Knoops: Jens Knoop on how to diversify your revenue stream
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Jens Knoop’s passion for hot chocolate led him to found Knoops in 2013 with only one store. Now, with more than 10 stores nationwide and an online range, you can now consider Jens Knoops, as the modern day Willy Wonka.  Jens explains how while researching as part of his previous job, he stumbled across the ‘little luxuries’ market - which when paired with his nostalgic love of chocolate, led him to starting Knoops. Knoops battled with the covid pandemic and so Jens shares exactly what he thinks startups should be focusing on in their early days to ensure they have a diverse revenue stream. He also shares valuable insights into how he diversified their revenue streams when faced with the adversity of the pandemic, and why startups should consider this from day 1.  Ahead of opening Knoops’ in Manchester, he shares what he’s doing to ensure the Knoops experience is the same in every store. Follow Knoops and the team behind The Founders.
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