Can we provide animals with the same access to a sense of enjoyment that we as humans value so much? - Hintze & Yee (2022) If we are looking to rehab and train and thus improve performance we need the horse to be working at an intensity that stimulates adaptation. So what if the horse could be happy to increase effort and be in a 'flow state' whilst they do it? I don't know the answers but wanted to share a few thoughts about my recent exploration into the human psychological theories...
Published 01/18/23
In this episode I talk about lameness, asymmetry, straightness and the holy grail of training! Check out my social media to if you'd like to start a discussion on the points I raise - www.facebook.com/drgilliantaborphysio & www.instagram.com/drgilliantaborphysio Please do share a photo/screenshot on your social media, I would love to see where you are listening!
Published 12/28/22
Originally released as part of the Stable Science Podcast - see www.drdavidmarlin.com for a lot more on evidence-based horse management and training
Published 12/14/22
Why might your horse have difficultly building muscle? This podcast was previously shared on the Stable Science Podcast - visit www.drdavidmarlin.com for lots more content!
Published 12/07/22
In this episode I talk about why I think adding positive reinforcement to conventional training is the way forward! Check out my social media to see me and my horse in action - www.facebook.com/drgilliantaborphysio & www.instagram.com/drgilliantaborphysio
Published 10/15/22
What is the autonomic nervous system and how does it effect our horses?  In this podcast I talk about the flight and fight, rest and digest elements of horse behaviour and ask the question - is the being in a high arousal state always a concern? Can it be beneficial in rehab and training. I have a lot to learn about the topic of motivation and ideas such as flow state, and how they can be applied to horses but I think there is so much that can translated. What do you think?
Published 09/28/22
My thoughts on using a wide range of movement and movement options during rehab and training
Published 09/21/22
The second part of my review of summer 2022
Published 09/13/22
Something a little different!  Reflection and chat about some amazing opportunities and experiences I have had over the last couple of months.
Published 08/23/22
What should you do in the week or days before a big event. The big event may be the olympics but it may also be a clinic you travel to or a pleasure ride. What ever it may be it usually represents an increase effort compared to your horse's normal day to day level of activity. In this podcast I talk about ways to ensure you are ready for the event, you have the greatest level of performance there and you do not increase the risk of injury for your horse. Follow me on social media...
Published 05/20/22
We know that to progress and adapt the musculoskeletal system the body has to work a bit harder. But how hard and how do you know if you are working your horse too hard or not hard enough? In this podcast I talk about the concepts of working to failure and working with 2 reps in reserve. Follow me on social media facebook.com/drgilliantaborphysio and instagram.com/drgilliantaborphysio   To contact me for 1:1 support for rehab or training visit www.gilliantabor.co.uk
Published 05/06/22
How do you attach a lunge line to a bridle?  Simple questions but it seems not such a simple answer! Hand walking is important for rehab so in this episode I talk through a few options to help you decide how to attach a lunge line to a bridle. Find me at www.gilliantabor.co.uk and www.facebook.com/drgilliantaborphysio & www.instagram.com/drgilliantaborphysio
Published 04/27/22
What do you put on your horse for ground work - if a) you do ground work and b) you aren't at liberty?! In this episode I talk through the options - head collar, rope halter, bridle or cavesson.  I explain which my preferred choice is, but I would rather you did groundwork, in-hand or lunge work with anything than not doing it at all! Follow me on social media @drgilliantaborphysio or visit my website here: www.gilliantabor.co.uk
Published 04/20/22
What type of exercise should you do with your horse? This week I talk about a range of options for different of exercise sessions, based on your horse's individual circumstances and your goals.  This is just one of the factors you can vary during training and needs to be considered when progressing rehab and training for performance.
Published 04/06/22
How low should you work your horse for? This week I talk about the duration of exercise sessions, linking this to the intensity or amount of effort your horses is using during the training.  This is just one of the factors you can vary during training and needs to be considered when progressing rehab and training for performance.
Published 03/30/22
How hard should you work your horse? In this episode I discuss the intensity or effort in your horses rehab or training. Using principles adapted from human sports training, we can work out what is best for each individual horse, and their own individual situation. Find out more about how I can help you with your horse at www.gilliantabor.co.uk or on instagram and facebook @drgilliantaborphysio
Published 03/23/22
How often should you work your horse? In this episode I discuss how to plan the number of times you work your horse each day, week or month.  Using principles adapted from human sports training, we can work out what is best for each individual horse, and their own individual situation. Find out more about how I can help you with your horse at www.gilliantabor.co.uk or on instagram and facebook @drgilliantaborphysio
Published 03/16/22
Slightly different type of podcast this week as I reflect on a few things that have shaped my week. Find me @drgilliantaborphysio on instagram and facebook, and at www.gilliantabor.co.uk
Published 03/11/22
Pain and Stress effect posture of a horse.  In this episode I talk about these two major factors that influence the horse's body. There are lots of reasons a horse moves the way it does, such as conformation and training, but we can positively effect the horse if we address pain and stress.  These should be first on our list so that we can retrain movement with optimal posture and positive tension.  This will result in a happier horse, with a relaxed supple movement which is needed for...
Published 03/02/22
If your horse has been diagnosed with kissing spines, what are your options for treatment In this episode I talk about conservative and surgical treatments. Whilst not a vet, I am involved in the discussions with vets and clients, and have a good knowledge of the veterinary literature. All horses are individuals and their is no one answer however knowing the options is the best support to decision making for the best outcome for your horse. PS medication and or surgery are only part of the...
Published 02/16/22
Can you prevent kissing spines? In this episode I talk about prevention, in view of what we know about causes.  Is it possible to reduce the risk of pain from spinous process impingement and is there anything we can do to help our horses? This is the third in my series of podcasts on kissing spines, look out for the next on treatments. If you are interested in finding out if I can help you with your rehab journey, please get in touch @drgilliantaborphysio and www.gilliantabor.co.uk
Published 02/09/22
Why do horses get kissing spines? What are the risks factors for changes in the spine to become painful? In this episode I talk about the potential causes - or risk factors and whether we can do anything about them.  I give an overview of what we know from the research and what would be good to study, so that we can be sure. This is the second in my series of podcasts on kissing spines, look out for the next on prevention. If you are interested in finding out if I can help you with your...
Published 02/03/22
What is the best rehab after treatment for kissing spines?  Is there a best programme? There are so many questions such as when can you start lunging or long-reining or ride? And when should you do carrot stretches?  In this episode I talk the fundamental principles for kissing spine rehab and what your plan, for your horse should be based on.  Unfortunately there is not a simple recipe or plan that can be given out, even if it was different for each type of treatment.  However there are...
Published 01/26/22
When should you progress your horse's training or rehab plan?  It is difficult to know when the right time is and I can guarantee it is not at the exact time your programme says!   In this episode I talk about knowing when you can progress based on achievements - or milestones.  Each time you reach a stage, there should be a few items ticked off a check list that give you confidence your horse is ready to progress. If you can't progress, you may need to regress, or stay at the same level for...
Published 01/19/22