This Monday June 10th we head to the bottom of the barrel in super hero movies and talk about Batman and Robin! How could anyone involved not have seen the writing on the wall? Was this made only to sell toys? Was George Clooney a good Bruce Wayne? What happened to Bane?! Rate and review on iTunes and find across social media!
Published 06/10/24
This week we fall through a hole in the ground into the mushroom kingdom to talk about the Super Mario Bros movie! Considering how terrible this movie is Bob Hoskins is a great choice for Mario! Why did they make the mushroom kingdom look so nasty? Why is Yoshi scary looking?! Rate and review on iTunes and find us across social media!
Published 05/27/24
The week we are leveling up and talking about the god awful Dragon Ball Evolution! Why would they ever try to make a movie out this? Is this a movie for kids? How could they have the nerve to set up a sequel?! Rate and review us on ITunes and find us across social media!
Published 05/13/24
We are finally going go back to Snyder town for Rebel Moon Part 2! Was it my eyes, our tv, or was this movie almost entirely out of focus? You know you’re a great writer when all the characters sit around and just tell you their backstory. Rate and review in ITunes and join us across our social media!
Published 04/28/24
This Monday April 22nd we talk about the Mark Wahlberg reincarnation movie Infinite! Is Mark supposed to be in his 30’s in this? Why wouldn’t Bathurst use his technology on himself to stop reincarnating? Rate and review us on your favorite app and find us across social media!
Published 04/22/24
This Monday April 8th we take a detour from our regularly scheduled programming to talk about Ethan Coen’s Drive Away Dolls! Do the Coen’s work just as well apart as they did together? Will this make a good trilogy as is planned? Rate and review is on social media, and feel free to reach out and say hello!
Published 04/08/24
Join us this Monday March 25th as we head to SummersIsle to talk about the insane Wicker Man remake! Was this the first in a series of Nic Cage crazy movies? Did the women on this island have a script to follow? Rate and review in your favorite app and find Ali’s across social media!
Published 03/25/24
This Monday March 13th we get spliced with animals and talk about the crazy space opera Jupiter Ascending! Channing Tatum’s boots can pretty much do anything? What is up with his ears? Why didn’t this movie come with a pamphlet to give some back story on this plot? Rate and review and find us across social media!
Published 03/10/24
This episode we try not to lose our minds as we talk about the blatant Gremlins rip-off, Munchies! Why would Harvey Korman ever involved with this? If you take a drink every time the movie mentions Gremlins you will definitely have alcohol poisoning by the end. You can tell they didn’t have much money, cause these puppets are super cheap, like Mac and Me cheap! Rate and review and join us on social media!
Published 02/26/24
This Monday February 12th we take a trip to the kids movie so many people said traumatized them, Return to Oz! Are the Wheelers still horrifying as adults? How about the heads of women in cases? Or the freaky scarecrow who calls Dorothy Mom?? Rate and review and find us on social media!
Published 02/12/24
This Monday January 29th we jump into Snyder territory and talk about the hilarious for all the wrong reasons Rebel Moon! Drink every time this movie takes from a better movie and you will wasted in thirty minutes. You know you are in for a ride when the movie starts with a big space vagina opening up and a ship flying through it. Rate and review on ITunes and say hello for a shout out!
Published 01/29/24
Join us Monday December 15th as we talk about the children’s show themed dark comedy Death to Smoochy! Unhinged and unfiltered Robin Williams is just incredible. What is going on with Jon Stewart’s hair? Is this Danny DeVito’s most underrated movie he’s directed? Thanks to Andrew for recommending we talk about this great movie! Rate and review us on iTunes and find us on all social media!
Published 01/15/24
This Monday January 1st we kick off the new year and celebrate our two year anniversary by putting on our bikinis and jumping into the water with Shark Night 3D! They couldn’t make the CGI Sharks look any better? Where did Malik get that giant spear? Would anyone really buy shark attack movies? Rate and review on your favorite podcast platform and find us on social media!
Published 01/01/24
This Monday December 17th we keep the holiday train going with the comedic misfire that is Mixed Nuts! Who thought a Christmas movie set at a suicide hotline would be funny? Does Juliette Lewis in this film not know how to properly unload a gun? Why have a strangler be such a big part, again in a Christmas movie? Rate and review on your favorite podcast platform and find us on social media! Check out Shelley's Etsy store for handmade items from keychains to home decor....
Published 12/18/23
Ho Ho Holy crap this is a weird one, on Monday December 4th we are talking about Santa Claus The Movie! Not Santa Claus the book, or the play, but the movie! Are these elves secretly running a cult? What is their prophecy of the chosen Santa? How sad John Lithgow is the best part of this movie and he’s only in it for a short time! Join us on social media and rate and review on your favorite podcast platform! Don't forget to check out Shelley's Etsy store Moon Night Crafts. ...
Published 12/04/23
This Monday November 19th we are talking about the dark comedy Throw Mama from the Train! This was tue start of Danny Devito’s directing career, and it was nominated for best supporting actress for the amazing Anne Ramsey. Rate and review on your favorite podcast platform and find us on social media!   Check out Shelley's Etsy store! https://moonnightcraftsstore.etsy.com  
Published 11/20/23
Join us Monday November 3rd for our episode on the direct to video horror movie Puppet Master! Was it just us or is the sound on this mixed terrible? WOuldn’t people easily take these puppets out? Why wouldn’t you hire the lady from Poltergeist to come with you? Rate and review on your favorite podcast platform and find us on social media!
Published 11/06/23
This Monday October 23rd join us as we talk about Nicolas Cage’s worst (best?) movie, Deadfall! Michael Biehn sure didn’t care about his narration, huh? This con they pull off would take a ton of planning and pure luck to work. Why isn’t Cage in it more? Rate and review on your favorite podcast platform and join us on social media!
Published 10/23/23
Join us as we revisit one of Shelley’s childhood favorites, Short Circuit! Is Fisher Stevens supposed to be from India? Why hasn’t Steve Guttenburg driven in five years? The security chief’s name is pronounced Scrote-r? Rate and review on your favorite podcast platform and join us on social media!
Published 10/02/23
This Monday September 4th we stop by McDonald’s to prepare to talk about the product placement creation Mac and Me! Who designed these creatures? Why wouldn’t they say Mac in the movie, or at least explain what it means? Could Ronald McDonald be the best actor in this move? Rate and review us on your favorite podcast app and join us on social media!
Published 09/04/23
Join us as we travel through time and talk about the great sc-fi movie Predestination! Who knew you could travel through time by only using a violin case? How amazing is Sarah Snook and Ethan Hawke? Is it really possible to be your own grandpa? Rate and review us on your favorite podcast platform and thanks for the support! 
Published 08/14/23
This Monday July 31st join us and listen to possibly our grossest episode on Howard the Duck! Listen to Shelley’s amazement of how a 13 year old was in the Howard costume, our disgust with Jeffery Jones, and just how weird Howard and Lea Thompson’s relationship truly is! Find us on social media and rate and review on your favorite podcast platform!
Published 07/31/23
Tomorrow July 17th we return to our childhoods and see if Drop Dead Fred holds up as we remember it! Why does everyone act like Fred is real? Would Fred have been better if Robin Williams was cast as originally planned? Why is Micky Butts so weird? Rate and review on your favorite podcast platform and find us on social media!
Published 07/17/23
Come join us as we try and figure out who is really human as we talk about John Carpenter’s masterpiece, The Thing! How amazing is Kurt Russell’s beard? How amazing is Kurt Russell’s hat? How amazing is Kurt Russell?! Rate and review on your favorite podcast platform and join us on social media! If you are looking for a unique gift for yourself or someone else, check out Shelley's etsy store! Be sure to follow her on social media as well. Thank you.  https://linktr.ee/moonnightcrafts  
Published 06/19/23