Sometimes, life can feel like navigating a vast, expansive ocean without a compass. You feel lost, directionless, and tossed about by every turbulent wave. In these times, the significance of having a roadmap, a plan, cannot be understated. Imagine setting sail without a map or a set destination. Where would you end up? Would you even get anywhere? This same concept applies to our lives. When you chart your course, you're not left to the mercy of unpredictable tides and winds. Instead, you...
Published 11/06/23
There's a powerful concept that too often gets buried beneath societal pressures and the weight of other people's expectations: authenticity. I want you to understand that you should never have to shrink yourself or dim your light just because it makes someone else uncomfortable. Embrace your essence and remain unwavering in it. Sure, introspection is essential. Regularly evaluate yourself. Ensure that you're bringing positivity, kindness, and benevolence into the world. But once you've done...
Published 10/30/23
Whenever the name Kobe Bryant is mentioned, we're immediately drawn to the concept of the 'Mamba Mentality'. While we often celebrate Kobe's on-court triumphs and accolades, it's important to understand where this relentless drive originated. This wasn't just some switch he flipped on during game time; it was born out of countless hours in the gym, in solitude, pushing himself harder than anyone else would. Kobe's dedication to practice is a significant lesson for all of us. Most people...
Published 10/23/23
Let's be real – not every day is going to be a walk in the park. If life was just a string of perfect days, we wouldn't truly appreciate the highs, nor would we learn from the lows. The fact that our days fluctuate between good and bad is a testament to life's unpredictability. It prompts us to constantly adapt, to work on ourselves, and to persevere. Think about sports for a moment. I've been discussing basketball with my kid, helping him understand that a successful game isn't only about...
Published 10/16/23
Ever watched the NFL? If so, you've probably heard of Mike Tomlin, the renowned coach with an impressive record, including two Super Bowl victories. His long tenure in a profession known for frequent turnovers speaks to his caliber. One of his philosophies stuck with me. He mentioned that success isn't just about what we're capable of achieving, but more about what we're willing to consistently strive for. Here's a simple analogy: Think about a friend who effortlessly nails a challenging...
Published 10/09/23
The ancient Stoic philosophers have a phrase that encapsulates the transience of life: “Memento Mori”, which translates to “Remember you will die.” While it may sound morbid at first glance, its meaning is deeply profound, urging us to live each day as if it were our last. A few months ago, a personal incident involving my son's passion for basketball served as a perfect illustration of this philosophy. Life Lessons through Sports: After a mishap on the basketball court, where my son took...
Published 10/02/23
In life, we've all felt that surge of motivation, that burst of energy where we proclaim our intentions to the world. It feels good, exhilarating even. In that moment, we are filled with fervor, hope, and certainty. But as the motivational speaker Inky Johnson so aptly puts it, "Can I stay true to what I said I would do long after the mood that I said it in has left me?" This sentiment highlights an age-old challenge: the struggle between short-lived motivation and long-term commitment. It's...
Published 09/25/23
From the iconic sports arenas to the tight-knit communities of collegiate football, Coach Deion Sanders stands as a testament to the power of dedication—not just to the game but to family. The rise and impact of Deion Sanders in the Colorado Buffaloes’ program is a lesson in unwavering focus and commitment. Here's what Coach Prime’s journey with the Colorado Buffaloes can teach us: 1. Beyond The Personality: Often, strong personalities like Sanders' can eclipse the intent behind their...
Published 09/18/23
The path to success is riddled with obstacles, some external and others internal. However, what many often overlook are the people who, intentionally or unintentionally, derail us from our goals. They're the subtle voices of doubt, the not-so-silent critics, the ones who project their own failures onto us. While it's easy to recognize and fend off naysayers we hardly know, the real challenge is when these voices come from those closest to us. It's a harsh reality to swallow: Not everyone...
Published 09/11/23
There's an allure in instant gratification. This rush of seeing immediate results after a burst of effort. This allure is particularly pronounced when we are younger or when we embark on a new journey. A child picks up a new hobby, and within days or weeks, we witness visible improvement. It's exhilarating, motivating. However, as time goes on, and as our journey continues, the trajectory of our growth starts to flatten. The leaps become smaller. The bounds become less pronounced. This is...
Published 09/04/23
Let's unpack a phrase we hear thrown around often: "mental toughness." It's a concept many strive for but struggle to define. So, what does it mean to be mentally tough? Often, when we label someone as mentally tough, we picture a superhero-like character, invincible to fear, pain, or doubt. But let's debunk that right away. Mental toughness is akin to courage. Think about someone you deem courageous – someone like Tim Kennedy, for instance. Do you think he never feels fear? Nah, that's not...
Published 08/28/23
Alright, let's get honest for a sec. I know what some of y'all are thinking: "Why do the work?" And no, I'm not talking about clocking into your 9-5. I mean that deep, soul-searching, introspective work on ourselves. When most days are pretty average and you're coasting along just fine, why dig deep? Why push yourself? Why face the mirror? Here's the kicker: It's not about the good days. It's about prepping for the challenging ones. Let's paint a picture. Most days, you wake up,...
Published 08/21/23
So, I was scrolling through the 'Gram the other day (because let's be real, who isn't?), and I stumbled across this quote that made me do a double take: "Be grateful for not figuring it out." At first, I was like, "Wait, what?!" We're all hustling, grinding, and burning the midnight oil trying to "figure it out," right? But here's the twist. What if not having all the answers was the real treasure? Yeah, I know, mind-blowing, right? The journey, the messy middle, the trials and errors –...
Published 08/14/23
I was recently listening to Inky Johnson.  This guy's got some profound wisdom to share, and one thing he said recently really resonated with me: "We have to be willing to unlearn what we've been conditioned to believe." Here's the thing: most of our beliefs aren't organically ours. They're shaped by external influences: our parents, surroundings, mentors, and the whole nine yards. To grow, we gotta recognize this and be ready to shake off these old-school conditioning. Once we're aware of...
Published 08/07/23
In a recent podcast episode, I threw out a question that got me thinking: Can you handle discomfort? Sounds weird, right? I mean, our instincts tell us to avoid discomfort at all costs. We're wired to play it safe and steady, preferring to keep things just the way they are. It's our biological homeostasis switch kicking in, ensuring we stay comfy and survive. But here's the kicker: sticking to comfort zones doesn't get us far. The secret to growth is actually flipping this script. Want to...
Published 07/31/23
Recently, I've been tuning into John Danaher's talks on Jiu-Jitsu and improvement. It's not just about getting better at Jiu-Jitsu, though. His principles can apply to just about anything. He talks about how to get better when your time is limited. Let's take Jiu-Jitsu as an example. You've got three hours a week to train. If you casually float through each session, following the instructor's cues without any specific focus, you'll have fun, sure. But will you see serious improvement?...
Published 07/24/23
  Alright, let's get real here. For those who've been following my journey on Instagram and other platforms, you know I've been wrestling with a bit of anxiety lately. It's nothing new, just a pesky guest that pops up once every few years, maybe even a decade. I didn't get here overnight. I didn't wake up one morning and think, "I fancy some anxiety today." It's a slow build, a gradual process that brought me to this place of discomfort. And even though I'd give anything to shake off this...
Published 07/18/23
My grandpa, my "Zedi". Dude had a signature move whenever someone hit him up with a "how you doing?" His reply? "I'm good. Nothing to complain about. Nobody cares." Zedi's no-nonsense response stuck with me, and now I'm passing the baton. Let's face it, most people don't have time to sit around listening to a complaint fest. You yourselves probably tune out when someone else starts moaning. So here's the deal: we've got the power to decide how we react, and we can choose to skip the whine...
Published 07/10/23
In this podcast episode, I'm driving home the point that training your mind is as essential as brushing your teeth. We all know how life throws curveballs, especially when we start getting a taste of success. To be ready for anything, I share my morning routine, which includes meditation, breath work, prayer, and cold showers - stuff that gets my mind primed for the day. Just like ignoring dental hygiene can lead to a mouthful of problems, ignoring mental training can land us in a tough...
Published 07/03/23
Waiting for perfection or the perfect moment will only lead to inaction and missed opportunities. True greatness and epic moments are born out of imperfection, struggle, and taking action. Think of the best comebacks in sports or the most legendary game-winning shots. They were made possible by facing failure, trying, attempting, and not waiting for the perfect circumstances. If you want to live a fulfilling life, it's time to stop waiting and start doing. Perfection and epicness are not...
Published 06/12/23
Meagan O’Nan is an award-winning author, keynote speaker, and vulnerable storytelling expert. She is the author of the award-winning book, “Creating Your Heaven on Earth,” and “Courage: Agreeing to Disagree Is Not Enough.” Her third book, "Held And Free: Coming Out of Your Story" was released in March 2023. Meagan is also a member of the Forbes Coaches Council where she produces regular content for Forbes.com.  Meagan has spoken to thousands of people at live events since 2008, including...
Published 06/09/23
In a recent conversation with my friend Ryan Harris, a Super Bowl champion and former NFL player, something he said resonated deeply with me. We were discussing basketball and the expectations we have for ourselves and others. Ryan dropped some wisdom that left me inspired. He said, "Boys, expectations are a form of belief." Those words hit me like fire. It made me realize the significance of setting high expectations for ourselves and how they shape our belief in what we can achieve. ...
Published 06/05/23
Sharing good news with the wrong people can sometimes lead to disappointment or even exploitation. It's crucial to be mindful of who we confide in when it comes to our accomplishments. This episode explores the importance of selecting the right people to share our success with and how it can impact our well-being. Genuine support means having friends who celebrate our victories without expecting anything in return. Unfortunately, finding such individuals can be challenging in today's world....
Published 05/30/23
Jenn Lim, a global workplace expert, speaker, corporate consultant, and the CEO of Delivering Happiness, a company built to create happier company cultures for a more profitable and sustainable approach to business. Jenn is also the author of the bestselling book Beyond Happiness: How Authentic Leaders Prioritize Purpose and People for Growth and Impact.
Published 05/26/23