15 minute excerpt from Raymond Kurzweil's March 5, 2008, lecture at the University of Arizona. Raymond Kurzweil, who appeard via Teleportec Teleporter, is Founder, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Kurzweil Technologies.
Published 04/29/08
Abstract: Our human mind distinguishes us from other animal life-or does it? Recent research has revealed culture and social learning, tool use, complex communication, self-recognition, and planning for the future are not unique to the human experience. With these new findings, science is finally getting closer to understanding exactly what makes us human. February 13, 2008.
Published 03/07/08
Abstract: Science now knows we've taken away enough land from nature to precipitate a mass extinction like the one that exterminated the dinosaurs 65 million years ago. Using reconciliation ecology, we can prevent this - and preserve life. February 6, 2008.
Published 03/06/08
Abstract: Although all life on the Earth is biochemically the same, it can assume exotic forms and occupy extreme ecological niches. What does this knowledge teach us about the potential of life on exotic worlds? To detect and recognize life beyond Earth will require an understanding of the full range of possibilities of what might truly be called life. January 30, 2008
Published 03/06/08
Published 03/06/08
Abstract: Nothing looms with more certainty than the final edge of one's own life. But in fact, the edge between life and death is anything but clear. This lecture will address the attempts that have been made to define the line between life and death and will explore the biological, legal, ethical, and spiritual debates that have raged around that line. February 20, 2008.
Published 03/06/08