In this episode, I go over the idea that people can't get started freelancing if they have no 'skills.' I first talk about why the concept of 'expertise' doesn't really exist, and I move into why you should just get started anyway. Everyone started at square one at some point in their career. You need to get experience, first, if you want to have skills. Don't let the gatekeeping stop you!
Published 07/06/22
Published 07/06/22
How much time should you invest into a new side hustle? In this episode, I go over the typical timelines when starting a new side hustle, and why you should be patient. Rome wasn't built in a day, and that certainly holds true for your side hustle. This is why I have tried DOZENS of different side hustles - it has helped me finalize the main 6 I pursue every day today.
Published 06/29/22
We all know what rock bottom can feel like - and it's not pleasant. Nothing seems like it's going right, none of the side hustles you've tried are working out, and the bills are stacking up. What should you do now? Should you give up on the gig economy dream?In this episode, I go over the mindset foundation needed to work through a rock bottom and make your wildest financial freedom dreams come true. It starts with an open mind!
Published 06/22/22
We all reach a point in our freelancing career when we know it's time to raise our rates. But, we're too scared to actually doing it because we're afraid 'we will raise them too much, therefore alienating our entire customer base.'In this episode, I go over how to raise your rates without making enemies, and why you should become comfortable with the process. There is nothing wrong with asking more for your expertise that you acquired after months and months of hard work.Don't forget to check...
Published 06/15/22
I can relate to this one more than you all know. It's something I struggle with weekly. I want to learn and do so many things that I'm not sure I'll have enough time here on earth to do it all. Nevertheless, in this episode, I go over the plight of being interested in too many things, and how to identify where to focus your time and attention in the interim. Being too scatterbrained can be a detriment to making freelancing, or any side hustle, successful - here to help!Need freelancing...
Published 06/10/22
We've all been there - myself included. Posting that very first 'self promotional' Instagram post, proclaiming to the world that you're selling a product or service can be nerve-wracking. "What if they make fun of me?" It looms in the backs of our minds.In this episode, I go over why feeling this shame is normal, yet how you can overcome it nevertheless. I go over my own experience with this feeling and why some self-work and introspection can help you move past it.If you're needing...
Published 06/03/22
Doubling up on a 9-to-5 while making a freelancing business work can be challenging. But, in just a few months, you can lay the groundwork for a freelancing ecosystem that will grant you freedom from the constraints of any job you're currently working at. Everything worth having in life does take some work, but it's all about being in a place of gratitude to even have the opportunity in the first place.In this episode, I go over different ways to structure your time so that you can indeed...
Published 06/01/22
We all know the feeling - putting yourself on camera and posting it to social media, at first, can be scary. The thoughts of 'what if they make fun of me' or 'what if I look stupid' flood our minds. Yet, when we get out of that side of thinking and instead, focus on who the content is going to help, everything changes.In this episode, I go over how to move past a fear of putting yourself on social media so you can enjoy passive income and financial freedom with ease. Don't feel alone in your...
Published 05/27/22
There are a lot of flaws with the American education system, namely the fact that it was created to churn out employees as opposed to employers. We're released into the world with an employee mindset before we can even develop our own thoughts or opinions on how this whole thing called 'life' works.In this episode, I go over the history of our education system, how it's separating people from their divine purposes in 2022, and what you can do to 'un' brainwash yourself from decades of forced...
Published 05/25/22
Con artists are real, and there are more of them than you probably realize. In this episode, I go over my tips for identifying con artists, avoiding them, and moving forward in business with confidence. Although I have come into contact with too many con artists for comfort, that doesn't mean you need to!Most importantly, by being able to identify con artists, we can then appreciate the good business people online who actually want to help people. This is why NOT all online courses are bad....
Published 05/20/22
In this very special episode, I sit down with my mom, aka momager, to talk about business, money, mindset, family, and everything in-between. She shares how she was able to run her own businesses while raising two daughters, and how she views the flow of money.My mom is bad ass and is a perfect example of how being a freelancer/entrepreneur can make it easier for parents to be home with/bond with their kids.
Published 05/18/22
Living your divine purpose is the most fulfilling thing your soul can experience on this planet - but, it doesn't come without its trials and tribulations. In this episode, I break down the reality of living your divine purpose and being brave enough to do what your soul feels called to do while you're here. I also provide tips on how to muster up the courage to live your divine purpose, despite what everyone else has to say about it.
Published 05/13/22
We all sabotage our true potential every single day, whether we realize it or not. The problem is that most of us are unaware we are doing it, and even when we are made aware, we are unsure of how to stop doing it.In this episode, I go over what self-sabotaging is, how to identify it, what causes it, how to work through it, and how to reach for your true potential. The saying 'we are our own worst enemy' could not be more true, especially in business. But, your mind is a powerful tool that...
Published 05/12/22
'Drop servicing' has become a hot topic in the world of freelancing recently. It's a slang term used to describe a de facto freelancing agency model. I proudly own and manage my own drop servicing operation, and in this episode, I go over what that means, how to set one up, and why you should consider it, too. If people ever have a problem with how you're running your business, it's probably because they didn't think of it first. I encourage everyone to consider scaling their freelancing...
Published 05/06/22
It's no secret that my social media has attracted a lot of hate - more hate than I ever thought possible for someone who started a writing business. I have become as comfortable as I can be with the hate over the years, and am going to share how you, too, can anticipate the hate, forgive the hater, and go on with your day. It's an incredibly power mindset tool that will set you up for ultimate business success if you can learn to love your haters.
Published 05/04/22
A lot of people want to know if there is a certain $ amount I want to hit before I officially retire. In this episode, I explain why I don't plan to ever fully retire, but rather, live a financially free life that supports my goals and dreams. I don't believe it is good for human beings to be entirely removed from creating/producing/helping others. Yet, living a financially free life in which you don't have to worry about where your money is coming from is a game changer.Allow me to explain.
Published 04/29/22
It's very normal to be scared to 'put yourself out there' when you are first starting as a freelancer. As social creatures, we are impacted heavily by what our peers, communities, and loved ones have to say about us. In this episode, I go over why it's ok to have this fear - and still push through it. I provide actionable tips on how to put yourself out there as a freelancer regardless, and how you can build confidence as a powerhouse member of the gig economy.Don't forget... I have a free FB...
Published 04/27/22
I never thought years ago people would want to hear my perspective on this topic. In fact, I never really had an opinion towards this topic until it became hard to ignore. I do believe having conversations around this topic can help other women feeling the exact same way - and it can more normalize women, especially young women, earning good money today.Either way, I hope you enjoy my take!
Published 04/22/22
You are worth the rates you believe you are worth. I know that's a confusing statement, but in this episode, I explore how mindset, confidence, and experience directly translate into rates that you can successfully charge clients. In a short amount of time, you can double your rates with a proper portfolio, some testimonials, and most importantly, the self-confidence that you CAN do this.And believe me, you can!If you are looking to join my free Facebook community for freelancers or my...
Published 04/20/22
Fear, anxiety, and uncertainty are all natural parts of the freelancing and side hustling process. In fact, all of them present their own benefits in a lot of ways, if we can reframe how we see and approach each of them. In this episode, I explain how I have conquered (at times) all three, and what's going on inside my head when I do. I am a human just like you, so I am not always victorious.Note: I am not a medical professional or claiming to be one in this episode. I am merely describing...
Published 04/15/22
We all have them... bad days are inevitable in any line of work. As a freelancer, bad days can feel overwhelming and at times, very lonely. In this episode, I go over my personal experiences with bad days and how I have learned to push through them working alone from my home. Don't forget: I made an online community of now over 23,000 people so you don't ever have to feel alone freelancing again! Will link below.Bottom line is: don't let the fear of bad days stop you from pursuing financial...
Published 04/13/22
For the longest time, I have wanted to write a book on this topic. I plan to - but it has been a topic that has been very hard for me to discuss/share. As I move through my own personal grief presently, I feel like I am in a place where I can start talking about. I know there are so many people out there who need this message - if anyone you know is in the trenches with their grief, shoot them this episode. It's my raw, grief-stricken emotions and thoughts.I feel like grief is something we...
Published 04/08/22
Alright this is probably the most hotly requested topic for me to cover! In this episode, I go over my main three businesses and the six side hustles that are operated underneath them. This is a rough layout of how my businesses work together. After 7-years in the gig economy, I have created this structure as one that is easy to manage on the road and presently, does not require a lot of my time. I rely on other freelancers to fulfill services as needed. It's a completely freelancer-supported...
Published 04/06/22
One of the biggest lies we're told in high school and beyond is that we have to pick the 'one job' and 'one career' we want to do for the rest of our lives. I believe every single human being is multi-passionate, destined to work dozens of different jobs in their lifetime. I believe forcing ourselves to pick one career for 35-years stagnates growth, creativity, and overall happiness, robbing us of our ability to explore all that our divine destiny holds.In this episode, I break down what...
Published 04/01/22