E17 – Shamanic Craftswoman Jane Hardwicke Collings Shares Her Transformative Births
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  I love transformation and this interview I was honoured to have Shamanic Craftswoman and former home birth midwife – Jane Hardwicke Collings. Transformative, empowering and inspiring. Jane values her truth and the truth in her story reflects on her teachings. Surrender and the red thread.. Personally, the word surrender is so heightened now by listening to these stories of birth. What does it really mean to surrender? Surrender sounds to many like losing power, losing control. We are scripted into a linear world where losing control is losing… After listening to Jane I spent this week pondering on surrender and healing.. I feel, the truth in surrender in all its forms is completely empowering, it feels that judgement is left behind, only experience and our true being and with that we heal and allow love, compassion and respect to can come in. Our story then sheds a different light… So Jane talks so well in this podcast of ‘letting go’ healing the truth and surrendering. For women simply aligning with our menstrual cycles is one aspect of surrendering and acknowledging our rhythms. I see from listening to Jane our need reclaim our connection to earth, natural systems so we can heal and reclaim our birth, humanity and rights of passage. This podcast has my healing journey ticking over, it has my transformation and my thoughts on the feminine mind. Onward and upward here! I feel so deeply that I am aligning to these stories not only for my own personal growth, yet for a point in time where someone in the future will listen to these stories and they will transform again.. 3000 years ago we are guided by the learnings and 3000 years from now we will guide.. Surrender feels good… and listening to Jane share her birth journeys felt good.. Wee!!!! Jane shares with us three birth journeys – Her first birth led to a caesarean after a 24 hour labor, this journey showed Jane that the birth we have teaches us what we need to take in this lifetime. Her journey into midwifery happened during this time and this birth gave her a whole new sense a ‘birth experience’ and the balance of different birth systems. Her teaching in this birth was ‘surrender’ Her second birth was a VBAC (vaginal birth after cesarean) was a six hour labour at home, a beautiful birth on all fours with her son Sam there. Her teaching in this birth is ‘trust’ Her third birth was as Jane says her most extraordinary and life changing experience giving birth to Jackson this was a water birth at home, again with a six hour labour. This birth Jane used a technique that she describes in the podcast of focusing on the pain, from that she had a complete transforming ultra dimensional experience coined by Jane as unity consciousness. her teaching in this birth is ‘focus that leads to presence’ We talked further about consciousness, menopause, environment and how healing our inner journey by surrendering can heal and clear the channels for our next generations to come. Our birth experiences will change and so will the habits that bind us to birth. I am honoured to listen to this journey from an absolute truth seeker and teacher. This is well worth a listen no matter where your interests lay! From Jane – “We need to be with what is, not what we wish was happening”.   “The quality you learn about your self from birthing your baby is the quality you need to bring to mothering them”.  “Once I surrendered I could trust the process of birth”.  “Whatever you learn though your birthing’s is what you need to bring to the right of passage during your menopause. Lessons are significant”. “Its often during pregnancy and birth when women will wake up and think about what they want to do.
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