Conversation with LinkedIn Expert - Sampark Sachdeva who talks about all things LinkedIn and growing beyond the platform with great content.
Published 05/18/21
These days I spend most of my time on LinkedIn looking for new assignments. More often that not my LinkedIn feed is full of motivational posters, course completion certificates, life mantras, comments for better reach, employee of the month mementos, and the worst (takes dramatic pause), TikTok style viral videos. This might come across as a rant against LinkedIn but is not. This kind of stuff is agnostic to a platform. It shows up on WhatsApp, Facebook, Twitter, and office walls. Coming...
Published 05/18/21
Medium is the message, said Marshal McLuhan in his book Understanding Media – The Extension of Man, published in 1964. He focused on the medium rather than the message. In his opinion, it was important to examine the effect of the medium – like TV, print and radio instead of the incidental effect of the information broadcasted through that medium. McLuhan wanted to point out that the medium has the capability to affect and alter our behavior. It still holds true. The way we communicate in...
Published 05/18/21
While podcasts, movie platforms and music apps are on the rise,  radio feels like an old has been who still seems to loom around and make its presence felt every now and then. COVID-19 has been thought to have made things worse for radio stations across the world but is that so? Why do people still listen to radio?
Published 05/18/21
What makes content good? What key aspects should you consider when you make your next movie, podcast or series? Here is my perspective.
Published 05/18/21