The lottery mentality is a limiting belief that suggests success and abundance are solely based on luck or chance rather than on hard work, perseverance, and a mindset of abundance.  In a world where instant gratification and the allure of overnight success are constantly promoted, it's easy to fall into a lottery mentality bias.  Find out how to break free from the lottery mentality bias and learn how you can cultivate a mindset and attitude that can transform your thinking and unleash your...
Published 05/03/24
Published 05/03/24
Do you ever experience a deep sense of knowing? Maybe you’ve always felt you know what will happen before it occurs, or you know how others are feeling without them telling you. This sense of knowing comes from your intuition. My guest, John Holland, believes that we’re all psychic. He’s here to help us learn more about harnessing our inner guidance. John Holland is one of the most highly respected psychic mediums in the U.S. He is also a spiritual teacher, author, and founder of My Soul...
Published 04/30/24
Developed or less developed countries are classified based on a complex interplay of economic, social, and political factors. According to the United Nations, this classification reflects their basic economic conditions.  Understanding the differences between developed and less developed countries is essential for fostering empathy, promoting global cooperation and working towards a more equitable world.  Learn about economic and social indicators and challenges and how to use this knowledge...
Published 04/26/24
Original airdate: November 16, 2021 Many of us remember looking up at the stars as kids and wondering, “What IS out there?”  As we grow older, we try to seek answers by flipping through science magazines or following NASA’s newsfeed. According to my guest, Abigail Harrison, this is not only a healthy curiosity but also an excellent source of inspiration and wonder. Abigail Harrison, fondly known as “Astronaut Abby,” is an aspiring astronaut, author and co-founder of the international...
Published 04/23/24
Our society tends to glamorize overnight success. But success, especially the type that lasts, is a long game.  Whether you are an entrepreneur starting a new venture or an individual working towards personal goals, you must learn how to pace yourself for success.  Learn the art of patience and take your journey toward success to new heights by applying these five strategies in your life.
Published 04/19/24
Awakening is the greatest adventure we can undertake as human beings. My guest, Steve Taylor, says it’s a voyage of discovery that reveals exhilarating beauty and richness but may also expose us to challenges. As travelers, cultivating certain characteristics and perspectives can make our voyage more fruitful. Today, Steve will guide us on this path of enlightenment. Steve Taylor, PhD, is the author of The Adventure: A Practical Guide to Spiritual Awakening and many other bestselling books....
Published 04/16/24
Honesty is often emphasized as a foundational element in building and maintaining healthy relationships. However, finding the right balance between brutal honesty and loving honesty can be a delicate task.  Brutal honesty can lead to misunderstandings and hurt feelings, but sugarcoating can lead to a lack of relationship authenticity.  This article explores the fine line between brutal honesty and loving honesty and how to strike the right balance to cultivate healthier and happier...
Published 04/12/24
Original airdate: May 31, 2022 So many of us undervalue our own experience and overlook the wisdom that can support us daily. These habits of self-sabotage knock the wind out of our sails and keep us searching and grasping for what we have already realized. One way to overcome this is to see life as a unique epic journey and become aware of the transformation we experience through its peaks and valleys. To help us find inspiration, I invited Amy Edelstein. Amy Edelstein is the author of six...
Published 04/09/24
Achieving success is an exhilarating journey filled with highs, lows, and unexpected twists. It is not a linear path but a dynamic and unpredictable journey.  Whether you're an entrepreneur, a professional, or an artist, mastering success requires unique skills and strategies.  In this article, we will explore how to handle the ups and downs of achievement, equipping you with the knowledge and tools to navigate through any challenge that comes your way.
Published 04/05/24
The road to success isn't straight or simple. We will encounter obstacles, deviations and unexpected turns of events. But, often, the challenges we face don't come from the outside world but from within. My guest Lauren Zander says that we need to get out of our own way if we want to create the life we want with all our hearts. She's here to offer guidance on how to navigate our way through these blocks. Lauren Zander is the Co-Founder and Chairwoman of Handel Group®, an executive life...
Published 04/02/24
The exploration of human development has always fascinated researchers and scholars in the complex and ever-evolving field of psychology.  By understanding the stages of development, we can uncover the influences that shape our personalities, the critical milestones that mark our growth, and the factors that contribute to our mental well-being.  Learn about the different stages of development based on the works of well-known psychologists and how to apply the knowledge in your everyday life. 
Published 03/29/24
Original airdate: December 1, 2020 All of us want to find true love that lasts a lifetime. But the journey to finding the right person is anything but simple, especially in modern dating, where it’s easy to get stuck in unhealthy relationships. But, according to Susan Winter, a love coach and my guest today, we can all attract healthy love by shifting how we think and approach relationships. Susan is an internationally recognized relationship expert, bestselling author, and YouTube sensation....
Published 03/26/24
Cosmology is the study of the universe's origin, structure, and evolution at the scale of many millions of light-years.  The vastness of the cosmos is both humbling and awe-inspiring, presenting many untouched frontiers for scientists to explore.  But did you know that cosmology can also teach us valuable life lessons? Here are five lessons we can learn from exploring the cosmos that can enhance our understanding of ourselves and the world around us with insights that can enrich our everyday...
Published 03/22/24
Nonverbal communication skills refer to the ability to communicate without the use of words. Over 80% of our communication is expressed nonverbally, making it a vital part of understanding what others are saying as well as communicating our own thoughts and feelings more effectively. Body language expert Linda Clemons is here to show us how to decode non-verbal cues. Linda Clemons, CEO of Sisterpreneur Inc., is one of the top sales and nonverbal communications experts in the world. She is an...
Published 03/19/24
The compound effect is the principle that when we consistently engage in small actions or habits, they compound over time to produce remarkable results.  Contrary to popular opinion, lasting change and success are rarely an overnight phenomenon. Instead, the small, seemingly insignificant habits we cultivate can create significant and lasting transformations over time.  In this episode, you'll learn more about the compound effect, including some practical strategies for incorporating it into...
Published 03/15/24
Original airdate: January 10, 2023 Have you ever wanted something so badly you couldn't get it off your mind? Whether it was a person, an opportunity, or a specific outcome, it consumed you. You may have tried everything and still weren't where you wanted to be, leaving you hopeless and frustrated. According to my guest Kute Blackson, the inner struggle we experience is unnecessary. We can move through the uncertainties of life when we embrace the path of spiritual surrender. In this...
Published 03/12/24
Anger is a powerful emotion that can lead to conflicts in relationships. It often begins with a subtle feeling of irritation and gradually escalates to extreme and chronic levels of rage.  An awareness of the triggers, the different stages of anger, and what each one looks like is crucial in gaining a deeper understanding of anger.  These coping mechanisms will equip you with the knowledge to navigate the stages of anger, cultivate healthier reactions, and resolve anger-related conflicts.
Published 03/08/24
Ikigai is a Japanese phenomenon that roughly translates to “your reason for living,” but in reality, it means so much more. It includes the small everyday things as well as big goals and achievements. According to my guest Ken Mogi, Ikigai is the path to success and happiness in your own life. He is here to illustrate what he means by this. Ken Mogi is a neuroscientist, writer, and broadcaster based in Tokyo. He has published over thirty papers on cognitive science and neuroscience, and over...
Published 03/05/24
Wishing is something we did a lot as kids. This hopeful and idealistic state of wanting was seen as charming and acceptable then, but after we grew up, most people dismissed it, calling it naïve.  However, wishing, when done right, can be a powerful technique in the manifestation process. This heart-centered practice can align our inner worlds with what we want to attract in our lives.  Learn more about the power of wishes and other manifestation techniques and exercises to achieve your...
Published 03/01/24
Original airdate: August 11, 2021 We’re all born whole, complete, and undivided. In other words, we’re born with integrity. But nature often clashes with culture. We may abandon parts of ourselves to please others, and in this way, we leave integrity and get off our path. My guest today, Dr. Martha Beck, will help us find our way back to full integrity based on the principles from her newest New York Times Best Selling book. “The Way of Integrity: Finding the Path to Your True Self.” Martha...
Published 02/27/24
History serves as a reminder of our shared humanity and continuous social evolution. It highlights the power of human ingenuity, resilience and collective progress.  By unraveling the different historical eras that shaped our world, we can learn about the triumphs and failures of our ancestors, gain a broader perspective on the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead, and find the wisdom to shape a better future.  Take a captivating journey through time to some of the most memorable eras...
Published 02/23/24
Do you sometimes feel like you’re holding yourself back from greater success, prosperity and joy? Many of us spend our entire lives struggling with different forms of self-sabotage - often with no end or solution in sight. But, according to my guest, Marisa Peer, there is a way to shift your thinking and ways of being that work for you instead of against you. She’s here to share her wisdom with us. Marisa Peer is the founder and creator of Rapid Transformational Therapy® (RTT®)—a new and...
Published 02/20/24
Many of us grew up believing that only those with talent are destined for greatness and are born with gifts we can't replicate.  This misconception creates a barrier for those who feel they lack talent and discourages them from pursuing their dreams. But talent is not a fixed trait. It’s a skill that comes from creativity and hard work.  Anyone, including you, can tap into their creative potential and harness their determination to achieve greatness. In this episode, you’ll Learn the key...
Published 02/16/24
Original airdate: June 15, 2021 The ability to interpret, express and respond to our emotions is essential for success. Some experts say that it’s even more important than our IQ.  Unfortunately, not many of us were taught how to identify and process our emotions, which can make life much harder. To tell us more about how we can build our emotional intelligence, I invited Dr. Marc Brackett, who wrote a popular book on this topic called “Permission to Feel.” Dr. Marc Brackett is the founding...
Published 02/13/24