Have you ever considered the fact that for the vast majority of humanity's existence, problem solving was almost always directly tied to physical movement?  After all, there were almost no problems--finding or hunting food, needing shelter, getting water, etc.--that didn't require a physical solution.   Thus, physical movement actually affects brain function, and certain kinds of physical movement are shown to unlock more divergent, creative thinking and problem solving.  This podcast gives...
Published 03/26/24
How is that people have come to "speak their truth"? Why do some people think words can be "violence"? Politically speaking, why can't people even agree on basic facts? Whether you know it or not, your thinking has been affected, if not in certain ways infected, by a philosophy that emerged from academia in the latter half of the previous century--postmodernism.  So, join Steve for a fascinating explanation of postmodernisms core ideas, and come to understand how it affects your thinking...
Published 03/19/24
Ever wondered how our brain's networks conspire to spark that brilliant idea just as you're about to fall asleep? Prepare to illuminate the shadowy corners of your mind with a simple technique for harmonizing the different brain networks involved in creativity.  Toss out the conventional playbook and learn to indulge in a mental snack break that can lead to your next big idea. 
Published 02/09/24
Do you think our educational system does enough to teach critical thinking skills?  Most people don't but they also don't know just how right they are ... and why.  Contrary to some beliefs, educations failures have nothing to do with political ideologies and social trends, and they're also not the fault of teachers. This episode is a wake-up call that challenges the status quo of classrooms across the globe. Our discussion cuts through the confusion, offering insights into the systemic...
Published 02/01/24