Want to know how to share your pregnancy news with your employer and navigate parental leave?In this episode Kate Pollard from Circle In talks all things parental leave. Telling your employer and colleagues that you will be having a baby and would like to go on maternity or paternity leave can be a worrying experience. Kate shares her insights into how and when to tell your workplace and how to have conversations around what sort of working arrangements you would like to negotiate before...
Published 12/04/23
Every year sadly many babies lose their lives to SIDS. Today we talk with Tiffany Fryett Safe Sleep Expert from Red Nose, to help give you practical advice around setting up your nursery and implementing Red Nose Safe Sleep practices to help significantly reduce your changes and ensure your baby has a safe sleep space.
Published 11/27/23
A step-by-step guide on how to breastfeed your baby with Lactation Expert Rowena Gray
Published 11/20/23
Do you have a newborn or has a friend just given birth? This week's episode is jam-packed with newborn medical insights you need to know.  Paediatrician Dr Lexi Frydenberg discusses:- The importance of the 6-8 week newborn check - What healthcare practitioners are looking for at the 6-8 week check- What to do if your newborn is sick- What to have in your medicine cabinet - Signs you need to take your baby to the Emergency Department   Dr Lexi discusses many of the typical ‘newborn problems’...
Published 11/13/23
Come and learn what to expect in the early moments and days with your newborn from a Midwifes perspective.
Published 11/06/23
The impact birth has on the female body and how women can best recover. Pelvic and Women's Physio Expert Annette Beauchamp discusses: - What you must do in hospital and at home to recover after birth- Post birth tummies and abdominal separation- The importance of pelvic floor exercises and talk through how to do them- How to return to exercise safely- How to return to sex safelly- Bowels, bladders and pelvic organ prolapse.- Urine urgency and incontinence - Hemorrhoids and annual fissures-...
Published 10/30/23
Is there an optimal way to give birth and as a society do we have an obligation to educate women on the long-term health outcomes of both forms of delivery?   Today we have Obstetrician Dr Peter Jurcevic join us and we ask the question: is a vaginal delivery or c-section a better birth option?   In today's episode we ask what the pros and cons of both a vaginal and c-section birth are. We talk about birth pain, recovery and lifelong effects on a woman's anatomy and lifestyle, and pelvic and...
Published 10/23/23
35% of all Australian women will birth via Caesarean, but most birth education brushes over the subject as women don't think they will need one. In this week's episode we discuss Caesareans in detail with Obstetrician Expert Dr Peter Jurcevic. We cover: + What they are + What happens during a c-section + Why you may need or choose a Caesarean + Your options + Caesarean recovery. Make sure you subscribe to The Expert Guide To Parenthood Podcast and share this episode with all of your pregnant...
Published 10/16/23
Medical Induction and Assisted Deliveries with our Obstetrician and Gynecologist Expert Dr Peter Jurcevic
Published 10/09/23
We know that pain is inevitable for birth, but there is widespread confusion around the different pain relief options available and their impact on the mother and potentially the baby. This week we welcome back our regular expert guest Obstetrician Dr Peter Jurcevic to discuss pain relief options in labour and birth and their possible implications. We discuss natural pain relief options, TENS, nitrous oxide (gas), pethidine, morphine and the epidural. Are you pregnant and thinking ahead to...
Published 10/02/23
The essential information you need to understand the labour and the birth process with leading Midwife Expert Narelle Tsiros
Published 09/25/23
Over 315,705 babies are born in Australia every year. In this episode we discuss how best to prepare for birth and also gain a greater understanding around birth statistics and why we need to consider these when planning our birth. With two expert guests, Obstetrician & Gynaecologist Expert Dr Peter Jurcevic and our Midwife Expert Narelle Tsiros, this episode is jam-packed with essential information. It covers Lamaze birth principles, the preparation couples should undertake prior to baby...
Published 09/18/23
Pregnancy comes with so many different aches and pains as your amazing body adapts to grow your little one. In this week's episode we ask Obstetrician Dr Peter Jurcevic about what causes the common pregnancy ailments and how you may be able to get some relief. Listen in for tips for treating nausea and vomiting, heartburn and indigestion, varicose veins, pelvic girdle pain, cramps, melasma and more. If you are pregnant or hoping to be pregnant this episode is for you. Never forget Parents...
Published 09/11/23
Why do we do tests in pregnancy and what are our options? Can you choose whether or not to have tests while pregnant? Obstetrician Dr Peter Jurcevic discusses the options, including the 12 week scan, 20 week scan and growth scans. The different tests such as general bloods, the NIPT test, gestational diabetes, the GBS vaginal swab and the test options for both public and private care, plus much more. If you are pregnant or hoping to be then this episode is for you. Never forget Parents You've...
Published 09/04/23
Obstetrician Expert Dr Peter Jurcevic discusses the early signs of pregnancy including what to do when you realise you are pregnant. Dr Peter provides insight into what to expect throughout each trimester and the antenatal care process, including the difference between the public and private care systems. He talks through what midwives, obstetricians and other healthcare practitioners are looking for in your antenatal appointments from early pregnancy until the birth of your newborn baby,...
Published 08/28/23
Pregnancy poses so many questions. Your body is about to embark on the biggest change it will arguably go through during your lifetime. Obstetrician Expert Dr Peter Jurcevic discusses pregnancy nutrition, including what we should and shouldn't consume during pregnancy. Dr Peter shares his expertise around recommended lifestyle changes, exercise, sleep, sex and answers other frequently asked questions like how much coffee is OK? Is hair dye safe? And more. Never forget Parents You've Got...
Published 08/21/23
Dr Peter Jurcevic, Obstetrician and Gynaecologist Expert discusses the difficult topic of miscarriage, something that is sadly very common one in 7 pregnancies ending in a miscarriage. Dr Peter explains why the rate of miscarriage is so high, how to mitigate the risk of miscarriage, signs of miscarriage and when you can try again after a miscarriage. Importantly parents, you’re not alone. Dr Peter explains why it can be beneficial to be open about your journey and discusses the supports...
Published 08/14/23
Dr Raelia Lew, IVF and Fertility Expert from Life Fertility Clinic Melbourne and Women’s Health Melbourne discusses female and male fertility and ways to optimize your fertility to increase your chances of falling pregnant. If you have already started to try for a baby and it’s not quite happening as quickly as you would like, listen in as Dr Raelia shares her tips and tricks to try and help you get pregnant. Never forget Parents You've Got This Follow us Social: Instagram:...
Published 08/08/23
Dr Rachael Knight, IVF and Fertility Expert from Life Fertility Clinic Melbourne discusses why nutrition and lifestyle are so important to consider in the conception stage. She discusses nutritional stores and the ways in which we can modify our diet and lifestyle to increase our chances of conceiving. She also discusses prenatal vitiamins and supplements which can be taken to boost our fertility. If you are thinking about trying for a baby or are in the process 😉 this episode is for...
Published 07/31/23
The Expert Guide to Parenthood Podcast is brought to you by Parents You've Got This. Parenting can be overwhelming, but it doesn't have to be. The Expert Guide to Parenthood podcast is designed to help you prepare for pregnancy, birth, baby and parenthood. Each week Christy Hopwood and Freya Owen interview leading experts who share the essential information you need to know for each stage of the parenting journey.  With The Expert Guide to Parenthood podcast, you'll feel you've got this...
Published 07/26/23