I share with you my favourite tips of running a business and what I have descovered does, and doesn't work so well! I speak to peedie melts to find out her thoughts and feeling about running her own business. As well as a recap of where I have been and what I've been doing!
Published 05/30/21
Published 03/21/21
In this episode I speak in depth about different things I do to keep me feeling postive. It's only natural to have down days especially at the minute. I share my favourite pick me ups with you to hope it can bring you some light! I also speak with Catherine to hear her experiences of setting up Moonshine Candle Co.
Published 03/21/21
In this episode I talk about how I manage my time between working full time, running a small business and all the other bits and bots I get up to. I share some techniques as well as some encouragement. Sophie from Orkney Elysian comes to tell us about her business and how it came to be, and how she's glad she started up!
Published 02/21/21
I tell the story of how and why I started my business as well as a walk through of how I make my products. I discuss some aspects of craft fairs and the way my business came to be. I speak with Eddie from Heidrun cosmetics and hear his interesting story on how the business came to be.
Published 02/04/21
This is a podcast deisgined for crafters, creators and chatters!! I will be recording these while crafting in my very own Happy Hut and will be sharing my thoughts and feelings as they come to me! I will also be sharing my favroutie fellow small businesses and answering your questions!
Published 01/10/21