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Hanna-Mari Kirs
The Empathic Advantage
Empowerment for the Entrepreneurial Empath
The Empathic Advantage is a podcast dedicated to empowering empathic entrepreneurs and leaders compelled to do things differently. I’m asking: how would the world change if everyone with a more empathic outlook on life dared to bring their whole selves to everything they do? What would the world be like if the business landscape was shaped by more empaths? We’ll discuss strategies to start, grow and scale your aligned business. We’ll talk money, mindset, mental health, and how to remain centered and grounded, and–most importantly–yourself through the challenges. The world needs empaths...
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Recent Episodes
Nervous system regulation is all the rage these days. But what does it really mean for the empathic entrepreneur? What does it mean for us to take care of ourselves so that we can truly put our best work out there? What's a sign of a looming burnout many of us don't even notice? Kendall...
Published 02/23/24
When I first came across the idea of an infinite mindset, it was one of these moments that I can point to and say, yes, that changed how I do things forever. That's what I'll be talking about in today's episode. Listen in to hear: * What is an infinite mindset * What's the difference between...
Published 02/02/24
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