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Published 04/01/18
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Published 03/15/18
Published 03/01/18
www.feelgoodenglish.com  To start this episode, let me ask you something. Do you have a voice inside your head? Like, do you have “something” inside of you that speaks to you? As weird as that sounds, I bet you do. And I’m not talking about “hearing voices” in your head, like a crazy person might, but just that self-talk we all have that guides us, or at least tries really hard to guide us. It’s that voice inside us that starts having a conversation as soon as we open our eyes in the...
Published 03/01/18
Get the transcript at www.feelgoodenglish.com Today I’m going to teach you a lesson from a book called “A Guide to the Good Life: The Ancient Art of Stoic Joy” by William Braxton Irvine. In this book, Irvine offers a refreshing presentation of Stoicism, showing how this ancient philosophy can still direct us toward a better life. I’m only going to share one lesson from this book, a lesson on how to get through the grocery store checkout line much faster, just kidding, but one very...
Published 02/15/18
Get the transcript at www.feelgoodenglish.com  Today I have some ideas from a very interesting book called “Predictably Irrational” by Dan Ariely. And the main point in this book, the overall message is that much of our behavior is misguided, irrational. Through research and study, the author has found that a lot of this irrational behavior is also predictable, which means there are very human, and natural reasons we behave this way.  
Published 02/01/18
Get the transcript at www.feelgoodenglish.com/go To get started with today’s topic, I got a question for you. What kind of person are you? Are you motivated? Are you lazy? Are you always running late? Are you a leader or a follower? Are you good at sports? And where did those beliefs come from? A former teacher, your friends who have labeled you a certain way, or maybe simply from yourself? We all have an image of the type of person we are. Some of these images are positive, but some are...
Published 01/15/18
Get the transcript at www.feelgoodenglish.com/go The podcast that blends, mixes, English learning with personal development. Making your time spent with English more inspiring, enlightening, and...exciting? This is the last episode of 2017, well, it’s literally the first episode of 2018, but I am still going to touch on a couple ideas from 2017, two BIG ideas I shared with you that I consider to be so important. Both of these are ideas are really simple, straight to the point, but can have...
Published 01/01/18
Get the transcript at www.feelgoodenglish.com/go  I have a lesson for you today that will be good for speaking practice. I want you to speak today, either out loud so people think you talk to yourself like a crazy person, or in your head, so you can create voices in your head that speak English. So you’ll either be crazy and talk to yourself or you’ll have voices in your English that speak English. Got it? It’s almost the end of the year, so I wanted to do a bit of a yearly review. Review...
Published 12/15/17
Get the transcript at www.feelgoodenglish.com/go Today I have something special for you. Well, I guess it’s always special, right? But today is extra special. It’s not going to be just me on the show, I brought someone else on the show to talk about life-changing topics. Lindsay McMahon from AllEarsEnglish will be on the show today, talking about the main premise behind her very popular show The AllEarsEnligsh podcast, the importance of connection, not perfection. More specifically, what...
Published 12/01/17
Get the premium lesson at www.feelgoodenglish.com/go  I’m going to talk about a concept today, a pretty complicated one. A concept that’ll stretch your mind, make you think, possibly make your mind stronger. And speaking of stronger, let’s first talk about muscles. How do we build muscle at the gym? I mean, how do we really build muscle? By going to the gym and lifting a light amount of weight, many many times? Or by pushing your muscles beyond their limit? Beyond what they’re used to, what...
Published 11/15/17
Get the premium lesson at www.feelgoodenglish.com/go  Today we’re going to talk about a Ted Talk. Well, and a book. We are going to discover the reason why some people and some companies are so influential. We often think that if someone tells you exactly what they can do for you and how they do it then we’ll be convinced. But it’s actually not the case. If you want people to follow you, it’s important to know that they won’t care much about what you do, but why you do what you do. It’s all...
Published 11/01/17
Get the Premium lesson at www.feelgoodenglish.com/go  in today’s episode, I am going to teach you how to deal with people, well how to deal with people better. I’m going to pull lessons from the very popular and classic book, “How to Win Friends and Influence People” by Dale Carnegie. Since “How to Win Friends & Influence People” was published in 1936, it has sold millions and millions of copies. The advice contained in the book is deceptively simple, but remains as effective as...
Published 10/15/17
Get the premium lesson for this at www.feelgoodenglish.com/go Today I have an episode based on two words. That’s it, two English words. But these two words affect our lives so much. One of these words is responsible for our loneliness, depression, our feelings of never having enough. It causes hate, and fights, and divorce. It makes us want to put our heads in the sand.   And the other word is the solution to the first word. The second word makes us feel more connected to others, more...
Published 10/01/17
Get the premium lesson at www.feelgoodenglish.com/go Today I’m going to get a bit personal. I’m going to tell you something that recently happened in my life that could have ended pretty terribly, but instead, the situation turned into a huge life-lesson for me! Thank God.   I recently had a realization that ended months of conflict that I was dealing with. Yes, I too suffer at times, and there is nothing wrong with that. Suffering can show exactly where we need to change. And what happened...
Published 09/15/17
Go premium at www.feelgoodenglish.com/go  We as humans love the stories of incredible successes. Stories of people doing things that seem impossible. But I got to thinking, “you know when something terrible happens to someone, this person becomes limited to just what’s in front of them. Their options have been taken away from them. And it seems that it’s exactly because their life becomes limited that their life is transformed.  It’s as if going through something traumatic is the fuel, or...
Published 09/01/17
Get the premium lessons at www.feelgoodenglish.com In January, with a pen, paper, and a lot of motivation, I plan out my whole year and what I want to see happen. Well, you know what, my year hasn’t ever really fallen nicely in line with my goals. Can you believe that? Things change. Goals change. Life happens. Opportunities you weren’t expecting come into your life, and often opportunities you were expecting don’t come. It can be frustrating. But there’s gotta be a better way! And I think...
Published 08/15/17
Get the premium English lesson at www.feelgoodenglish.com  Today’s lesson might be a little shocking for some of you, especially because it’s coming from me, someone who talks a lot about personal development. Why shocking? Because today’s episode is on a book that pretty much disrupts a lot of the self-help genre.  The self-help genre covers subjects like motivation, how to be happier, how to be more productive, the importance of goal setting,  basically, self-help books teach us how to be...
Published 08/01/17
Get the transcript at www.feegoodenglish.com  When you have an idea about doing something, something you know would be valuable to your life, do you often stop and think about it, then end up not doing that “something”? This happens a lot! It happens to me, a lot! There’s a voice inside my head that keeps me from doing what’s important. Does this happen to you? According to the author of a book called “The 5 Second Rule”, the author’s name is Mel Robbins, the secret to being more confident...
Published 07/02/17
Get the transcript at www.feelgoodenglish.com/hardwire Today we are going to talk about happiness. We all like feeling happy, right? Well, if you don't like feeling happy, well then you either need some professional help, which I hope you get, or you're a freak! But why do we always focus on the negative? Well, our brains evolved this way. It's an ancient survival mechanism, actually. We needed to learn quickly from bad experiences. This obsession with the negative continues even until...
Published 06/25/17
www.feelgoodenglish.com  Let me help you correct some of the most common advanced grammar mistakes.  There are two different phrases that often get mixed up. One is easy, and one is complex. But even the easy one needs to be explained, and the complex one, well, that one too. The first is about past habits, or something that existed or was true in the past, but doesn’t exist or isn’t true anymore. The second is about a feeling you have about something.  A – past habit or truth B – a...
Published 06/13/17
Get the transcript at www.feelgoodenglish.com Does it ever feel like you give up pretty quickly after deciding to do something positive for your life? You want to make a big change or add a big skill to start strong but only a few days or sometimes a few weeks later you give up, and we feel bad when this happens. Or do you constantly notice yourself doing things that you know aren't good for you, aren't healthy, aren't positive, aren't helping you get closer to the life that you ideally...
Published 06/05/17
Get the transcript at www.feelgoodenglish.com  Learn some behind-the-scenes info about the podcast after 100 episodes. I'll share some listener numbers, how the podcast has changed, and what's coming in the future.
Published 05/29/17
Get the transcript at www.feelgoodenglish.com Today we are going to talk about a video, a TED Talk called The power of passion and perseverance, by professor and author Angela Lee Duckworth. And in this talk, she talks about a characteristic, a very important, a vital characteristic that successful people have. It’s not how smart you are, it’s not how good you look, it’s something else and I’m going to talk about that in this TED Talk today. We can't let our feelings of failure stop us...
Published 05/22/17
Check out Spoken at www.spoken.io  Want business English lessons in your pocket, all day long?  Well, that might sound like trouble, but it's not! Spoken.io is a very innovative and effective way to improve your business English.  Use your messaging app, like Whatsapp or WeChat, to learn the necessary business jargon and impressive sounding vocabulary, and get your own native English speaking Business English coach.  What more do you need? 
Published 05/15/17