There are diversions in the church, and then there are Christian tabloid diversions to keep us up to date on the diversions. We were asked about a certain occurrence playing out at a men’s conference in Springfield, Missouri, hoping we could explain the general messed-uppedness of whatever happened there. This opens up a different conversation about diversions, the entertainment culture, the cool, big famous preacher guys, and the replacement of church with something (we’re not exactly sure...
Published 05/03/24
Published 05/03/24
College protests are sweeping across the country — over 1,400 protesters arrested so far. Youth power and student power gained force in the 1970s, beginning with the Vietnam protests. Shall we leave it up to the liberal colleges and “student power” to change the world? Or are we surrendering to chaos and revolution? This program includes: 1. The World View in 5 Minutes with Adam McManus (May 2, 2024 is National Day of Prayer, United Methodist Church affirms sexual perversion, 10...
Published 05/02/24
Has the time finally come for the states to fight off the tyranny of Washington, D.C.? Would they ever do it? Kevin Swanson interviews Matthew Trewhella on the role of the lesser magistrates in resisting tyranny from higher magistrates. This may come in handy when Christians are subjected to persecution at the hands of the pro-homosexual federal government. This program includes: 1. The World View in 5 Minutes with Adam McManus (Texas teacher ordered not to pray, Swiss abandon...
Published 05/01/24
Quite a lot can happen in 63 years of popular culture.  We trace the movement from sustainable folk culture to decadence to despair on this edition of the program — beginning with Johnny Horton and ending with Taylor Swift. But why does a post-Christian culture end in suicide and despair so quickly. The book of 2 Peter offers a clue.  This program includes: 1. The World View in 5 Minutes with Adam McManus (Chuck Norris honors his 103-year-old mother, TikTok bans around the globe,...
Published 04/30/24
Which is worse — violating a minor campaign finance rule or breaking God’s law by committing adultery? Certain of Donald Trump’s sexual sins and divorces are well known, but is any of this consistently overlooked by conservatives and Christians? Should they be overlooked? God wasn’t happy with David’s adultery with Bathsheba, and this actually took a toll on the nation. Should we minimize or ignore sexual sin?  This program includes: 1. The World View in 5 Minutes with Adam...
Published 04/29/24
Kevin Swanson and Adam McManus address how difficult it has become to parent children in our world today. The world is doing badly, with many children spending over eight hours every day in online entertainment. Christians should have a purpose outside of video games and movies, redeeming the time, for the days are evil. This program includes: 1. The World View in 5 Minutes with Adam McManus (Muslims set fire to Christians’ homes in Egypt, Teen suspended for “Only Two...
Published 04/26/24
Employers are facing the toughest labor market in our lifetime. Men have lost reason and faith, character and stability. Men aren’t getting married, and they aren’t growing up. But each successive generation gets worse because they lack both fathers and mothers. The mothers of the next generation of children have rushed into the marketplace to fill in for the economy, and children are left home alone. Only 47% of grown men are married and stabilized in life, down from 73% in 1960. Meanwhile,...
Published 04/25/24
Visiting the orphan and widow. Adoption. It's real religion. It's tough religion at points. But it has to be a religion filled with faith and Christ, the whole journey. Here is a realistic, down-to-earth, loving, thoughtful, informative, wise, courageous, faith-filled, hopeful look at adoption through the eyes of a mom who has walked the journey. Kevin Swanson interviews Shari McMinn, author of her book called Adoption - Encouragement and Advice for a Hopeful Journey. This program...
Published 04/24/24
Purity rings, purity vows, purity ceremonies, and dances were popular for a few decades among Christian groups. But, problems developed when the little boys didn't grow up and girls couldn't get married. Immaturity dominated, on-line porn took the boys down; and combining vows of celibacy with a delay of marriage (and a reputation of young marriages) was a killer for evangelicals. Why aren't our young men getting married? Why aren't our girls getting married? The just will live by faith, and...
Published 04/23/24
Satan worship has moved from Iron Maiden and Marilyn Manson to Madonna Katy Perry, and Taylor Swift Concerts. What started in the closet works its way into the bedroom . . .then on into the living room, and then it moves into the front yard, and now into the middle of the street. We provide a little historical background for revolutions. The French Revolution as the prototype for all future revolutions of the 19th and 20th Centuries, we review the spiritual/occultic preparation that came by...
Published 04/22/24
Moral leadership lapses as "democratically-elected" leaders are more likely to sway with popular opinion than stand for principle. Republicans in swing states are fast moving away from a pro-life stance. But, does moving to the center really help to win elections? Can you really count on the squishy 30-40 percent in the center to vote one way or another? Who controls the winds? Who controls the center votes?
Published 04/19/24
For the first time in American history, parents must serve serious prison time for the crimes committed by their teen kids. What should parents do if they are dealing with the Matthew 15:4 kid? Jesus deals with the worst-case scenario situation, affirming Old Testament law as God's standard of justice. But how does this apply today?
Published 04/18/24
Was it a conspiracy? That’s the question today. We follow the order here. First, governments gained absolute control of the schools, then they enforced godlessness in the schools, and then moral chaos. But is this really a conspiracy of the highest order to bring about this revolution? Alex Newman follows the thread on for us on this edition of the program. 
Published 04/17/24
The rise and fall of the East comes just a tad bit after the rise and fall of the West. All that to say that the next 20-30 years is going to get real interesting. China is losing 800,000,000 people in the largest population bomb in the history of the world. Will the population bomb yield to the other bomb, as tensions rise in the east? Why did our federal government fail to do the one thing it was supposed to do since Reagan suggested Star Wars Defense? 
Published 04/16/24
Apathy and permissive parenting is on the rise. Parents less and less love their children enough to discipline them. And, parents less and less love God and honor God enough to correct them. This was Eli's problem, and God brought an end to Eli's household entirely. They all died. Here, we present a practical guide to discipline and teaching your children to obey their parents and to honor God.
Published 04/15/24
We contrast slavery with killing babies and find that politicians tend to go for pragmatism or principle. Shall we have slavery or abortion where "everyone wants it?" Do we leave this up to the individual states, as the Republican presidential candidate puts it? If the goal is to "save the nation," will this accomplish the goal? That didn't work for slavery, and it is doubtful it will work for abortion. How would you save this nation?
Published 04/12/24
The Survey Center on American Life finds Gen Z women are much more likely to leave the church. Men are actually doing better than the previous generation. Why are women abandoning religion? Leading authors, journalists, and teachers are increasingly women, and they don’t teach good stuff. They are leading the apostasy, and their folly is manifest to all, as the Apostle Paul put it. 
Published 04/11/24
Fifty-four percent of American adults believe that climate change is a major threat. That's up from 44 percent in 2010. E-cars. Solar farms. Accusations of Ecocide. The hysteria isn't quelling this time. But what is the worldview and the psychology behind the irrational rage and mindless revolution? Are they avoiding the inevitability of the real cataclysm, the ultimate judgment at the hands of almighty God? Kevin Swanson interviews E. Calvin Beisner from the Cornwall Alliance on his new...
Published 04/10/24
Honor for pastors and presidents is at an all-time low. These are the least-respected people in America. Yet, Scripture specifically instructs us to honor governors, pastors, parents, and company management. But what if you get a president like Saul who is out to kill you? We look at David's example here.
Published 04/09/24
The modern age both individuates and plugs everybody into a socialist economy. But for 6,000 years, healthy societies found the family to be the basic social unit. The family economy was the basic economic unit. Will society survive without it? Here is a call for a return to the family-based economy, one family at a time. It's not that complicated.
Published 04/08/24
The US and Russia rate the worst nations in the world for drug use. Based on our new Family Integrity Index, these two nations also rate as the worst nations in the world. The US has the weakest families in the world. America is rich . . . and depressed. Rich . . . and selfish. Rich . . . with a whole lot of broken relationships. America is in a sad, sad state of affairs. There is only one Hope left.
Published 04/05/24
This past Resurrection Sunday, President Biden celebrated Transgender Visibility Day. Biden said recently in an interview that Jesus was “sort of consistent with generically what we're supposed to do.” But what did Jesus really do and say? And why does American “Christianity” try to water down the Gospel and lower the bar on God's Law?
Published 04/04/24
Campus Crusade for Christ is going backwards. Staff requirements advising using “preferred pronouns” and referring to homosexuality as “a disordering of sexual desires” is not helping anybody. The lukewarm position has always been untenable. We explain here why Christians cannot live by lies, but the shame of it—is a depreciation of the power of the Gospel and a lapse of faith. Isn’t it time for another crusade? And, when was the last time we sang “Onward Christian Soldiers?” 
Published 04/03/24
The world quickly dismisses America's Christian heritage, but Christians can overstate it if they're not careful. What are the reliable reports that you can hang your hat on when it comes to these questions? And what is the value of a Christian heritage?
Published 04/02/24