Wow! How exciting to start off the year with such an impactful interview! Bobbi was diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes in October 2021 with an A1c of 17.8. Right away, she knew that she needed to make some major changes. She immediately cut out sugar and adopted a low-carb diet. Then, in January 2023, she found intermittent fasting. Also, around that time, she met her now partner, Keith. Keith is a big influence in the intermittent fasting community and he helped her to adopt this lifestyle....
Published 01/03/24
Thanks for a great year!
Published 12/27/23
This will be the final episode of the year and I just wanted to give you an update on a few things that have been going on my life. First, I have been on Ozempic for ~10 or 11 weeks at this point and I'll give you an update on my impressions of it to date. Second, I'll update you on my fasting protocol, which has changed largely due to the impact of Ozempic. Third, I am trying out a new algorithm for my diabetes management, called iAPS (Apple (i) Artificial Pancreas System). I haven't been...
Published 12/13/23
Sarah has a great story and so much of it resonated deeply with me. If you are struggling to cut sugar out of your diet or if you are in the early stages of insulin resistance, don't miss this episode! After struggling with sugar addiction, Sarah decided that she needed to make some major lifestyle changes, which included cutting sugar and fasting regularly. While Sarah was never technically diagnosed with pre-diabetes or Type 2 diabetes, at a health check a few years ago, she had a...
Published 11/29/23
What a pleasure it was to catch up with Josh! While Josh is less than two years into his Type 1 diabetes diagnosis (30 years old), he has mastered his blood sugar management. His last A1c was 4.8! He attributes much of his success to fasting, which we discussed in depth. He continues to use fasting to ensure that all of his insulin settings are correct. Additionally, fasting has greatly helped him with exercise. Interestingly, after we spoke the last time, he experienced a delayed honeymoon...
Published 11/15/23
Thank you all so much for your outpouring of support after my "Diabetes Sucks" episode a few weeks ago. While I haven't totally reversed my insulin resistance, I have been able to improve it. I suspect the cause of my insulin resistance is hormone related as I believe I am entering peri-menopause (I'm 43 years old). To counteract the insulin resistance, I have started on a birth control pill (Slynd) to regulate my cycle and Ozempic to improve insulin sensitivity. While neither is a magic...
Published 11/01/23
What a treat it was to speak to Adam and Nyree! They have been married for 33 years and are such a great example of a couple working well together to achieve their goals. Adam has had Type 1 diabetes for the last 35 years and adopted a keto diet several years ago. He has since super charged his blood sugar management by adding fasting to his routine. Adam's last A1C was 5.6, which is very impressive. His wife, Nyree, was recently diagnosed with pre-diabetes, which was no surprise to her...
Published 10/18/23
I like Randi because she keeps it real. We all struggles as T1Ds to do many things, fasting included. Randi has had diabetes for 17 years and came to fasting about a year ago for both weight loss and better control over her blood sugars. After starting with a more relaxed protocol, Randi's fasting has now evolved into alternate day fasting. She also does multiple daily injections, which adds another layer of complexity to her fasting protocol. We dive deep on how she manages her insulin needs...
Published 10/05/23
Sorry to be a downer but I owe it to you to be real. This past week has been terrible for me diabetes-wise. All of my settings seem to be wrong and I am forced to eat around the clock. As a result, I have gained 6 pounds in 1 week (ARGH!!!!). I have no idea how this will turn around but I wanted to give you a window into the struggle that I am facing currently. Maybe you are going through the same thing. I think it helps for all of us to know that we are not alone.
Published 09/20/23
It was such a treat to speak to Tracey! She was so generous with the details of her story. After struggling with her weight for most of her adult life, Tracey received a diagnosis of Type 2 diabetes in 2019. However, she was determined not to go on medication. She tried various methods to lose weight and become more healthy. Nothing seemed to stick until she found clean fasting. Once she began clean fasting, the weight began to drop off and her A1c improved in a sustained way. Now, she's down...
Published 09/06/23
Ginger (Type 1) was last on the podcast in February and, at that time, we primarily discussed her usage of Metformin. When her February episode came out, she was using both Metformin and Ozempic (newly started) to control her dawn phenomenon and improve insulin sensitivity. She continues to use both drugs and has developed a good understanding of how they work in her body. I thought it would make sense to have her back on to get an update on how things are going for her as she now has 9...
Published 08/23/23
Time flies! I can't believe it's been 2 years! A lot has changed in that time. I go into detail about how my fasting protocol has shifted over time, weight loss (and weight gain), changes to insulin settings, and fasted exercise. I hope you enjoy the episode! While it's short, it's very informative!
Published 08/09/23
What a joy it was to speak to Netta again! She is one of the leading authorities in the movement on how to reduce or eliminate sugar from your diet. We discuss a variety of topics ranging from cravings, falling off the no-sugar wagon and how to get back on, emotional and food triggers, etc. Importantly, we also discuss how you can identify whether you should consider moderating vs abstaining from sugar. Netta has so much experience both personally and with her clients that I am sure much of...
Published 07/26/23
You may recognize Roxi's name and that's because she is a huge part of the intermittent fasting community. She is one of the moderators for both the Delay, Don't Deny Facebook group and Gin Stephens' off Facebook group (https://www.ginstephens.com/community.html). Roxi has a fascinating story. She reversed her pre-diabetes through fasting alone. Her A1c started at 6.1 in January 2019 and she steadily lowered it to 4.7 by May 2020. After doing fasting for around a year, she gradually changed...
Published 07/12/23
I'm so pleased to have had the opportunity to speak to Rachel. We dive deep on an issue that many T1Ds face, which is high blood sugars when breaking your fast. Rachel has been fasting for six months and was initially plagued with very high blood sugars when she would break her fast. After tinkering with her insulin (Humalog to Lyumjev), eating window, and ultimately, adding Metformin to her regimen, she has devised a strategy that works well for her. Insulin resistance can be a sneaky issue...
Published 06/28/23
I cut sugar three months ago and artificial sweeteners a month ago and it hasn't been easy! BUT, I'm glad I did it. In this short solo episode, I'll tell you about why I quit, how I did it, and, most importantly, how long it takes to no longer miss these things! This episode is definitely worth a listen if you need to eliminate something from your diet. Enjoy!
Published 06/14/23
Tami is incredible! After receiving a diagnosis of pre-diabetes in late 2019, Tammy set out to reverse her diabetes without the use of medication. Shortly after receiving her diagnosis, she found intermittent fasting and has never looked back! Since Tami has been at this for such a long time, we got into a lot of detail about her fasting protocol and how it has evolved over time. We discussed some of the shifts in mindset that have occurred throughout her journey. Within six months of...
Published 05/31/23
What a privilege it was to speak to Dr. Tarman! She is the leading authority on food addiction. We cover a variety of topics in this podcast. Importantly, Dr. Tarman defines what food addiction is so that you can identify it within yourself, if you feel that this may be applicable to you. We also discuss how food addiction is treated. Spoiler alert... treatment for food addiction and reversing Type 2 diabetes through diet are accomplished in the much same way. Additionally, since this is a...
Published 05/17/23
I'm so pleased to have had the opportunity to interview Nayiri Mississian! Nayiri has had T1D for 45 years and has managed her diabetes in a myriad of ways. However, the control she was seeking eluded her until she found fasting paired with a keto diet. In this episode, we discuss Nayiri's diabetes history, fasting related topics such as extended fasting, and women's issues. She is a thought leader in the space and she's doing all she can to get the word out. To that end, she has created...
Published 05/03/23
Sue was last on the podcast in March 2022. Her initial episode has been one of the most popular episodes of the podcast. I think a lot of people resonate with her story both for the incredible way she reversed her Type 2 diabetes and lost 100 pounds. I was thrilled at the opportunity to catch up with Sue to see how things have been going for her. Sue thrives on consistency and has been able to maintain both her weight and healthy A1Cs over the last year. While her year has not been without...
Published 04/19/23
This solo episode is a just a quick update on how things have been going for me. I want to normalize that maintenance is not always easy. The important thing is to pick yourself up and get back on track! I hope this episode helps you feel a bit better if you've been struggling lately.
Published 04/05/23
I like Lesya's story because she keeps it real... Lesya has struggled with her weight her entire life and, luckily, found fasting after receiving a pre-diabetes/diabetes diagnosis in 2017. Right away, she got serious about fasting and was able to drop her A1c from 6.5 to the low 5s. She has been able to maintain her A1c in a normal range to this day. However, her story is not without challenges. She is Ukrainian and has had an extremely difficult year. Due to all the stress that she has...
Published 03/22/23
Josh has quite the story to tell! He's 29 years old and was incorrectly diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes about a year ago after a visit to the ER. After being sent on his way with a prescription for Metformin, Josh began to research what was happening in his body and started to suspect that he had Type 1 diabetes. He later made an appointment with an endocrinologist and received the correct diagnosis of Type 1 diabetes. With the correct diagnosis in hand, Josh began researching how to better...
Published 03/08/23
Ginger is always on the cutting edge of diabetes management and I'm thrilled to have her back on the podcast! She's been T1D since 1999 and has been writing about diabetes related topics for 15 years. Ginger has authored or co-authored 5 books relating to diabetes and she's currently a writer for Beyond Type 1 and Beyond Type 2. She has a new book coming out in March about exercise and T1D - can't wait to read it! Today, Ginger and I are talking about using Metformin and/or Ozempic to...
Published 02/22/23