On February 1, 2024, the “old” GMAT is going away and the new GMAT Focus Edition is the version of the business school entrance exam that MBA hopefuls will take as part of the admission process moving forward. In this episode we take a deep-dive look a the new GMAT exam from a psychometric standpoint, meaning the intellectual abilities and skills GMAT Focus tests and the psychological traits built into the makeup of the exam.  Specifically, we analyze the GMAT Focus Edition on five...
Published 01/22/24
Published 01/22/24
The Scholastic Assessment Test (SAT), the granddaddy of all standardized tests, is finally joining the digital age. International students have already been able to take the SAT on a computer; as of March 2024, the new Digital SAT will permanently replace pencil-and-paper exams worldwide. The SAT is evolving — and that's a good thing says Mike Bergin, President & Owner of Chariot Learning. Mike joins this episode to help us prepare for this brave new world of college admissions testing....
Published 11/20/23
There are a number of ways to prepare for your standardized test, one of which is to hire a tutor. Is going the tutoring route right for you? If so, how can you choose a tutor that’s the best fit for your particular learning style? In this episode we explore key aspects of effective tutoring with MyGuru founder Mark Skoskiewicz. Specifically, we discuss: The type of student tutoring is ideally suited forThe type of student who might be better off with a course, self-study, or another form of...
Published 06/01/23
Getting an MBA is challenging under the best of circumstances. When you’re a mother of two, that adds an extra layer of complexity. And if you choose a business school in another country where classes are conducted in your non-native language? Well, some would say you’re a glutton for punishment! But that’s exactly the path that Yurany Hernandez chose — and she has found the experience to be incredibly rewarding. Yurany, who hails from Colombia and is finishing up her degree at NYU Stern...
Published 04/25/23
Big changes are coming to the main standardized test you need to take when applying for an MBA, and we're here to break it down for you. Specifically, the GMAC announced that it will be replacing the GMAT, which has been the gold standard exam for students pursuing an advanced business degree for nearly 70 years, with a new version of the test called the GMAT Focus Edition. We're joined in this episode by Barbara Coward, founder of MBA 360 Admissions, to dissect this monumental news....
Published 03/12/23
It's common to hit a plateau as you're preparing for your standardized test. Your momentum stalls, your practice test scores stop going up, and no matter how much you keep studying, you don't seem to be making any progress. The key to getting un-stuck so that you can get off your prep plateau and continue growing toward your goals lies in the "Growth Formula" as laid out by Brad Stulberg and Steve Magness in Peak Performance. In this episode we dissect their formula and reveal what may just...
Published 01/25/23
It's easy to feel like more is better when it comes to preparing for your standardized test. More instructional videos. More practice problems. Another book. Another course. But the reality is that more is not always better on high-stakes exams, as it can lead to uncertainty -- and therefore wrong answers -- during the time pressure of test day. Instead, we explain in this episode why it's important to have "one voice" as you're learning the underlying content and test-taking strategies in...
Published 09/28/22
Performing well on your standardized test becomes a whole lot easier if you can read faster while retaining more of what you read. As guest Bara Sapir, developer of the MindFlow Speed Reading Program, explains, that's a skill that can be developed with improved technique and practice — and by letting go of some of the common "bad" reading habits that you've likely developed to this point in your academic journey. If you're eager to get a leg up on the reading comprehension portion of your...
Published 08/29/22
It seems like there's never enough time to do all the things we want to in life. That can be especially true when it comes to preparing for your standardized test. You're busy: job, family, school, hobbies, etc. And yet, you need to carve out sufficient time to study effectively for your exam. But how? That's exactly the concern submitted by one of our students, Madeline, who wrote: "I am concerned about having enough time to study. I work full time (most weeks, more than 40 hrs a...
Published 07/28/22
Graduate schools generally have more than one application deadline throughout the year, and when you apply often impacts your likelihood of being admitted. Indeed, it's more important than ever that you apply as early as possible in the admission cycle, according to Linda Abraham, founder of Accepted -- especially given the expected increase in application volume resulting from trends in the current economic landscape. In this episode, Linda elaborates on that thesis as we discuss: The...
Published 06/28/22
Darius Whitted was the first person in his family to go to college. Then, as if that weren't enough, he went on to earn his MBA from the Thomas School of Business at UNC Pembroke, graduating this Spring. Those accomplishments are impressive in their own right, to be sure. But what makes Darius's educational journey even more remarkable is that Darius has been paralyzed since the age of three. In this episode of The Dominate Test Prep Podcast, Darius shares his inspiring story of overcoming...
Published 05/26/22
The Graduate Management Admission Council (GMAC) recently released the results of its Prospective Students Survey 2022, a tool used to provide graduate business schools with critical insights into the decision-making processes of people currently considering applying to a graduate management education (GME) program. Many of the findings are valuable for applicants as well, as they shed light on current trends in the business school industry and paint a picture of the education landscape...
Published 05/13/22
The Executive Assessment (EA) is different from other standardized tests in a number of important ways. As such, the way you need to prepare for the EA is distinct in several key respects as well. In this episode we highlight those unique aspects of the exam and lay out a game plan for preparing for the Executive Assessment, including: The "EA Success Triad" -- three interrelated components that are integral to studying effectively for the EA;Key differentiators between the Executive...
Published 04/28/22
Love 'em or dread 'em, practice tests are an essential and invaluable part of preparing well for your standardized test. They reveal your strengths and weaknesses, help you hone your time management, get you comfortable with the testing experience, and so much more. Yes, practice tests are important -- but only if you use them correctly. In this episode of The Dominate Test Prep Podcast, we'll show you how. Joined by special guest Vinay Narang of GMAT Genius, we cover: The role that practice...
Published 03/08/22
Applying to business school? You'll likely need to take either the GMAT or Executive Assessment (EA) for admission. The two exams are similar in many ways, as the EA was developed by the same organization that created and administers the GMAT exam. But the EA and GMAT are also very different in several key ways -- and understanding those differences is crucial for you in deciding which exam to prepare for. In this episode we provide a brief history of each test so that you better understand...
Published 02/22/22
We've all been there: You're cruising along on your exam, slaying questions, feeling good, and then boom, you're presented with a question that you're not quite sure how to answer. Your mind goes blank. You can't figure out how to make inroads. You're stuck. So what do you do? You follow the 5-step game plan that we lay out in this episode to get unstuck on challenging questions. These tips and strategies won't guarantee that you'll get a right answer; some questions are just plain hard....
Published 01/31/22
The American Bar Association (ABA) made a major ruling earlier this month allowing law schools to accept the GRE in lieu of the LSAT for admissions decisions. While this opens the door to a larger potential applicant pool, there are a lot of factors you need to consider when determining whether to take the LSAT or GRE when applying to law school. To dissect this major announcement by the ABA and help you make the best decision possible for which standardized test to take, we're joined in...
Published 12/17/21
There's no doubt that consistency is crucial when it comes to preparing effectively for your standardized test. Miss even a few days, and it can feel like you're starting all over again when you do get back on track with your studying. But how can you ensure that you're taking consistent daily action? We tackle that head-on in this "mailbag" episode of The Dominate Test Prep Podcast as we address the following request from loyal-listener Nina: "If you could please give me a few tips on...
Published 11/18/21
Achieving the highest levels of education is challenging even under the best of circumstances. But if you’re dealing with a learning disability or other life challenges? Then it can be even harder. Yet, success is possible — even likely — if you adopt the right mindset and take advantage of the opportunities and accommodations afforded to you on your journey. In this episode, hear the inspiring story of Dr. Shirag Shemmassian, founder of Shemmassian Academic Consulting, who overcame Tourette...
Published 10/14/21
Be honest. Do any of these sentiments about standardized tests resonate with you? "Standardized tests are pointless.""I'm so much more than my test score.""I know I'm smart, I'm just not a good test taker.""Studying for this exam is ruining my life.""Can't I show my readiness some other way?"Or, as one person commented on our YouTube channel: "The GRE is stupid!"Whatever your beliefs about the standardized test you're preparing for, at some point you've likely questioned why you have to take...
Published 09/22/21
The MBA degree is often thought of as helping people advance their careers in the corporate world. But is it also beneficial for entrepreneurs? In the case of Daniel Bernal and Tingting Miao, co-founders of Flora Colombia, the answer is a resounding yes! In this episode they share their fascinating story of meeting at EDHEC Business School, conceiving the idea of going into business together, and applying lessons from their MBA to the "real world" of running an international e-commerce...
Published 08/24/21
There's nothing quite like a college campus. Each one is so unique and different -- some in the city, some more rural; some with gothic architecture, some modern; some with a vibrant party scent, others more academic-focused. Like different flavors of ice cream, each campus appeals to different types of people. And that's why it's so important that you visit the campuses of the schools you're planning to apply to see if the particular "flavor" is right for you. In this episode, educational...
Published 08/03/21
Application essays are an important part of the admissions process for all levels of higher education. Nearly all programs will ask you to write at least one "long" essay on a topic of their choosing. But many schools will also include one or more "short" essay prompts -- either required or optional -- that provide you with an opportunity to share additional bits of information about your candidacy. And don't be fooled! Just because these essays are short, they still require careful...
Published 07/20/21
If you've taken the same standardized test multiple times and your score isn't improving appreciably, you might be wondering whether there's still hope for you or if perhaps you've reached your upper limit. That's the question we address in this "mailbag" episode of The Dominate Test Prep Podcast in response to Dan, who sent the following e-mail: "After writing the [GMAT] exam 3 times, I am beginning to wonder if the 700 is just wishful thinking. Is it worth trying one more time?" There are...
Published 07/07/21