You practice, train, and do everything you can to prepare for competition day. Competition day finally comes, and you start to FREAK OUT! Did you do enough? Should you have practiced even more? Will you suddenly forget your steps on stage? If this sounds like you or you just want to maximize your performance on competition day, this episode is for you!  Scott Doherty is a U.S.-based Irish Dance World Champion originally from Boston, Massachusetts. Scott was trained by the world-renowned...
Published 06/24/22
Award winning dance coach and sports psychologist Dr. Chelsea is in the house giving you the down low on how to level up your confidence walking into competition day! This episode is great for dancers, parents, and dance teachers! Make sure to follow Dr. Chelsea's programs on her IG @dr.chelsea.pierotti and head here to check out her course for teachers on helping dancers build confidence: https://www.chelseapierotti.com/courses/ 
Published 02/25/22
Today I’m bringing on one of my favorite physical therapists, Dr. Nina, on the show to break down one of the most common Irish Dance injuries….Achilles Tendonitis! Dr. Nina Geromel is a physical therapist and athletic trainer who specializes in working with dancers! You can find her on IG @thepointedoc ! 💚
Published 02/18/22
Today we are diving into all things flexibility with Kendal from @trainwithkendall! Kendall is a NASM Certified Personal Trainer and a BASI Certified Pilates Instructor with a dance specialization. She is also a Certified Health Coach through Dr. Sears' Wellness Institute. Kendall works with dancers all over the United States on strength, conditioning, and flexibility to enhance performance and prevent injury. Kendall created BodyKinect to allow for accessible dance science education for...
Published 02/11/22
Today we're getting to the top 3 mistakes dancers make when it comes to stamina training and what to do instead! 
Published 01/28/22
You’ve probably heard that it’s important to “be a good sport,” but what does that actually look like? What does good sportsmanship look like in the studio and on competition day? Part of a successful dance journey is developing these key character traits that will help you grow in every area of your life, far beyond the studio. Today, we’re breaking down 5 key character traits of good sportsmanship and why they are important! 
Published 01/21/22
Today on the podcast, registered dietician and creator of Centre Stage Nutrition is answering all of your most asked dance nutrition questions. What does healthy eating for a dancer look like? What are the best foods to eat before practice and on competition day?  Is it okay to eat late at night? Eat carbs? You can learn it all right here. You can also find Jenny and learn more about her programs on her IG @centrestagenutrition or on her website: www.centrestagenutrition.com
Published 01/14/22
Today we’re talking about stage presence. There are lots of people in your competition. The judges have a LONG day of watching the dancing. In the midwest, we have competitions of over 100 people. That’s a crap ton of hornpipes. I’m someone who could literally watch dancing all day and still be obsessed, and I start getting antsy at the end of a hardshoe or set round One of the best things you can do is walk on stage and make the judges feel excited to watch you and with an heir of confidence...
Published 11/19/21
I know this time of year, a lot of dancers start to freak out because the Oireachtas is so close. Today I'm covering some last-minute tips to get the most out of your last couple of weeks of training as well as common mistakes you don't want to make.  In this episode, I mention my "Stronger Than Ever Challenge" waitlist. You can find that here: www.areyoufeisfitcom. 
Published 11/11/21
I often see quotes on social media about how we should stop comparing ourselves. And although it’s a nice thought but can be hard to do. Irish Dance is obviously a competitive sport. How the heck are you supposed to be in a competitive sport without comparing yourself to some extent?  That's exactly what we’re going to talk about in this episode!
Published 11/03/21
This is hands down one of the most inspiring stories I’ve ever heard and Mikaela is a ray of positive light so you do NOT want to miss this episode! I first met Mikaela at Nationals this year and we started talking about dancing. As a dance trainer, at some point in our conversation, I asked if she’s had any injuries.  Before I know it I’m deep in this amazing emotional and inspiring story about how Mikaela went from paralyzed with a 10% chance of ever walking again…to dancing on the...
Published 09/15/21
Last week, I went on IG and asked you guys what you've always wanted to ask an adjudicator...then I took all of your questions and asked Laura!  Laura Hopper co-owns and coaches at Rising Tide, and it's no surprise that she loves Irish dance and loves sharing it with others. But beyond her passion for the sport, her job as a coach and adjudicator is to stretch each student to reach their full potential in a way that is challenging and fun. For her, the most exciting part about teaching is...
Published 09/13/21
If you are a dancer who is in the process of coming back from an injury, this episode is for you! There is a ton of information about preventing injuries, healing from injuries, and the physical side of injures…but let’s be real, being injured as a dancer and coming back from an injury is super mentally taxing as well.  It can feel really frustrating and lonely at times. But the truth is, you’re not alone.  That’s why I’m bringing on the dancer and Feis Fit Athlete Colleen to talk her own...
Published 09/06/21
When it comes to stamina, it involves both physical and mental components.  Want to take your stamina to the next level? You don’t want to miss this episode!  Also, make sure to rate and review if you love the podcast!  ✨
Published 08/30/21
Today we’re going to be getting into goal setting and how to effectively set goals in a subjective sport with Feis Fit Athlete, Kiera Duggan!  I brought Kiera on today to talk about this with me because she’s had a ton of experience in the competitive world of Irish dance and not only that, but she has come a long way in improving her mindset around competition in dancing. Make sure to subscribe to the podcast if you like this episode and want to be notified when new ones come out! 
Published 08/23/21
Being a dance parent can be tough! In this episode, I’m bringing on special guests, social and emotional learning experts (and parents), Marie Weller and Paula Vertikoff  to discuss how parents can best support their children in competitive sports, how to help kids stay motivated and focused, and how to deal with competition anxiety.  Marie and Paula have been featured on NPR, Fox 5 NYC, are curriculum contributors to Ball State’s Teacher’s College, and have a growing youtube channel that...
Published 08/16/21
As a dancer, you have A LOT to juggle…. dance, school, work, homework, and that doesn’t even cover your other everyday responsibilities. In this episode, I’m breaking down 4 strategies to help you improve your time management and organization so you can fit in everything that is truly important to you in your life. 
Published 08/12/21
Feel like your dance group is always filled with drama? Or kind of toxic? In this episode, we're talking about how to put the end to the drama, negativity cycle in dance groups, and how to create a supportive, friendly, loving community.
Published 08/05/21
CLRG Nationals 2021 is over and no matter how your results turned out, what's most important is what you learn from  competition day to grow as a dancer. Listen in to learn 3 important actions you can take to make the most out of competition day. 
Published 07/27/21
You can often tell a great dancer before they even point their toe on stage. Why? The way they walk on stage exudes confidence. Want to know how you can become a more confident dancer for Nationals this year?! This episode is for you! ✨
Published 04/19/21
If you’re someone struggling to stay motivated right now or get yourself to stay consistent with practicing right now, you’re not alone. Especially with almost a year of lock downs, cancelled competitions, and other events...staying motivated can be...
Published 01/22/21
Remember your first pair of hardshoes? How you couldn't WAIT to put them on and practice?! Everything your teachers said, you listened to. There was no worries about not being perfect, the one girl in class who gets all the attention, that one judge not...
Published 01/08/21
You know when you leave a conversation with someone feeling energized, excited for life, and like your mind was opened in new ways? That's how I felt after this conversation with Siubhan! ❤️Siubhan is the founder of Zen Rince and  helps dancers reduce...
Published 12/16/20
Obstacles are everything you need to overcome and work through to get to what you want. Some obstacles are bigger than others. Like for example, covid has been really big obstacle for dancers in staying disciplined, teachers having adjust their...
Published 12/10/20
Today I'm filling you in on the one thing you need to do you absolutely need to do if you want to achieve your goals. If you are a dancer who knows deep down you want more for your dancing (and life), check out this episode now! 💛
Published 12/03/20