We often talk about growth as some race to the top. A climb of the ladder, an improvement of our skills, but that narrative actually misses a core aspect of our evolution. Developing our ability to hold and make use of our new capacities.  Nele is an organisational psychologist and coach who specialises in vertical development. We dive into what vertical development even is. Why do we need it? And what you can do to make space for it on your journey consciously.
Published 03/04/24
Published 03/04/24
Performance and productivity are two important words in today’s work environment. And also, two charged words, because - what do they actually mean? Many of us will have experienced some kind of arbitrary, unfair, strange administrative process that attempts to evaluate the work that we do.  With Linda, we take a scientific and neurological perspective to human thriving and guides organizations on how to uncover sustainable human potential and performance. 
Published 11/27/23
What does a humanitarian business such as the British Red Cross do to ensure they’re also human-centric on the inside when creating an experience for their people? Well, they commit to a dedicated people experience team and start their journey of introducing a way of working that puts the employee at the heart of everything. Applying a human-centric approach, whilst delivering benefit for the people involved and showcasing the methods and mindset along the way, all the whilst using the...
Published 11/08/23
The cognitive and rational mind dominates our conversation about performance in the workplace, but unlocking our full potential and abilities - and doing so sustainably over time - demands us to engage more than our brains.  Only when we listen, learn to understand, and respond to the signals that our body sends us, are we able to actually enhance our contribution, health and well-being. 
Published 10/24/23
The humble job interview. Did you know that the first offical job assessment was creating in 1921 by Thomas Edison who designed a written test to evaluate candidates' knowledge. Since then it’s safe to say, the interview has gone various developments. But at the core, it’s two humans coming together. Where so much is going on from a psychological, bias and human perspective.  But it’s not until you really lean in and take a forensic lens that you truly start to understand where things can go...
Published 10/11/23
What distinguishes a well-functioning team from a friction-ridden one? How do we know what to spend time on as we start building a team? And what do we need to take ownership of as leaders and co-workers? With Eleni Jacobs we break down the concept of psychological safety and look at the conscious and unconscious dynamics that rule and create our teams - as a group and as individuals.
Published 09/25/23
When was the last time you felt discomfort?Did you notice how you reacted? Was it subtle shifts in your body? Or major knee-jerk! How did it feel? What level of discomfort was it? 1 out of 10? 10 out of 10? Regardless of the situation. What's clear is we have a reaction. Sometimes subtle, other times more profound and impactful. This is where the learning and growth opportunities exist in these moments and how we reflect and react.
Published 09/12/23
Design is a buzzword for everything from products to customer- and employee experiences. But beyond that, it is a mindset and skill-set that requires dedicated practice both by individuals and organizations.  With Andre Fangueiro we explore different facets of design, from individual behaviors to leadership, career development and organizational structures. What does it actually take to do design (successfully)?
Published 08/29/23
As employee experience continues to evolve from buzzword to creating impact inside of organizations. I was curious to explore the world of customer experience. How did they go from buzzword to a discipline, business function and career choice? What learnings can we leverage for the EX evolution? How can we make better use of connecting these two sides of the same coin to bring value to people and business?
Published 08/15/23
In this special episode Shani and Steve look back on their first year of running Wonder together and what it means to do life and business in a more human way. They share 10 big lessons they’ve learnt over the course of the year and the different facets of more human.
Published 08/01/23
In a quick-paced and demanding work environment, community is something many companies and individuals seek to build - to be less alone, to become more creative, to solve problems more effectively. With Anamaria Dorgo's unique voice and experience in community building, we explore what makes a good community. And how do we go about creating communities that add value to both the people in them and the world around them… 
Published 07/17/23
Theo Smith brings a unique lens to the workplace in the form of Neurodiversity. If you’re struggling to understand what this is or how it applies to your business - I promise you, it is relevant and already exists in your business. It’s just a matter of whether you understand it, are asking the right questions or prepared to adapt and evolve to it. 
Published 07/03/23
When we discuss communication we often end up speaking about strategies for talking to people, how we can convey information and create engagement, but we spend less time understanding how that interaction works and how different people both send and receive messages. Together with Josh Hammonds we try to decode different styles of communication and what that means both to how we talk and to how we listen. And we explore if there is even a “right” way to communicate or if we are all simply…...
Published 06/20/23
Our ability to collaborate and collaborate constructively is one of the key predictors of productivity, innovation and success overall.  Working well together is not just a set of skills, it is also a mindset. Together with Jim Tamm we explore what Radical Collaboration means and dive into the capabilities we need in order to take radical responsibility for how our teams and collective environments work… Hint, it has everything to do with looking at yourself in the mirror…
Published 06/06/23
Dieter Veldsmen is Chief Scientist - HR and Organizational Development at the Academy to Innovate HR based in the Netherlands means he’s perfectly positioned to share insights on the current trends and challenges. Together, we explore the increasing focus and need for more human-centricity, the shifts with labour unrest, and not being heard, resulting in diminishing trust. Moving away from traditional HR operating models, letting go of the past and embracing a new paradigm and ecosystem...
Published 05/24/23
In environments aimed towards productivity and reaching goals, wellbeing can easily be perceived as a distraction. When in fact, our wellness sets the tone for our relationships, our creativity and our ability to contribute.  Together with Teresa Clark, we explore different lenses of wellbeing, such as trust, feedback and creativity and how we can think and act to enable a deeper sense of wellbeing for ourselves and in our workplaces.
Published 05/10/23
Sally Winston from Qualtrics dives into the dynamic world of employee experience. We explore how employee listening has transformed from annual surveys to continuous insights, empowering organizations to make informed decisions on their time, resources, and budget. We also explore how employee experience evolves as a role and function in shaping the future employee journey. Finally, we share valuable and insightful tips for developing your listening program.
Published 04/24/23
Change is often approached with toolkits, frameworks and curves, something that we try to break down into comprehensible pieces to control. Instead, we can choose a different route - seeing change as a mindset, a capability or a state of being.  With Alex Budak we dive into the practices and skills we need to practice to live with and drive change in engaging and regenerative ways.
Published 04/11/23
Building a people function inside of a scale-up business is a tricky ask. Everything is being created in the moment. Very little stays consistent, and things change constantly. In this episode you'll meet Linnea Bywall, Head of People at Alva Labs. We explore her journey from being employee number 14 to building out their people function, sharing the key foundations, mistakes along the way and moments of vulnerability. 
Published 03/28/23
We talk a lot about how to create a meaningful life and strong connections and relationships, to increase our quality of life, but what happens to our needs and preferences when they are pushed to their extreme? When we know we are about to die do we choose any differently?  With Carina, we explore her observations of people’s last wishes in palliative care and how we can lead, plan and communicate in order to connect with others to create moments that matter - at any point in their life...
Published 03/13/23