Maximizing Your TPT Potential: Tips and Reminders for Your TPT Store
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Is it too late to see growth or reach levels of success on TPT? The landscape of TPT is always evolving and changing, sometimes due to factors beyond our control. But rather than throw in the towel, it might be time to shake things up, pivot, or do something different. Some sellers are seeing growth despite the odds (I'm grateful to say my store is thriving)! I wanted to share some insights and tips that have been working (and not working) in my store. I hope you can take away what I share in this episode into your own businesses! Episode Highlights: Summer Teacher Seller Conference TakeawaysFactors in possible lower sales for many sellers in August 2023Tips and Reminders for selling and growing a store on TPT Six things I think are overrated for TPT businesses Resources and Links Learn more about Your Data Playbook - Affiliate Link Let's connect! TPT Store: The Southern TeachWebsite: thesouthernteachdesigns.comInstagram: @thesouthernteach.designsFacebook: The Southern Teach Design and Branding Mentioned in this episode: Branding and Product Listing TPT Templates! Done-for-you templates that are completely editable for TPT sellers and teacherpreneurs to make their own? Say no more! I have ready-to-use Canva and PPT templates that are designed in a way that make it EASY to plug in screenshots, photos, or square images, type what you need, change the colors, fonts, and more! Learn more about TPT Templates! Branding and Product Listing TPT Templates! Done-for-you templates that are completely editable for TPT sellers and teacherpreneurs to make their own? Say no more! I have ready-to-use Canva and PPT templates that are designed in a way that make it EASY to plug in screenshots, photos, or square images, type what you need, change the colors, fonts, and more! Learn more about TPT Templates! Join the challenge to SPICE up your storefront! Join the 4th annual Spice Up Your Store challenge from November 6-10, 2023! Registration includes 5 LIVE Zoom trainings on updating your storefront branding, bonus goodies, a pop-up Facebook group, and 90-day access to all replays! Register for the Spice Up Your Store Challenge!
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