If you are told what to eat to lose weight for the whole year vs eating the foods that you love and enjoy, doesn't shout joy but sadness. There is no need to follow meal plans that are not to your taste and desires. 
Published 03/09/21
This client of mine has gone through some absolutely fantastic changes in the past two years. The change is dramatic, not only physically but mentally. This will resonate with many women on different levels.
Published 03/08/21
hTime For Your SelfCare Next Week This time next week, your kids are back in school... What are you going to do to resume your self-care?
Published 03/05/21
Eating Without The Distractions Of Tv Is Better For Your Health Recently, I have been talking to my clients about mindful eating. Something that has become very alien to our way of thinking. However, when you begin to eat this way, you begin to see changes to your all-over health and well-being.
Published 03/04/21
Why scales are Deeply Associated with shame and failure Why scales are Deeply Associated with shame and failure For some women, scales provide results and for others scales destroy self-confidence. How should you use the scales?
Published 03/03/21
 My name is Marie Paterson and I started my working life as a secondary school teacher, before joining the Health Service and working in Organisational Development. I then started my own wellbeing business in 2018, offering wellbeing training and individual and team coaching. I am passionate about supporting people to develop themselves and to live their calmest, happiest, healthiest life. I love finding new ways to help people, so I am always studying and reading about new evidence-based...
Published 03/02/21
It's Not Yours So Give It Back... I see many women who want to take on other women's problem and bring it home... One of the biggest reason's for doing this is to take attention away from your own problems. One you don't want to face! So you simply take on your friend's problems and worry about those. How do you set boundaries around these?
Published 03/01/21
“If I had more willpower, I could stop eating so much JUNK food.” This is a myth that I am about to bust. After this, you will no longer be able to use this as your excuse
Published 02/25/21
Eat Fat To Lose Fat Like you I also thought these two words cannot sit in the same sentence. There isn’t such thing as a healthy fat. Here is a surprise for you all. It defiantly was for me! Eat fat to lose fat. You read it right!
Published 02/24/21
This Is Why You Are Struggling to Stay On Track Busy professional women Are you feeling overwhelmed with making changes to your health Start small and build it from here… You only feel overwhelmed when you have given yourself some crazy targets I am going to workout 4 times a week, eat healthy 3 times a day, keep away from refined sugar and walk 7 days a week. “What did you do last week out of the above list of changes you want to make?”
Published 02/23/21
Are You Feeling Fed Up Of The Lockdown? There is no 'right way' to feel about the lockdown, it is something that will affect everyone differently. Some of you will be really enjoying spending time at home or being with your family. Some of you might be having up days and down days, while some of you might be having a hard time adjusting to life at home. We want to know what lockdown has felt like for you. These are some of the common feelings that people have told me they are having during...
Published 02/22/21
The Number 1 Secret You Need To Know Before You Decide To Lose Weight I see so many busy professional women struggling to get enough protein in their daily diet. Some women may want to eat more or less protein depending on their preferences and goals, but we all need some protein to prevent issues like: losing muscle mass (especially when you go on restrictive diets) having skin, hair, and nail problems slow healing if you get cuts or bruises mood swings being more likely to break bones
Published 02/19/21
Why Self Sabotaging Is stopping You From Living Your Best Life I’m a mindset coach & I help high achieving female entrepreneurs with self-love, self-care & mindset to reach their next level. I particularly help women who struggle with self-sabotage as this is something I struggled with my self, always having big dreams and goals but never being able to reach or keep them due to self-sabotage, I do a lot of work on reprogramming the subconscious mind to achieve last results &...
Published 02/18/21
Stress busting hacks for working from home and homeschooling Home working and home schooling looks like it is going to be here for a while. And for most of us, that brings the challenge of balancing both of these during the working hours.Change is hard for adults to process, how much more difficult will it be for children this year? How can we motivate our children to be enthusiastic about schooling at home? How can we bring our children on board with the idea of working as a team and set...
Published 02/17/21
It’s a good job that our brain will try and tell us that not having food really sucks. You can feel moody, angry in addition to feeling hungry.
Published 02/16/21
This one thing can set us off track and pile on the pounds is cravings and particularly sugar cravings. So why do we crave sugar and not boiled eggs and chicken breast or even broccoli??? Here is what I have discovered not only with my own weight loss journey but also my clients. Food cravings can be caused by a variety of physical or mental factors. They may be a sign of hormonal imbalances, a suboptimal diet, high-stress levels, or a lack of sleep or physical activity.
Published 02/15/21
How Poor Night Sleep Can Cause A Negative Outlook The Next Day As a busy professional woman, a few rough nights of sleep can snowball into a bad mood, a fight with a partner, feeling stressed, and heading directly to the freezer for some Ben and Jerry’s-brand comfort.
Published 02/12/21
Why Snacking Is Stopping You From Loosing Weight Does eating snacks in between meals necessary to lose weight. The simple answer is no! Eating Snacks in between your meals doesn't increase your metabolism or whatever else you have heard.
Published 02/11/21
I can’t stop thinking about food Is this you? Many behaviours qualify as addictions things we feel overwhelmingly compelled to do, despite the consequences. What’s an addiction, and how can we treat it? Addiction is an overpowering craving to repeatedly engage in an activity that provides temporary relief at the expense of terrible consequences. It’s something you feel compelled to do, even though it harms you. Tune in to understand this a little more...
Published 02/10/21
Sonny is a 35-year-old online nutrition and fitness coach from London. He previously spent over 12 years in the investment banking industry as an IT contractor working for some of the largest investment banks. Health and fitness have always been a huge passion of Sonny's and found that during my career I was often asked how I managed to maintain my health and fitness throughout this period, and it simply came down to prioritisation, planning, and having the right strategies in place to...
Published 02/09/21
Looking Back At January and Looking Ahead Into February As a busy professional woman did you find it a little challenging to look after yourself last month? As we enter the month of February, it’s a good time to reflect on what goals did you set and in reality what you achieved. Listen, I get you... you are frustrated. It’s been a long challenging month ( Lockdown and homeschooling) but as they say... Where attention goes, results show So, how did you get on last month?
Published 02/08/21
How Much Coffee Is Too Much? As a busy professional woman, my coffee intake in recent weeks has increased. A powerful combination of homeschooling and running my business Jerry Seinfeld sums up why we love coffee so much. “We want to do a lot of stuff; we’re not in great shape. We didn’t get a good night’s sleep. We’re a little depressed. Coffee solves all these problems in one delightful little cup.” As an online health coach I do get asked often, how much coffee should I drink?
Published 02/05/21
How To Damage Control Weight Gain During Pandemic If you feel like you are struggling to gain control over your eating habits, whilst coping with a very long lockdown, then continue to listen.
Published 02/04/21
How To Rewire Your Brain To Optimise your Health Our expert guest of the week, Chandler Walker talks about how you can change life long habits by rewiring your brain to optimise your health and business.
Published 02/03/21
How To Create The Right Environment For Weight Loss This is where you can have success and this where you can epic fails... What am I talking about here, well I am talking about creating success in your kitchen So what is in your kitchen???
Published 02/02/21