Laurie Lewis, Certified Intermittent Fasting Coach...Fantastic IF Story + Everything You Might Want to Know about Working with a Coach!
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Laurie is well known in the intermittent fasting community as an IF coach and for her incredible IF story. She started intermittent fasting to combat some issues that came up during menopause including a 50 pound weight gain, brain fog, lack of balance, and memory loss. Purely through IF, she successfully lost the weight and regained her mental clarity. Laurie has been intermittent fasting for 5 years and developed a coaching practice to help others. While Laurie does not have diabetes herself, she has an in-depth knowledge of diabetes and the effect that fasting has on blood sugar. Many of her clients have Type 2 diabetes and have been able to reverse this diagnosis through fasting/food choices. In this interview, Laurie describes what it is like to work with an intermittent fasting coach and what a coach can help you explore on your journey. Lots of really valuable information in this episode - ENJOY! If you want to find out more about Laurie or hire her as a coach, please go to her website: The book she co-authored,"Women Action Takers Who Gained by Losing: Inspirational and Motivational Stories from Women Who Use Intermittent Fasting and Will NEVER DIET AGAIN!," can be found following this link:
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