In this special episode, we chose to reflect on endings in coaching. Gregor was one of four coaches who contributed to an article on this topic for Coaching At Work, and we wanted to take the opportunity to think this through together on our podcast.   We talk about the emphasis that is placed on the start of coaching engagements, and the importance that is placed on the results that are achieved. Yet, ending a coaching engagement well is a topic that appears to have received less attention,...
Published 06/01/22
Published 06/01/22
In this episode we consider the relevance of leaders integrating coaching skills into their day-to-day work. We reflect on coaching as a mindset and an approach, which can be seen in the way they behave. We discuss some examples of coaching skills that a leader may begin to introduce to their repertoire, such as developing a coaching presence, creating space for others to think, active listening and demonstrating curiosity. Coaching is highlighted by McKinsey as the number one skill citizens...
Published 05/17/22
In this episode we explore how we can use metaphors in coaching and how this wonderful tool, that is actually ever present in our language, can help coaches, their clients, leaders and organisations. Metaphors offer us a symbolic language that goes beyond the limitations of the english language and provides us with a completely different way of expressing ourselves. This can be hugely powerful in coaching when, as a coach, we may offer our client feedback in the form of a visual...
Published 05/03/22
In this episode we sit down with Anna Carus-Wilson of Frank Partners. Anna is a professional actor who works with leaders in business and we wanted to talk to her about the work that she does, and explore the parallels with our work as coaches.  Frank Partners are a team of highly skilled facilitators and coaches who bring the practical, playful, resilient and creative nature of the rehearsal room into the business world. They have a particular specialism in helping people to become more...
Published 04/19/22
Imposter Syndrome often comes up in coaching, but it isn’t always labelled as such. It may show up as a lack of confidence, or self-esteem, self-belief or a drive for perfectionism.  In this episode we reflect on how, in our experience, imposter syndrome can show up in coaching. We share some of the ways in which we might work with a client who brings this to their coaching session. Listen in to this episode if you’d like to learn more about imposter syndrome and take away some practical...
Published 04/05/22
Onboarding is an area in which coaching can play a crucial role in supporting the successful transition of a senior leader. So often, organisations focus on the selection and assessment of the new hire, but the importance of setting that new hire up for success can be easily overlooked. In this episode we interview Gillian Frame, an executive coach who does a lot of work in this space. There are many insights and observations that Gillian shares about the process of joining a new...
Published 03/22/22
In this episode we have a really open discussion about our experiences developing as coaches and reflect not only on the journey we have both been on to date, but the journeys we continue to be on. Many coaches, when they first start out, can be quite focussed on particular models, frameworks or niches, but over time they learn through practice and their approach is always evolving. This is similar to Carol Dweck’s work on growth mindset - the concept that there is always more to learn. We...
Published 03/08/22
In this episode we look at how concepts like birth order theory can be a gateway to insights into how we’re all shaped by our family of origin, which is where we learn to take on certain roles. We look into how valuable it is to explore the hidden dimensions that are playing out in our relationships at work. We’re not interested in ‘doing’ therapy with clients, but we are interested in how the decisions made in early childhood are unconsciously playing out now. These will have worked for us...
Published 02/22/22
In this episode we look at a relatively new area of coaching - Pairs Coaching. The main focus of this work to date seems to be in the area of Boards and Exec teams where the importance of robust working relationships built on trust, confidence and good communication cannot be underestimated.  Pairs coaching is an extremely effective way of building powerfully strong relationships between two leaders. Two coaches, highly trained in the Cape Cod model of Pairs coaching, work directly with two...
Published 02/08/22
In this episode we are joined by James Edgar, who comes with over 20 years experience in the HR field. We wanted to speak with James because he has the experience of being a user and commissioner of coaching as well as being an experienced coach himself. We talk to James about what advice he would have for his younger self and reflect on his experience of leading a global people function through Covid. We reflect on how the pandemic has emphasised the need for connection and clarity and...
Published 01/25/22
This episode’s question is “Why does menopause coaching matter for diversity, inclusion and wellbeing?" We explore what menopause coaching can look like, the ethics around menopause coaching and of course learn more about the experience of menopause itself. We found this episode fascinating and great fun to record with the energetic Kate Usher. She’s an experienced coach and change strategist with a specialism in menopause and gender equality. Kate’s also an internationally published author...
Published 01/11/22
Welcome to this bonus episode, where we reflect on changes that have occurred since our recording on these topics, this time in Season 2, and some insights we’ve had since! When we came back to look at Season 2, we noticed a theme around investment in time, effort & money.  Some of the things we look at include: How the UK’s performance in recent Olympic games has benefited from the above mentioned investment. This relates to how making coaching accessible to everyone, or at least more...
Published 12/21/21
Welcome to this bonus episode, where we reflect on changes that have occurred since our recording on these topics and some insights we’ve had since. We started Season 1 in November 2020 when Covid cases were rising rapidly again with lots of uncertainty and we’d finished recording before Christmas and it was after this that cases took off in the UK so things have developed a lot since our initial episodes. Some of the things we look at include: How a return to work - or not is impacting on...
Published 12/07/21
In this episode we discuss how coaching can stop leadership derailment. If you are interested in understanding how increased self-awareness of blind spots can help prevent leadership derailment - listen to this episode. We explore how the use of tools such as the Hogan Development Survey (HDS) (the Dark Side tool) can provide insight into how strengths can be overused such that they become a hindrance to effective performance. Used as part of a coaching programme HDS, alongside other tools...
Published 06/29/21
In this episode we discuss the use of psychometrics in coaching. We use the Myers Briggs Type Indicator quite a lot to illustrate our points, as we believe the MBTI is one of the most popular tools in use in coaching. Other psychometrics mentioned include Insights Discovery™ and the Hogan Development Survey (the Dark Side tool). Oftentimes, coaches are selected because they are trained in how to use a particular psychometric. An organisation might have a preference for a particular tool...
Published 06/22/21
In this episode we are joined by the massively experienced coach Kim Gregory to discuss why a head teacher should invest in coaching. Kim Gregory has been coaching in education since 2009. She works with all sorts of leaders, typically Directors and CEOs in Not-for-Profits, but she especially enjoys working with Head Teachers and Senior Leadership Teams. What matters most to her is to work with clients who yearn to grow and learn; who are seeking effective challenge and support and who want...
Published 06/15/21
In this episode we discuss adult vertical development and how an understanding of a leader's developmental stage can radically enhance/impact on their performance and what change that might make to the coaching you do. "Exceptional leaders in even moderately complex environments outperform their average peers by 225% " This was research by Mckinsey that confirms that the difference between average and top performing leaders becomes radically amplified as the challenge becomes more...
Published 06/08/21
In this episode we are joined by Sasha Scott and Jen Morris of Inclusive Group to discuss how coaching can support Diversity and Inclusion in organisations. The role coaching might play in supporting behavioural change in organisations is a relatively new development, and one that is still taking shape. Listen to this episode if you’d like to learn more about the difference between Diversity, Inclusion and Belonging and the different kinds of coaching that can support this work. We explore...
Published 06/01/21
In this episode we discuss the Great Training Robbery and whether training or coaching is a better investment. If you’ve only got so much money, how should you be splitting your budget to get your best return? What is the Great Training Robbery? The Harvard Business Review article ‘The Great Training Robbery’ states that in 2012 U.S. corporations spent $164.2 billion on training and education. Overwhelming evidence and experience shows, however, that most companies are unable to transfer...
Published 05/25/21
In this episode we talk about coaching culture, what it is and the benefits of creating one. We share and discuss the five things that the coaching culture magazine says that are needed to create a coaching culture. “Culture eats strategy for breakfast.” is a quote attributed to Peter Drucker and we agree. The only way you can be nimble enough to succeed in a VUCA world is to have a culture fit for it - and that means a culture where a coaching leadership style is valued. Simply training...
Published 05/18/21
In this episode we are joined by Charlie Warshowski, a coach and coach-trainer and founder of Love Your Coaching to talk about growth mindset and why it matters in coaching. This is an episode that should not only be of interest to coaches and HR, but also to any parents who are interested in how to best enable their children to be successful in what they do. We both met Charlie through the Guildford Coaches Group where he ran a session on Mindset and confirmed how important this concept...
Published 05/11/21