Today we talk with the multitalented Paul Olinger about reinvention, career second-acts, fatherhood, and living your purpose. Paul Ollinger is a nationally-touring comedian, podcaster and corporate refugee. After 15 years selling advertising for companies like Yahoo! and Facebook (where he was employee #250) Paul launched the comedy career that has taken him all over North America, opening for legends like Norm Macdonald, Dave Attell, Daniel Tosh, and Roseanne Barr. He has performed in...
Published 12/31/19
Let’s be honest, marriage is a marathon, not a sprint. And even when a relationship starts out strong, over the long haul it’s easy to get mired in the day-to-day grind of life. If you don’t pay attention and constantly nourish that connection, you can start to drift apart from your spouse. My guest today, Laura Heck, shares how you can recognize the problem areas in your marriage and reignite passion and healthy communication with your wife. In this episode we talk about the silent...
Published 10/03/19
There’s no doubt that developing a lifelong habit of reading is one of the best ways to increase your wisdom and success in life. As the saying goes, “readers are leaders.” My guest today has taken this to the extreme. In the past five years, Mani Vaya has read over 1,000 books in the fields of business and personal development. He now reads an average of seven books per week. In this episode, we talk about why every man should read regularly and widely, along with tricks for how to...
Published 08/29/19
If you’re single and you’re tired of the stresses and the games of the dating world, this is going to be a great episode for you. Today, my guest Dr. Robert Glover shares how to cut through the b******t and fundamentally change your experience of dating and cultivating authentic relationships with women. In this episode we talk about how men make courtship more difficult than it needs to be. We also talk about why leaning into the discomfort of putting yourself out there helps uncover...
Published 08/09/19
All of us have experienced anxiety at one point or another. Sometimes it seems like we’re at the whim of our thoughts and emotions—stuck in a negative spiral we can’t control. The good news is, there is something we can do about it. Today on the podcast, Dr. Loretta Breuning talks about how we all have the power to control our brain chemicals—so we can tame anxiety and actively move towards happier thoughts and feelings. In this episode, Dr. Breuning shares her 3-step “taming tool”...
Published 07/26/19
Some people seem to have all the luck. You know, those people for whom opportunities just magically appear out of thin air? They always get that callback, that big promotion just lands in their lap, AND they get the girl. Is it just luck or is there more to it? In this week’s episode, my guest Karla Starr and I discuss a very serious question: can you create your own luck? We talk about the subtle things that lucky people do differently, why just showing up is often the key to success,...
Published 07/16/19
For many of us, the idea of ditching our job and traveling the world for years at a time seems like a pipe dream reserved for the rich. But if you have the right mindset—and budget wisely—pretty much anyone can quit the cube life, grab a pack and hit the road. My guest today has spent the last 10 years traveling the world as a 21st century nomad. In that time, he not only survived but also built up a budget travel empire that continues to grow. In this episode we talk about the...
Published 07/09/19
Even if you were exposed to classic literature in school, unless you’re a scholar you probably aren’t reading 500-year-old books on a regular basis. But my guest today argues that the great books of the Western Canon still have a lot to teach us. Scott Hambrick is the founder and reader-in-chief at Online Great Books, an online community developing classically educated men and women using the Great Books of Western Civilization. In this episode, we talk about why the great books are...
Published 07/02/19
If you’re at all familiar with the world of men’s websites, you’ve probably heard of today’s guest—Brett McKay of the Art of Manliness. Brett originally started the Art of Manliness while in law school as something fun to do in his spare time. He’s since grown the site into the largest independent men’s interest magazine on the web. In this episode, we discuss the challenges that men face in the 21st century, why the term “manliness” is often misunderstood, the importance of mentorship...
Published 06/25/19
Some stats say that seventy percent of Americans aren’t passionate about the work they do. And there are a lot of people on the internet selling the dream of “quit your day job and pursue your passion.” But sometimes the actual steps to get there are a little fuzzy. Even with conventional career searches, there’s a lot of bad advice out there. My guest today, Ken Coleman has created a proven framework that gives you a specific roadmap for how to get closer to doing the work you love. In...
Published 06/16/19
When you hear the word “improv” probably your first though is those brave actors who get up in front of a live audience, without a script, without a plan, and still manage to pull together a scene out of thin air that makes people laugh. But it turns out honing your improv skills isn’t just about comedy. Becoming a skilled improvisor can be a huge asset in business, not to mention other high stakes environments like sports, combat, and even in social situations. In this episode, my...
Published 06/04/19
In the age of social media, it’s now almost impossible to separate personal life from business. Whether we realize it or not, all of us have our own personal brands. But if you’re an entrepreneur—or solopreneur as the case may be—the question of whether you should inject your own personality into your business is even more of a consideration. Today in the podcast, I talk with Chris Ducker about why everyone needs to lean in to embracing their personal brand. We discuss how The Rise of...
Published 05/21/19
As men, there are a lot of false ideals that, if we believe them, can sometimes trip us up. One of the big myths is that men need to go it alone—to make it on their own, with no help from anyone. Don’t get me wrong, self-reliance and the ability to look out for yourself is a noble thing. But the truth is, no man is going to reach his full potential without surrounding himself with other men who are also trying to better themselves—guys who can support him, challenge him, help him...
Published 05/17/19
The word “millionaire” is definitely a loaded term. For most people, it conjures up images of the wildly rich. You know, those people who, instead of working real jobs, while away their days partying on their mega yachts or continent-hopping in their private jets? But the truth is, being a millionaire is usually less exciting than that. Today, my guest Chris Hogan shares how becoming a millionaire is far more attainable than most people think. We discuss some of the biggest myths...
Published 05/11/19
As much we’d like to think that age doesn't matter when it comes to style, the fact is, we have different needs at different stages in our lives. I’ve heard from a lot of subscribers who get to a certain age, and suddenly they aren’t sure how to dress. Can I still pull off the jeans/t-shirt/sneaker look, or do I need to rethink my wardrobe now? In this episode, John Galfano talks about how guys 40 and over can dress their best. We discuss how to strike that balance between being...
Published 05/02/19
It’s hard enough to maintain a fitness routine with your regular schedule. But it’s even more difficult when you throw work travel into the mix. Just when it seems like your exercise regimen is totally locked in, BOOM, you’re off to Omaha for a 3-day conference...or stuck in Seattle at week-long sales meeting. Today on the podcast, Tim Liu shares how you can defy the odds and still manage to stay fit while traveling. Tim and I discuss how mindset can play a huge part in setting you up for...
Published 04/23/19
Lathering up with a shave brush and shaving with an old school safety razor seems like a quintessential ritual for the modern man. But for guys who’ve used cartridge razors or electric razors their whole lives, traditional wet shaving can seem a little mysterious. What gear do I need? What’s the proper technique? How do I not cut the hell out of my face? Where do I even start? In this episode, shaving expert Mantic59 breaks down everything you need to know about wet shaving, including:...
Published 04/17/19
Years from now when you look back on your life, do you want to just see a series of missed opportunities...risks not taken...near brushes with greatness? Or do you want to be able to say, “I was there in the front row...soaking up every second of it.”? My guest today, Jon Vroman, inspires others to Live Life In The Front Row by teaching the art of moment making. He is an award-winning keynote speaker, podcast host and #1 bestselling author of The Front Row Factor: Transform Your Life with...
Published 04/10/19
A lot of guys view basic grooming much like mowing the lawn--something that just has to be done so things don’t get out of control. But some men have learned that investing more in their grooming can have a far bigger effect: It can help them build confidence and create momentum in many other areas of their lives. My guest today knows a thing or two about how grooming can change your life. Eric Bandholz is the Founder and Creative Director of Beardbrand, a bootstrapped men’s grooming...
Published 03/30/19
Everyone knows that exercise is important. But for many of us, myself included, the barbell world can sometimes seem a little intimidating. If I’m at the gym, and I see some guy lifting a bar that weighs as much as my refrigerator, I’m thinking “I definitely can’t do that.” But would I even want to? Yes, I want to be in good shape, but how important is it really to increase my strength? In this episode Matt Reynolds, Scott Hambrick and I talk about why everyone needs to get strong. We talk...
Published 03/20/19
As I’ve said before, we don’t automatically become men when we reach a certain age. For the beginning of our lives, we act like children. And it’s only when we put in the work—when we are tested—does our character develop and we find our way to becoming grown men. My guest today, John Kim, knows a thing or two making that transformation. Not only has he learned through his own life challenges, but he’s gone on to help thousands of other men navigate their journeys as well. In this...
Published 03/14/19
Having big goals is important, but often the best way to achieve success is by focusing on tiny incremental gains every day. Measuring Inches instead of miles. Pennies, not dollars. Today, my guest Tommy Baker talks about the counterintuitive strategy of making small but consistent improvements in your life. Tommy and I discuss why it’s critical to “fall in love with the process,” why you need to make progress towards your goal every day--even if it’s tiny--and how that consistency can...
Published 03/04/19
You've heard it a million times: "Know thyself." Yet it's such a nebulous phrase that in many ways it's almost meaningless. In today’s solo episode I share a small lens through which you can start knowing yourself. So you can at least begin getting a better understanding of who you are and what makes you tick--because, as a man, that is extremely important. Show notes: http://www.thedistilledman.com/044. Rate and review the episode at http://www.thedistilledman.com/itunes.
Published 02/26/19
There are many things in life we can influence, but one thing we can’t control is our height. For a man in the US, average height is around 5’ 10.” And where we end up in relation to that marker can often have a big impact on our lives. In today’s episode, Seth Ulinksi and I talk about the subtle, and sometimes not-so-subtle, impact of height bias and heightism in our culture. We discuss the real-life challenges shorter men face, and how they can overcome them. Show notes:...
Published 02/14/19