Published 06/14/24
...well dividend and split, pretty sure I've seen that 'specialist' film before! BIG news last week for the #GME #Apes with Gamestop announcing a stock split via a dividend that should be the end game for the hedgies. Anywhere from a 3 to 14-1 split depending on the vote in June. The majority of those split stocks will be paid by the short-sellers, ha! Hedgies are f*cked! On this week's cast: Melvin Delvin! Congress catfight! ForbesSkin, 3 poster roaster, premature-in-vester-nation, Stonk...
Published 04/06/22
...some of the things we cover in a podcast even surprise us! Where can you get a podcast that talks about spit roasts, strippers, stonks, and our mate Ste? Just here with Sam and Col on 'The Great Escape Podcast' that's where! ;) You would be let off this week to think you've been transported back to January 2021 and been re-subjected to all the #CrimeAndLies we experienced then! We saw the hedgies back to their A-Game this week, creating an artificial stock halt, and then creating a...
Published 03/30/22
...you know what...it is! Green is good, and we've had a huge amount of it this week! What an amazing week for the #Apes! We've had some amazing price action on both #GME and #AMC, events outside of the stonks that have made the week even more intolerable for the #hedgies such as China, Russia, and the global financial system as a whole. We are entering into the end game brothers and sisters, please present your rocket tickets and buckle up! On this week's cast: Cohen knowin where it's goin,...
Published 03/24/22
DD treasures without measures! We got a bit serious (in places this week). Some weeks play out like that! Firstly happy St. Patrick's day to our Irish brothers and sisters! Also a big happy birthday to Ted Cohen! Ryan Cohen (aka Daddy) has been very vocal this week ahead of the #GME earnings call, we're bullish as a Wookie in a hair salon! This week has been another week of the walls closing in on the hedgies. Everyway they turn another #MOASS inducing moment is just around the corner which...
Published 03/17/22
...because he's doing it with crime! What a brilliant song from Joey (@joeygallinal)to start the show this week! Absolutely brilliant, catchy, and just perfect for the Apes! It's been a week of the net closing in around the primes and hedgies, they are running out of places to run and are just in survival mode, it's great to watch them squirm and be even more blatant about the market manipulation and corruption! Note to the hedgies, the Department of Justice is watching guys, you are...
Published 03/10/22
It's all about the Milk.... Well, it is according to Gary and his SEC friends! So much to cover this week, the title could have been one of several topics, we were spoilt for choice. Huge week for the apes and we wanted to cover as much as we could. It feels like the stonks house of cards is starting to topple. Even more exposure to what's going on with the corrupt markets with mainstream media and Adam Arron spending a considerable amount of the Q4 earnings call telling the world about all...
Published 03/03/22
We are your friends! Ape or not! An apt name for a very disturbing situation going on currently in the World. More ironic by the fact the band that wrote it are called "War" So this is episode 22 on the week that's 22/2/22 Spooky eh? It's like we planned it and everything! ;) If Ryan Cohen can do it, so can we! On this week's cast: Delete Sleep Repeat! Don't Shoot I'm retarded! No Payne, Daddy Issues, Crash Bang Wallop, Russian Roulette, Shimao me the money, Wiki Wiki Warrh, Mindy Monk, Burry...
Published 02/24/22
(Sorry Col's mic was set incorrectly and he sounds like he's recording from a dustbin! Sorry guys!) GMERICA F*CK YEAH! The Great EscAPE podcast coming to save the mother f*cking week yeah!! Yes it's that time again to talk stonks, drink beer/whisky and generally make light of all the ape events from the week! On this weeks podcast: Savin' Pirate Ryan! Superbowel, Frozen Ass(ets), Fools Gold! Bizzie Lizzie, Goldman sucks! Don't mess with the Zoltan, Tryst twist, Chunk o' China, Lauer Wower,...
Published 02/17/22
How else do you keep warm on a cold Illinois morning!? Burn some documents right? Funny how the DoJ turn up the 'heat' on their investigation and a warehouse of records goes up in smoke! Is that the 'Crime and Lies' jingle I can hear playing? Welcome back to the podcast, we can't believe it's episode 20 already! Massive thank you to the thousands of you that have listened to the show, and a bigger thank you for coming back and listening to our ramblings!! On this week's cast! - Lakes takes...
Published 02/10/22
We didn't forget to come back this week! Go us! Just want to say happy birthday Seth! x Right, straight into it boy and girls (and anyone else I might have missed!) On this week's podcast: - Gary's SEC panther percentage! Whisky's warm embrace, Bucca up feeling the love! FINRA fiddles, Where's ya Daddy? Max tax hax, Want more look at Q4, PFOFTheft, Box orifice, MSM talking bollocks again! To Alpacas's menstruation matters! Nothing to share. 21 days later! Quizmaster Col, Hedgepocalypse and...
Published 02/03/22
We're back! Oooops! Yeah...sorry about that, we should have been more 'transparent' (snigger) we forgot to mention a couple of weeks ago that the podcast was taking a week off as Sam was in Italy snowboarding! We're back now and hopefully providing a funny respite into the life of the stonks! On this week's podcast: Purrfect alarm clock! Kneecap mishap! Tea tsunami, Titanic Jackoff, Rach teases tips, Hell for Mel! Pester Hester for transparency tester! 7 days a weak, Amendser Gensler,...
Published 01/27/22
First full week of January done! Good work Apes! Sit back and relax, it's time for another episode of The Great EscAPE podcast! On this week's podcast: LoopTroop Woop Woop, Inflation Shelvin Melvin, Trust me bro! Citadel Citisell? FINRA who-har, tZero ain't no hero! It's a Family affair, MoDernLanD, Cum back Ariana, China in your hand, Can Ken Kan-Kan in Cancun? Nancy Trippin, Feeling the 5000! Seven daze and much much more! Remember to like, share, and subscribe folks! More stupidity can be...
Published 01/12/22
Happy new year Apes!Big thank you for all of your support in 2021! Big plans await us in 2022! This year is the year of the Ape! We would like to get the podcast out further and wider to support all of the Apes globally and give everyone a little light release. Normal weekly stonk round-up podcast resumes! On this week's podcast: Market bash crypto crash! Kory's not a shilly billy! Elon's sex0r bots, Doth the Lady drink? Peter saves every one of us! Mars tickles Nancy's fancy, Graphic Twerk,...
Published 01/06/22
It's the Ape-Team Christmas Special!Trey Trades podcast endorsement - "F*cking terrible and fantastic at the same time!" - We'll take that! Where do we start with this one!? A massive thanks to @Dogegirl_420 @Koryamc1 @MlleNadjie @TradesTrey and @Davey_boy79 for joining us and sharing their best stonk moments from 2021. Lots of whisky and rum (and water) were consumed in the making of this amazing podcast! The content gets more random and funny by the end of the cast as the alcohol kicks...
Published 12/24/21
It's a long one! (Ohh errh!) Trying to get into the Christmas spirit, hope you enjoy the Ape version of 'Oh Christmas tree' along with the amazing new Sam jingles! Including the long-awaited jingle for Jaime Blue (@bbymae)! On this week's show! Wehrman's sermon, Christmas A(pe)-Team, Yolo'd, SEC & the Citi(del), Pete gets out of DOJ, Dad's mad at darkpool bads! Inflow/Outflow hedgies crime show! Metzler's mettle, Potato famine & feast, Chinese prop gets the chop! Anchor(age) away!...
Published 12/16/21
Who's on your list?We would love to know boys and girls! Who are your top 3! On this week's show! Intermate Laminate, Schrodinger's Catalyst, Peppard goes hard! Kenny's Pennies, Vlad's sad about payment bads, Marc barks hedgies shart! XRT SI glee! Nancy Tracker no way backer! Donny Donny Do where are you? Media mangle government tangle, Shut up and print, Kory lets the dogs out, Rizo's tensions on Blackrock pensions, Sunshine Chinese whine! and much much more! This weeks golden banana goes...
Published 12/08/21
Return of the Rach! Always an action-packed podcast when she's on (+whisky)! "We drink and we know things!" Warning! Lots of cork-popping included! Tanking spanking, shorts are w*nking! Granny Zane's life savingz, Oh Daddy pools! Kenny's mum's got it goin on! Take me down to infadel city where the price is wrong and Ken's full of s****y! CokeRat got ya back! All in all, it's just another chink in the wall, WetDirtKirk butthole hurt! Cohodes cohorts with shorts, Web slinger NFT bringer! Dave...
Published 12/02/21
Happy Thanksgiving to our American listeners! Hope you have a great festive weekend! As mentioned to celebrate the start of the festive season, we are running a giveaway prize of a $200 Amazon gift voucher to a random subscriber to our wonderful website www.podcastape.com One lucky subscriber will be picked randomly from the hat on the 24th of December. You need to be in it to win it, so go to the website, scroll to the bottom of the home page and register your real email address to enter!...
Published 11/25/21
Another action-packed podcast this week, please avoid the donkey sh*t and needles and enjoy small "wee wees" This week we covered: Egg on your space! Stonka Tonka! Unusual_Wales but not as you know it, Go Shillers get steamy, Mainstream of piss, DMSA have their say, SEC = Special Ed Class, Peter RH v Dave S in DJ UFC, Ripley nippley dock loader holder, Cohen's grower not a show'er, Kat's fall on their feet, parachuting tweet! Looprangutangs, Ready Cosmic 1, IT'S DONNY! Pete's meat grinding...
Published 11/18/21
Welcome to episode 9 of The Great EscAPE! Podcast! This week we covered a huge amount of stonk and whisky! Elton Musk stock bust, sticks and stones break Kenny's bones! Jamie's Jingle, Where's Donny! Main Stream Media always tryin to lead ya! RobinDaData, To default or not to default that is the Grande question? Go shillers in the mist? AMC cures big C, Not-a-lot on LIT, 6.2 inflation's coming for you! Tweeky Yellen fishy smellen, Pinball Wizard Loopring blizzard, 20% off for Veterans day!...
Published 11/11/21
Part 2 of 2 - Slightly different but very special podcast this week, we went live into space with CosmicLightningWarrior and joined his live Youtube stream to talk stonks, talk gaming, and drink whisky! Part 2, by now we were very very drunk, but in this episode, we covered (slurred), Crypto is a religion? Ben v Yen continued, Space cigars, Cosmic p*ssing, Getting (very) lost in the Metaverse, PC Gaming, Don’t do drugs kids, Zuckerberg on Meth, realistic s*x dolls, Alternate Carbon, The Big...
Published 11/06/21
Part 1 of 2 - Slightly different but very special podcast this week, we went live into space with CosmicLightningWarrior and joined his live Youtube stream to talk stonks, talk gaming, and drink whisky! This week we covered, 5 days of green, anyone seen the SEC? Crime & Lies, Hedgies lose $2.7B, Anchorage Capital short #AMC, FUD turned up to 11, Waynes World Cramer, NFT/Loopring to the moon with Method Man driving, tanning b*ttholes, DRS processed in Col’s room, Wetbush gets soggy, which...
Published 11/06/21