venmo@hutchdeiblerWhen my father passed me down his old work shirt, little did I know it would weave its way into a conversation about Memorial Day and the profound way we honor those who've made the ultimate sacrifice. This episode isn't just about remembrance; it's a tapestry of laughter and reflection, weaving through the idyllic streets of New Smyrna Beach to the curious etiquettes of fridge politics at home. Who knew that labeling your yogurt could spark a family debate, or that an inher...
Published 05/28/24
Published 05/28/24
Hey everyone, Jeromy here along with Jennifer and Drew, and we're thrilled to be back behind the mic. What we've got in store for you is nothing short of an emotional rollercoaster that promises to touch your heart and tickle your funny bone. We kick things off with a candid catch-up where Jennifer's Broadway adventure and Drew's restroom rescue mission set the stage. Our car confessionals reveal the mishmash of hair-raising (quite literally!) and hilarious memories that come with the love fo...
Published 05/21/24
Imagine being part of a birthday celebration that turns your life upside down—in the best possible way. That's what happened to Brian Barefoot, our special guest and the rhythmic heartbeat of FFH. As we sit with Jeremy, Jennifer, and Drew, we unwrap the tale of Brian's seamless transition from birthday party drummer to beloved family member through his marriage to Jennifer's sister, Janelle. Our conversation dances through the complexities of blending familial bonds with the beats of the musi...
Published 04/30/24
Navigating the chaotic dance of parenthood, we waltz into tales of teen formals and the humorous, yet sometimes awkward, world of family nicknames. Remember the first time you held a baby car mirror and saw your little one's reflection? Well, that mirror now reflects teenagers ready for their first dates, and oh boy, are there stories to tell! From setting boundaries to the tender moments before a daughter steps out on her first date, we share a slice of life that every parent can relate to....
Published 04/23/24
Ever found yourself reminiscing about childhood antics, the ones that made you the resilient adult you are today? Join us as we wander through the whimsical yet wild tales of parenting and creativity with our special guest, New York Times bestselling author Ariel Lawhon. We kick things off recounting the day my daughter Sadie's adventurous spirit led to a missing front tooth, a story that perfectly encapsulates the unpredictable journey of raising kids. With Ariel's insights, we'll also peel...
Published 04/16/24
Remember the last time your charger got mistaken for makeup? It sparked the most unexpected banter at the Diebler family table—and that's just a taste of the conversations we're serving up this week. Our special guest, the Gen Z representative and anxiety connoisseur, Hutch Diebler, joins us to shed light on what it's like navigating a world where "cheugy" is a put-down and a phone charger can spark an intergenerational debate.  Get ready to laugh and maybe learn a thing or two as we tackle...
Published 04/09/24
As we gathered around the microphone, Scott Williamson, the adventurous aviator known for "Pilot Eats Food," brought a feast of stories to our table, seasoned with laughter and vulnerability. From the rhythm of drumming to the unity of family and faith, Scott helped us navigate the skies of life's greatest challenges, including his own health reflections, with the grace of a seasoned pilot. Our conversation was a quilt of memories, stitched with threads of personal growth and the shared...
Published 04/02/24
Ever discovered something long-lost in the nooks of your home and felt like an archaeologist uncovering ancient artifacts? That's how we kicked off our chit-chat in the bonus room studio—with the epic saga of a missing bobby pin, of all things. Jennifer, Drew, and I unpack the quirks of life from our cozy new recording space, ranging from musings on millennial life to the thrills and spills of navigating parenthood. We're serving up tales that'll stir up both your laughter and thoughts, like...
Published 03/26/24
Have you ever had one of those recording snafus that made you want to pull your hair out? We kick things off with a candid confession about a recent tech hiccup and how it led us down a path of reflection on the importance of each voice in our podcast family. As we peel back the layers of our group dynamic, you'll hear how Drew's steadfast nature and Jennifer's effervescent spirit weave the fabric of our storytelling, and how even our off-air antics contribute to the magic we create. We're...
Published 03/19/24
Picture this: you're snipping away at your hair, trying to tame that wild mane, and your friend walks in sporting a haircut that screams "intergalactic chic." That's the kind of off-the-cuff moment Drew Powell, Jennifer Deibler—with her stormtrooper-inspired 'do—and I find ourselves reminiscing over as we mark our 22nd episode with a hearty laugh. From the surreal scenes painted by dreams to the name-game nuances and the truths that age uncovers, we've got a conversational cocktail that's...
Published 03/12/24
Ever found yourself chuckling at the memory of a quirky fitness trainer who had an unhealthy love for Excel, or pondering the enigmatic calm solitude brings? Reconnect with us as we swap such personal tales and celebrate the remarkable influence of our musical guests, hinting at future episodes peppered with diverse and engaging personalities. As my friends and I unwind into our usual banter, we address everything from the idiosyncrasies of pop culture to the earnest exploration of faith,...
Published 03/05/24
When Aaron Benward graced our studio, what unraveled was nothing short of a tapestry woven with the threads of laughter, transformation, and deep introspection. As my co-hosts, j Lo and Drew Powell, and I bantered with Aaron, we found ourselves trading tales from our mischievous days on tour to moments where life demanded we dig deep and evolve. From hilarious tour pranks to the serenity of surrender to a higher power, our conversation spanned the spectrum of human experience—always with a...
Published 02/27/24
I never thought I'd find myself chuckling over tales of missed musical chances, yet here I am, joined by the one-and-only John Mays, sharing a laugh as we traverse down memory lane. Our latest episode isn't just a nod to Texas pride and the ripples it casts far and wide; it's a mosaic of personal journeys, music industry insights, and the tender, often complex weaving of faith and culture in the tapestry of life. Our conversation roams from the nostalgic backroads of our early music careers...
Published 02/20/24
When Robert Beeson strolled into our studio, it wasn't just a trip down memory lane; it was a revelation on how serendipity spins our lives in unforeseen directions. Our chat with this music industry titan, once an integral part of our band FFH's story, unearthed laughter-laced tales of early career choices and a crucial meeting that rerouted our destiny. We peeled back the layers of our journey from the cool kids of the music scene to the laid-back lives we lead today, offering a sneak peek...
Published 02/13/24
Have you ever sat down with an old friend, Cherry Coke Zero in hand, and journeyed through the annals of shared memories? That's exactly what we're doing with Shelly Breen, a veteran of the music industry with tales as rich as the melodies we've crafted together. Our conversation dances from the shared laughter and poignant losses that have colored our past, to the indulgent debates over our favorite fizzy drinks. It's a heartwarming session that promises to enfold you in the kind of warmth...
Published 02/06/24
Have you ever put on a bold lipstick or chosen a quirky wedding song just to express your true self? This episode is a deep-dive into the authenticity of choice, from the colors we wear to the melodies that define our milestones. Jennifer, Drew, and I share our thoughts on embracing individuality in a world that often rewards conformity. We tackle the fine balance between maintaining personal identity in creative collaborations and the pain of seeing ideas fade into the ether. Moreover, we...
Published 01/30/24
As snow blankets the vibrant town of Franklin, Tennessee, my wife Jennifer, our dear friend Drew Powell, and I huddle up to recount the 'Snowpocalypse' shenanigans that turned our world a glorious shade of winter white. From the amusing trials of snowbound days to school closures and the heartfelt laughter shared over listener feedback, we traverse the spectrum of emotions that come with a good old-fashioned snowstorm. And surely, a discussion about the curious design choices of 90's...
Published 01/23/24
Ever found yourself chuckling at the curious case of your own fashion choices or the quirky habits of those around you? Well, you're in good company, as my co-hosts Drew Powell, Jennifer "jlo" Diabler, and I trade tales and jests about everything from Jennifer's bloodhound-like nose to my symbolic connection with the industrious beaver. Our banter is a playful dance around the comforts of home, like that Wawa Cup nostalgia, and the personal styles that make us, well, us. From peculiar podcast...
Published 01/16/24
Ever made a New Year's resolution so quirky it's worth sharing on air? That's exactly what I, Jeremy Diabler, along with my co-host Jennifer Lois Diabler and producer Drew Powell, delve into as we kick off our latest podcast episode. There's laughter, a bit of embarrassment, and a nod to the absurdity of high school memories that come flooding back—you won't want to miss our banter or the story of the infamous 'Rat' hall monitor that somehow ties into our discussion about self-improvement and...
Published 01/09/24
As the new year unfolds, we're peeling back layers of everyday life with stories that resonate, whether it's battling the common cold or celebrating our children's triumphs. Our latest episode is a heartfelt journey through the complexities of parenting, the peculiarities of experiential chair work therapy, and the simple joy of playing music across the country. With Drew Powell's laughter-infused wisdom joining us, we navigate from the profound to the playful, tackling topics as diverse as...
Published 01/02/24
Hopeful and eager for the new year, Drew Powell, Jennifer Diebler, and I, your host Jeremy, sat down to dissect the lessons of 2023 and our aspirations for 2024. We found ourselves drawn to the topic of New Year's resolutions, sharing our personal goals and the determination to achieve them. From my ambition to confine my meals to home-cooked and dining table-served, to the more humorous idea of electing Jennifer as Nashville's Mayor, our conversation was a melange of the serious and...
Published 12/26/23
Imagine wearing glasses in the shower because the world is a blur without them. That’s the kind of hilarious anecdote you can expect from us as we recount personal tales, reminding you to prioritize self-care during the busy holiday season. From discussing the magic of Christmas to sharing our family traditions and memorable gifts, we invite you to our festive rollercoaster ride.  This episode promises to be more than just holiday cheer. Have you ever contemplated the stark differences...
Published 12/19/23
Ever feel like you're juggling too much and teetering on the edge of burnout? You're not alone. We've all felt the weight of living in a world where success is often measured by what we do rather than who we are. Welcome to a refreshing conversation on the transition from a frantic life of achievement to a more fulfilling existence guided by faith and trust in God's plan. We're pulling back the curtain on our personal struggles, sharing our stories of wrestling with anxiety, health issues,...
Published 12/12/23
Are you ready for the Christmas magic to envelop you as we navigate through holiday stress, the charm of Franklin, Tennessee, and our early Christmas decorating spree? We saddle up for an exhilarating New York adventure, surprising our daughter with a Broadway musical, and sharing the kindness we experienced in the heart of the Big Apple. Curious about our conflict resolution tactics amidst travel escapades? Get ready for some serious truth bombs! We also reminisce about our involvement in...
Published 12/05/23