It's easy to think that I do not suffer from imposter syndrome and self-doubt as a high achiever as I am. In this episode, I share my story of how I went from being unconfident to winning a coveted Bill Gates and Melinda travel grant scholarship even when I didn't believe in my capabilities.   Tune in to get the motivation you need to leap of faith to go after what you deserve. I have previously published two episodes that highlight some of the ways I get over my imposter...
Published 10/18/21
Everyone aspires to have purpose or meaning in their career, but how do you do that? What practical steps can you take today or this month to make sure you're not just toiling away at your desk, but you are doing something you genuinely care about? In this episode, I let you in on how to design a meaningful career that aligns with your values, vision, mission, interests and passions. I challenge you with key aspects to look at if you want to establish a meaningful career. If that's what you...
Published 09/26/21
Dig deep in you to determine what you are looking for in a career path. You are the driver of your career, so, set the rules and pursue a career that truly aligns with who you are. Here are some of the questions to help you design a meaningful intentional career: 1. What's my current career stat? 2. Am I happy with my current career path? 3. If I did not let my weakness fears people's opinions and current state hinder me from pursuing my career dream? How would y career path look...
Published 09/19/21
A meaningful career path starts with you. That’s what building an intentional career is all about. It’s about knowing your interests, your goals, values and your needs so you can pursue roles that are meaningful to you.  It’s about ignoring the pressure from your family, friends, or society to get a “good” job and prioritising what makes you happy.  It’s about knowing your skills and accomplishments and asking for the opportunities to leverage them instead of waiting to be recognised.  And...
Published 09/06/21
A cover letter provides you with the opportunity to introduce yourself to a potential employer and spark their interest in reading your resume. It is often the icebreaker as it states the pace for your application and is the first point of contact you make with a potential employer, hiring manager or recruiter for a job application. In this episode, I share with you what you need to include in your cover letter, how you can maximise your opportunities through crafting a killer cover...
Published 08/01/21
A good attitude is what most employers are looking for. This can supersede working experience. In this episode I teach you how to build a good attitude while looking for work. What to do when explaining a career gap or lack of skills and how to position yourself as the best candidate for a job even with minimal skills. Tune in to learn more. I have recently designed two digital products that you can benefit from.  Resume fundamentals: How to craft a great resume. This is all you need...
Published 07/25/21
Are you stuck in your career because your current workplace doesn't possess a Clear Career Path for You? Here are ways that you can navigate this hurdle.   Don't just sit and wait for things to be better. Be proactive and create a career you want. Be assertive and proactive- Assess your current situation and devise a plan for you. In this episode, I share exactly what you need to plan your career even with no clear plan or path at your workplace. Follow us on Instagram user name as...
Published 07/18/21
Resilience is a trait that will serve you well in every aspect of your life, including your career. With alarming unemployment rates and continued layoffs as the pandemic continues to take its toll on the job market and economy, many people are struggling with how to change carers, build careers or even seek dream jobs. In this episode, we highlight some of the ways you could build resilience as you take charge of your career development. These are the ways I have built resilience in my own...
Published 06/13/21
Are you looking for a job that lights you up and you don't know where to start from? Perhaps you have thrown in applications on applications for every job that comes your way? Or you are tired of applying without being called to interviews?   I know your frustration because I have been there.  To land your dream job, you need a strategy. In this episode, I share exactly what you need to land that job even in this dire situation that the pandemic has caused. Follow us on Instagram user name as...
Published 06/06/21
Do job interviews make you feel scared and you entirely dread them?  It shouldn't be so. A job interview provides you an opportunity to showcase your qualifications and make a good impression on the hiring team so as to score the job. In this episode, I share with you my tips and tricks to help you ace your next job interview. Tune in to learn more. If you have been struggling with acing your job interviews, This episode is for you. Follow us on Instagram user name as @theframedsolutions or...
Published 05/30/21
A resume is your marketing document. It's often the first document your prospective employer will look at and make a decision whether to invite you for an interview or not. In this episode, I delve into the mistakes you are making that stop you from landing your dream job. I offer ways to address them and land that dream job you deserve. If you have been struggling with acing this resume game, This episode is for you. Follow us on Instagram user name as @theframedsolutions or follow the...
Published 05/17/21
I recently got three job introductions from LinkedIn, so I was coaching one of my clients. I explained to her how she could leverage LinkedIn to get job leads and grow her career. To her surprise, she didn’t have the power of LinkedIn. One question I asked is, why are you on LinkedIn? She said, "I opened my account when I noticed my boss and colleagues had LinkedIn profiles". I understand my people are on LinkedIn for no actual reason or different reasons— another social media account. In...
Published 05/08/21
Here's one thing that I want you to know about career development– every day, billions of people are searching for ways to advance, pivot or align their careers to their future aspirations and lifestyles. That's why when I talk about career development, I am thrilled. I have been there and experienced this. I can confidently say, It was not an easy decision to make. But with the right tools, it is so worthwhile. You see, career development is an intentional topic. A person seeking to advance...
Published 05/02/21
"Mentors support and encourage people to manage their learning, maximise their potential, develop their skills, improve their performance and become the person they want to be.” – Eric Parsloe, The Oxford School of Coaching and Mentoring". These are the reasons why we all need mentors.  In this episode, we delve into why you need a mentor and how you can obtain one.  Follow us on Instagram user name as @theframedsolutions or follow the link: https://www.instagram.com/theframedsolutions/?hl=en...
Published 04/25/21
A PhD can present you with many fulfiling career options: A sit down with a  Chief Science Office at RECORNEA SL, Dr Kakanga In this episode, I sit down with Dr Moses Kakanga a Chief Science Officer at RECORNEA SL. Moses is a chief Science Officer for RECORNEA SRL an ophthalmology start-up developing corneal implants. He coordinates clinical trials as well as writing documents for clinical trials, setting up medical device quality management systems, setting up global risk management systems...
Published 04/25/21
In this episode, I sit down with Patrick Junior, a PhD student at the University of Queensland. Patrick has worked as a project manager and coordinator, coordinator in oil exploration, construction management and private engineering firms and civil engineering laboratories in East Africa. Despite all this experience, he has suffered from imposter syndrome. He details how he has overcome his fears. He attributes his PhD success to being proactive, learning how to manage your time and choosing...
Published 03/28/21
In this episode, I pull back the curtain and take you through some of the things I wish I knew when I started my PhD, way back in July 2015. The list is endless- this is the advice, I wish I had received. I am equipping you with the knowledge you need to get the best out of your PhD experience. I hope you learn a thing or two. I hope you learn something from this episode. If you love these episodes, please rate and review this podcast. Share this podcast with your families and friends. Follow...
Published 03/21/21
Chances are you will be required to undertake an interview following being shortlisted for PhD position. You will need to prepare just as much as you prepare during a job interview. In this episode, I share my tips and tricks you could use to ace your PhD interview. Listen in and let me know if they are helpful. I hope you learn something from this episode. If you love these episodes, please rate and review this podcast. Share this podcast with your families and friends. Follow us on...
Published 03/07/21
You know what? Curriculum Vitae (CV) writing is hard. For a lot of people, it's really hard. It's uncomfortable. It's an awkward style of writing, and for most of us, it's super confusing. How do you construct something that'll get you noticed for the exact types of PhDs/postdoctoral training that you want the most? How many pages is it supposed to be? Should you include a career objective or no objective? What are you supposed to do if you haven't finished your degree yet or maybe you've...
Published 02/28/21
Cover letters matter. When done right, they spell out clearly who you are, what you have to offer, and most importantly, why your skills, experience, and interests make you the perfect person for the PhD you’re vying for. In graduate school, cover letters have many names, for instance: motivation letters, expressions of interests and personal statements among others. Have you been struggling to get that PhD you're vying for? The issue might be that you are failing at writing that killer Cover...
Published 02/21/21
We live in a competitive world that a PhD can sometimes feel like a necessity, especially if you are in the STEMM field. However, you don't need to be dragged into doing one, because PhDs are not easy, they test you and you have to be in it for the long haul. That said, PhDs can be fulfilling and a great experience to learn, grow and develop as a researcher. The personal attributes gained after any PhD are transferable in many aspects of your career and lifestyle. In this episode, we discuss...
Published 02/14/21
When I first started my PhD program, I came in thinking pretty highly of myself.  I had to Masters degree, some years of work experience and a healthy ego about my intellect. It didn’t take long for me to start to doubt myself. I was surrounded by people so much smarter than me. There was so much I didn’t know, I even started to question my ability as a scientist. I was experiencing imposter syndrome. It is something that 70% of us experience when in new positions or when working with novel...
Published 02/07/21
Hi, I hold a PhD,  MSc, BSc plus a great deal of working experience, and I still suffer from imposter syndrome. I still feel that I tricked people to believe I am good enough and very soon I will be discovered and I will lose all my credibility. Yes, this is imposter syndrome. In today's episode, we discuss what imposter syndrome is how to diagnose it, stating the self-assessment you need to do to discover if you suffer from. it. I hope you not only enjoy this episode but find it insightful....
Published 01/31/21
When was the last time you did a career development assessment? When was the last time you created an actionable career development plan? In today's episode, I share my tips and ways of designing a career development plan that is fulfilling at the end of the day. One that utilises your strength and skill set as well as aligns with your values and interests.  Taking charge of your career is a 100% a personal initiative and it is only you that can design a career path that motivates you and...
Published 01/17/21
Happy 2021 my listeners!!! It's surreal that we are already 10 days into 2021 and my mouth is still stuck at saying 2020. On a serious note, I have done a reflection on 2020 and decided with aspects of my life I would like to prioritise in 2021. Here is a bullet point form for your reference. My words for 2021 are Positive, Patience, peace, intentional and consistency. Connect with a friend or a family member Create a bedtime routine Eat a rainbow Take better control of your money ...
Published 01/10/21