What do you think about yoga? Are you a regular devotee; is it something you do occasionally, or do you really think this is something for other people? If yoga is something you’ve discounted or let slide in your wellbeing journey so far, you might want to think again after you’ve heard what my latest guest has to say about the multiple benefits for women in midlife.  Meet Libby Stevenson – she’s a yoga instructor and therapeutic wellbeing practitioner for women at different stages of life...
Published 02/02/23
It’s 2023 and New Year, New You, they say! But is there actually anything wrong with the old you? Probably not, but we’re often very self-critical! Rather than making a whole lot of radical resolutions that won’t last more than a week or two, in this episode I’m focusing on small, consistent changes that can reap big benefits as you transition through the menopause. And I’ve found just the woman to help us with this, because I’m chatting to the brilliant Amanda Thebe who’s just the most...
Published 01/05/23
Are you a caregiver? The shoulder for everyone else? The fixer in your family? The workplace workhorse? Is there no time for self-care?  Women are hardwired to nurture, and it can be very difficult to know where to draw the line if we think that other people need us.  And that can be a real issue, because self care is a non-negotiable for women in midlife and it can make a world of difference to the way we experience the menopause. But many of us aren’t very good at it, although we’re...
Published 12/01/22
In this episode I’m focusing on good mood foods, because there is no doubt that what we eat can have a huge impact on our brain and cognitive function.  Mood swings, anxiety and brain fog are incredibly common issues for women in their early 40s onwards, which can come as an unwelcome surprise. And while there’s no doubt that your hormones are playing a big part in this, the right diet and lifestyle can play a huge part in helping correct the balance so that you get your brain back on an even...
Published 11/03/22
This summer I discovered The Expectation Effect, the latest book by David Robson and what I learned was fascinating, so I was thrilled when he agreed to come on the podcast for this World Menopause Day special on cognition.   Our mindset shapes every facet of our lives, and our expectations have a direct impact on every experience. Of course, we all know that looking on the bright side promotes positivity, but there’s an impressive body of research around the way that our expectations can...
Published 10/18/22
The theme of this year’s World Menopause Day is cognition, so I’ve invited the wonderful Dr Sabina Brennan back to chat to us, because there is no better woman to help us with the cognitive challenges of the menopause She’s a chartered health psychologist, neuroscientist, host of the Super Brain podcast and author of two fantastic books: 100 Days to A Younger Brain and Beating Brain Fog. There’s no one better to help us tackle the subject of brain health! Brain fog, poor memory and loss of...
Published 10/18/22
In this episode, we’re exploring the power of song, because there’s something very joyous about singing and it’s something we can all do and that we can all enjoy, even if you prefer to do it in the privacy of your shower! There are multiple benefits to singing and it can have a significant impact on your mental health and wellbeing, so we’ll be discovering how singing can make a difference to you and your menopause symptoms.  My guest is Dr Catherine Pestano, she’s a community musician and...
Published 10/06/22
Skincare is a hot topic for many women and never more so than in midlife when the hormonal fluctuations of the perimenopause bring about a sea change in the condition of our skin. Acne, dry skin and loss of elasticity are all very common problems, and we often find that our tried and trusted skincare routine is no longer effective. And that can be a problem, because if we feel that we’re no longer presenting our best face to the world it can create a knock-on issue of loss of confidence at a...
Published 09/01/22
Vitamin D is a non-negotiable for our health and wellbeing at any age, but never more so than in mid and later life which is why I’ve decided to shine a light on it in this episode. I’ve invited Andrew Thomas, founder of one my favourite supplement companies Better You to chat to me about all things vitamin D.  He’s just the man we need to help us understand the ins and outs of this hormone-like vitamin. Andrew has been on quite a journey, from a chance encounter at a rodeo, which led him to...
Published 09/01/22
Can’t run, won’t run? Listen to this episode before you write yourself off! It’s September and with the whole post-holiday vibe it’s often a good time be thinking about a new fitness regime. With that in mind, I’ve decided to kick off Season 4 with an episode on running. If it’s not something you’ve tried before or thought you’d never do in a million years (that was me until Hello Lockdown!) this is the podcast for you, because I’m speaking to a specialist women’s running coach who knows...
Published 09/01/22
Bloating can be a nasty niggling issue for a lot of women in midlife. It can affect different people in different ways. You might have a sense of overfullness after even quite a small meal. Or find that you can’t do up your trousers by the end of the day.     Some women experience such a distended abdomen that they describe it as looking 6 months pregnant, after starting the day with a flat stomach. Bloating can also manifest as back pain, and a sensation of trapped wind can be very common...
Published 07/07/22
Do you leak a little bit of urine when you laugh or sneeze or run? Let’s face it, it’s something that’s happened to most of us at some point and statistics show that more than 1 in 3 women struggle with this. It’s called urinary stress incontinence, usually due to a weak pelvic floor, and it’s one of those things we mostly don’t talk about because it’s embarrassing.  This month’s guest is going to help us bust that taboo wide open, because I’m speaking to the fabulous Elaine Miller. She’s a...
Published 06/02/22
When was the last time you had a good night’s sleep? We all know that we’re better for it, but it can be extremely elusive, especially in midlife where a combination of the hormonal surges that often trigger night sweats and the stresses and strains of daily life can make it incredibly hard to get quality sleep. And quality more than quantity really does count when it comes to how we feel the next day.  My guest in this episode is Lisa Cypers Kamen who’s the author of a new book called...
Published 05/05/22
Walking is something that’s accessible to almost all of us and it can be a much less daunting prospect to the harassed midlife woman than high impact work, running or intense training. What’s wonderful about the research we discuss in this episode is that walking isn’t a second-best option if you’re not up to other forms of exercise. It’s much, much more than that and we discuss the very many ways that different types of walking can benefit us – something I’d never really thought about...
Published 04/07/22
This episode is all about the perimenopause, because those years running up to the menopause can be full of hormonal havoc. In fact, although we use it as a catch-all term, the menopause technically only lasts for one day. It’s that day when it’s been 12 months since your last period. After that, you’re post menopausal. So the perimenopause is when all the fun and games really start and that can be a lot earlier than you might think. In fact, hormonal fluctuations can be going on in the...
Published 03/03/22
Is your sex life everything you want it to be? If the answer is a hollow laugh and “What sex life?”, then you’re not unusual. It’s very common for women in midlife and beyond to write themselves off as sexual beings and there can be lots of reasons for that, including loss of body confidence, fatigue, anxiety, vaginal dryness, low libido. No matter the reason, we deserve to have the sex life we want – whatever it may be – which is why I’ve called on the brilliant Dr Claire Macaulay for some...
Published 02/03/22
2021 was pretty challenging for many of us and it’s good to be turning the page and moving into a new year with all the possibilities that this brings us. January is a great time for transformation and new beginnings and that’s what I’m focusing on in this episode: how can we make small changes that can help us to get the most out of life? And I‘ve got the perfect guest to help us with that! Meet Tracy Acock, who’s a life coach and mentor. After a lifetime of cancer nursing, she went back to...
Published 01/06/22
Probably the most well-known of the menopausal symptoms, the hot flush has provided endless material for humourists over the years but it’s no fun when it’s happening to you. It can cause huge distress, especially in a professional or social situation or if it’s persistently disrupting your sleep. But help is at hand in this episode with this month’s guest who is just the woman we need to provide us with some practical flush-busting strategies. I’m delighted to introduce the brilliant Dr...
Published 12/02/21
Now that November is here, the cold and flu season is well underway and many of you have probably already succumbed to some sort of lurgy by now. And with the spectre of Covid 19 still lurking, supporting our immune system is very much on the agenda right now, which is why I’ve dedicated this episode to foods that can keep you and your family fighting fit and I’ve found the perfect guest for this.  Today I’m welcoming herbalist Ed Joy back to the podcast. He’s a specialist in herbal medicine...
Published 11/04/21
The theme of this year’s World Menopause Day is bone health, something that really needs to be front of mind for women in mid and later life. Bones contain cells called osteoclasts which dissolve old bone and osteoblasts which build new bone. This regular renewal process helps to keep our bones strong, but bone tissue is reactive and needs impact to grow, which is why resistant forms of exercise are so important. So while the drop in oestrogen post-menopause significantly affects our bone...
Published 10/18/21
Bone health is a very real concern for women in mid and later life, because when they go through the menopause, oestrogen levels drop rapidly and bones lose strength at a much faster rate. There are 3.5 million people living with osteoporosis in the UK today, and 50% of women and 20% of men over 50 will break a bone because of it. Osteoporosis is a condition that causes bones to lose strength and break more easily. However, it’s often referred to as a ‘silent disease’ because of...
Published 10/18/21
Our family doctor is at the heart of the community and the first port of call for health advice, support and treatment for us and our loved ones. But even before the restrictions around the pandemic, that had become more difficult. With appointments often limited to 10 minutes and a one problem: one appointment policy in many surgeries, what does the menopausal women do, if she’s struggling with multiple debilitating symptoms? And how does she make herself heard? I’ve come across so many...
Published 10/07/21
Tense, nervous headache anyone? Did you know that during our fertile years, women are 3 times more likely to suffer from headaches than men? Up until puberty and then after the menopause, our propensity for headaches is roughly the same as for men, so those pesky hormones have a lot to answer for. If menstrual migraine is an issue for you, then this episode could be just what you need because I’ve called in the big guns to help us out here. I’m speaking to Professor Anne MacGregor who has...
Published 09/02/21
Every woman deserves to have a happy menopause – regular listeners will know how important that is to me and that’s the entire inspiration behind this podcast. In this episode we’re going to go a little broader and talk about not just having a happy menopause but how to have a magnificent midlife! This time in a woman’s life can be truly transformational, as the hormones that have driven your decisions, your approach to life and your emotions since puberty, start to subside and there’s...
Published 09/02/21
September is the perfect time for new beginnings and a different way of doing things. For most of us, things tend to be a little quieter in August, so that we can enjoy a bit of a break and this can be a handy reminder of the importance of work-life balance and getting plenty of free time. So that’s what I’d like to focus on in this episode, because things usually start to crank up again as we move into the autumn and it’s easy to let your good resolutions slide, so that before you know it,...
Published 09/02/21