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JW Shears
The FreeWay Populist
The FreeWay is dedicated to pursuing American unity through values and policies that bring its people together. While extremes, left and right, get attention from mass and social media, neither represents how most Americans think or what they want. What do Americans desire? They want a country that keeps them safe, provides a fair way to make a living, offers hope for their children, and reflects values they hold. There’s no question the country is divided, but not nearly as much as pundits believe. A growing popular majority is ready to assert its values in practical ways—for the sake of...
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Recent Episodes
Every nation has its enemies. Some are foreign, while some are internal. The United States has both, but never before has the internal held so much power. In this episode we talk about the enemy who is against the people and how the people can regain control.
Published 05/22/22
Published 05/22/22
Good health is a treasure and we should want more of it. That’s been my pursuit the past year, which has led to a much better me. I want to share my journey with you, hopefully inspiring some to act. A prosperous nation needs a healthy population in order to grow and function.
Published 05/15/22
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