Sam Neil? In a trippy early 80's supernatural horror movie? In this economy!? Join us this we as we discuss the 1981 cult classic Possession directed by Andrzej Żuławski starring Sam Neil and Isabelle Adjani! We talk theatrical divorce, weird young Sam Neil, weird sex monsters, silk shirted lothario's, divorcee doppelgängers, toilet drowning, the beauty of Berlin, the icky of sex possession, spies and what might be one of the best performances of a woman going insane!
Published 09/13/23
What do you get when you cross Floptimist favourite Don "The Dragon" Wilson with 90's Vampires? Well, you get Night Hunter. A movie that takes the vampire hunting rule book and tosses it into a fire! Join us as we discuss this proto Blade concept, that blew all their wooden stake budget on Oakleys. With bad journalists, worse cops, & a hero wearing a duster and fingerless gloves! This movie has it all...  expect a story that makes sense or the time to film more than one take...
Published 08/29/23
What happens when you write an entire movie around a popular 80's song made famous by another 80's movie? And what happens when you cast the one and only Gary Busey are your action hero lead? Do I even need  to continue? This week we sat down to watch the lost gem that is 1986's Eye of the Tiger. Join us a we talk crotch shots, Testosterone driven revenge, talking bikes, drunk sheriffs, piano wire decapitation, the worst motor cycle gang you've ever seen and Yaphet Kotto flying a 40's...
Published 07/20/23
Is it possible to write an entire movie around nudity? This director seemingly made it a goal across his career... and the results are something ** insert collar pulling sweating emoji here**. This week we hard punched a ticket to Hawaii by watching this 1987 cult classic directed by Andy Sidaris. Join us as we talk boats, model helicopters, bazookas, explosions, awful waiters, casual sexual harassment, awful producers, casual racism and more nudity than you can shake a demon snake at!
Published 07/04/23
Take a trip back to the 90's, a decade when video games we're taking the world by storm! So it was only natural that Hollywood would eventually try it's hand at adapting a game or two, to try and get those radical 90's teens into movie theaters. And which titan of video gaming did Paul Yukich decide to bring to the big screen??? Double Dragon! The only movie where you can watch the T-1000 duke it out against The Chairman from Iron Chef & the lad from Party of Five. All so he can try...
Published 06/27/23
On this weeks episode of The Floptimists, we take a deep dive into the 1991, Sci-Fi/Horror movie called "Dead Space". Your host for this week is me, Dave, and of course, it makes sense that I would pick a movie with that name (shout out to all you Dead Space the game fans). Dead Space is a pretty run of the mill space sci-fi/horror that is full of it's own charm, whimzy and all around nonsense that just makes it an absolute gem to watch in our opinion. Head over to Plex and give it go or...
Published 06/19/23
You've probably heard of Starcrash before - but have you actually seen it? Yea... its kind of a Star Wars rip-off - but its so much more too! Space swimming, Space cave-men, Ineffective space Amazons, giant fembots, capes, power-masks, poorly explained god-like powers, space prison and thats just scratching the surface! Join us this week as we dive into this Italian star-wars derivative as we talk Roger Corman, terrible miniatures, awful dubbing, a young Hasselhoff and how this movie is kind...
Published 05/30/23
This week we're shaking things up and watching a disaster movie that isn't completely nonsensical! We watched 2018's The Quake (or to give it it's original Norwegian title, Skjelvet). We've watched a lot of disaster movies over our 68 episodes, but this one really drives home the humanity of a natural disaster. And by humanity, we of course mean the ineptitude of everyone involved, be they terrible parents or equally as terrible geologists. This is the movie the Norwegian Tourist Board...
Published 05/29/23
This week on The Floptimists, we managed to sit around the table together to record this belter of an episode! Our movie for this episode is Jurassic Valley. The 2022, Scott Jeffrey directed Action/Sci-Fi romp. Jurassic Valley is your really just your classic action movie that wears it's inspiration on it's sleeve and gives it a good college try replicate that magic as best as possible. I will leave it to you, to decide if they achieved that goal or not!  Or, if you're not bothered with that,...
Published 05/17/23
Oh shit. Its another Jeff Wincott flick - you know what that means! Stick fighting action, 10 on 1 mayhem, crooked cops, useless police chiefs, ill fitting suits, filthy LA, table body slams and Jeff f*****g Wincott! Join us as we take a look at the next feature from the Wincottalogue, following straight after the awesome entry that was Mission of Justice. Does it stack up? Does it increase the action? Does it include more stick fighting!? Lets. Find. Out.
Published 04/04/23
After dipping our toes into the world of artist movie making last episode, now we're sending the show on a downwards trajectory and watching 2003's CGI challenged,  disaster/exploration movie, The Core! A tour de force featuring a cast so jam packed with talent (Aaron Eckhart, Hillary Swank, Stanley Tucci), they didn't even have the budget for a peach. Seriously, go watch this movie! NOW!!! And after you've had the greatest visual 2 hours of your recent memory,  join us for a deep dive into...
Published 03/30/23
Hello! It's me, Dave! Hope you've all been keeping well while I was off for a little while. I am back now and this is my first pick since returning and oh boy am I off to a bad start haha. This weeks episode covers the 2018 horror/fantasy movie, The Head Hunter from Jordan Downey. I can't stress enough that this one is really hard to write a blurb about, as the movie is quite vague in every aspect.  The Head Hunter, follows the story of one man's mission of vengeance against the monster...
Published 03/16/23
Rutger Hauer? Gene Simmons? Bounty Hunters? Terrorism? CIA? All the best ingredients to make an 80's action masterpiece - or does it? This week we threw on our baggy leather to sit down and watch the 1986 movie Wanted: Dead or Alive. We talk dodgy Rabbi disguises, Nasa bombs, explosions, awful house boats, Boy Meets World, Gene Simmons drip, casual drink-driving, leather, doing shots in your car and we ponder if this truly lives up to its 60's western tv show namesake. Will Steve McQueen be...
Published 03/08/23
On this weeks episode of The Floptimists, we watched and discussed the 1983 Action/Fantasy movie, Deathstalker. Directed by James Sbardellati and written by Howard R. Cohen.  Deathstalker doesn't ask much of it's viewers, but it certainly makes the viewer ask, what the f**k is going on here? From boobs to chalices of ultimate power, and some other stuff in between all that, we follow the story of a lone hero, Deathstalker, on his quest to find the powerful wizard/pimp Munkar. Some say this...
Published 02/28/23
What happens when a group of kids drive out to a dilapidated location out in the woods to party and accidentally summon a demon which possesses each member one by one and the only way to survive is to make it through to the dawn? No we didn't watch The Evil Dead - we watched the 1988 classic Night of the Demons! With Dave away and just the duo to survive the night, join us as we talk about the similarities to The Evil Dead, movies with "Night of the" in the title, great special effects,...
Published 02/21/23
We're back again and still needing someone to fill in for Dave. So we invited on friend of the show - Shane O'Neill so he could put us through the wringer using his vast knowledge of great terrible movies.   And wring us he most certainly did!  He stormed into our minimalist science lab, and slapped down 1987's Mutant Hunt. A Sci Fi Android Thriller filled to the brim with cheap sets, pointless characters, ramshackle tech, & drugged up robots!  Join us as we discuss a production so...
Published 02/14/23
Our first special guest episode - featuring Andy Haskins! With Dave still off for the next few eps we went and wrangled up our first guest on the show ever! And fortunately for us we also gave him the wheel and let him pick the movie - a Busey movie. This week we cop-rolled into Double Suspicion - a movie that asks the question "is a 3 minute long sex scene with Gary Busy compelling?". Join us as we talk defenestration, butter knife scalpels, male stripping, Sex and the City, dutch angles,...
Published 02/08/23
We're a little late with a Christmas episode, but luckily we have picked a Christmas movie that has ZERO to do with Christmas. We watched 1988's Hypno Horror, The Brain. A movie chock full of rubber monstrosities and genres of music never heard of before or  since. Unfortunately Dave could not be with us this week, so join Ian & Warren as they discuss the science of Sodium, speedy local newspapers, & the biology of space brains that are trying to enslave the human race for no...
Published 01/31/23
Excuse me!? Brigitte Nielson and Jeff Wincott and Martial Arts!? I mean... woah. Just look at that movie poster! Join us this week as we go undercover into a secret neo-fascist group* of martial artists and watch the 1992 movie, Mission of Justice. This movie really has it all. Defenestration, Police brutality, Mr Rogers, roundhouse kicks, undercover hijinks, vigilante assisted beatdowns, Shotgun blasts ....and thats just in the first 5 minutes! *honestly we're still unsure here. The...
Published 11/29/22
So wait, you're telling me there's a straight to DVD movie made in 2007, starring the acting chops of F. Murray Abraham and an up and coming Matt Ryan, that was filmed both in Vietnam and a few very shaky sound stages, and despite being called Blood Monkey, it features very little blood and zero monkeys?  Yes, yes we are. Will The Floptimists be able to comprehend a movie so smart, it goes beyond intelligence?  Or will they they bumble their way through the many errors like a group of college...
Published 11/22/22
On this weeks episode of The Floptimists, we watched and discussed the 1989 horror movie, Nightmare Beach. Written and Directed by James Justice and Umberto Lenzi. Nightmare Beach is a classic 1980's horror movie with some great special effects, excellent music and some very creative death scenes. If you like beaches, bikes and electrocutions, check this one out! Thanks for listening everyone!
Published 11/15/22
This week we watch a movie inside movie that interacts with that movie in which zombies from one movie enter another movie. Yeah, you guessed it - were back for another Italian horror entry! We watched the 1985 movie Demons! directed by Lamberto Bava. It has everything on your Italian horror checklist! ADR, poor acting, gore, mystery, goblin score, worse acting, more gore, Chekhov's katana, Motley Crue, eye gouging, little goblin men, twists, metal masks, pimps, cocaine and a husband that...
Published 10/25/22
Join us as we get into Halloween spirit and unpack the dusty shoe box in your Granny's attic that is 2016 horror The Midnight Man! Where some horror movie veterans team up with some fresh face stars to play a game that probably won't end well for it's players.   It's a tale of one story's journey from Reddit Creepypasta, to Irish independent movie, to this! And all thanks to Cary Elwes brother! In this episode we'll be discussing all the nonsense of the rules of the Midnight Man game to the...
Published 10/17/22
This week on The Floptimists, we checked out the 2014 Action movie, Falcon Rising. Directed by Ernie Barbarash and written by the elusive and unknown Y.T Parazi.  Falcon Rising stars Michael Jai White and Neal McDonagh. Falcon Rising is your template action movie, that is chock full of roundhouse kicks, face bashing and bone breaking. However, in this one, we have a severe lack of story and questionable film making. This one is an interesting pick that we have a fun discussion about to try...
Published 10/11/22