could see no other option for me- given how “stuck” I was on wanting things to be unhindered, uncomplicated and the safest, most loving experience for my baby. Needless to say,
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