#71 — Tara Nylese was a career scientist and formerly a Regional Market Development Manager at Thermo Fisher Scientific. She left her Market Development Manager job to focus on other workplace wellness activities, and launched her book, Mindfulness in Everyday Life, which hit the #1 Best-selling new release in Business Health & Stress on Amazon. She is passionate about mental and emotional well-being at work and is certified in Applied Positive Psychology and as a Meditation Instructor....
Published 05/10/24
#70 — Academia can seem like nothing but deadlines. Experiments, people, reports, and objectives compete for our immediate attention. Sometimes, rightly so. But you can't physically do everything at once. And when rushing becomes the rule rather than the exception, all your well-reasoned priorities can be totally derailed, leaving you feeling like you are always playing catch-up. Plus, rushing usually has a negative impact on the quality of your work. So what steps can you take to stop...
Published 04/12/24
Published 04/12/24
#69 — Challenging people. You get them everywhere. Your lab—and beyond. There's the one who block-books instruments for two weeks straight. There's the one who barely shows up and seems to get by doing far less work than you. There are data thieves and god complexes, post-it note warriors, and everything in between. Heck, labs can be real frontier towns. Some challenging people might be irritating fellow scientists, which you can mostly avoid. Others are so colossally awful that they make you...
Published 02/23/24
#68 — Respect is an interesting measure of a career. We all know colleagues we respect personally, or professionally, or intellectually. Sometimes one person captures more than one or even all of these measures. In fact, they can feed each other in an upward spiral. Here we will consider the micro and the macro ways to expand our respectability. We'll also explore how you can cultivate respect—on multiple levels—and how it enables enduring professional connections. Watch or Listen to all...
Published 01/26/24
#67 — Staying motivated while doing research is hard! It can be repetitive, with bouts of frequent failure and some complete dead ends. But your research is beneficial and does matter—even if you're momentarily struggling to see the bigger picture—so it's critical to have an arsenal of ways to stay motivated when times get rough. In this episode of The Happy Scientist, we explore some habits and techniques you can adopt to keep the flame burning. Whether you face demanding research hurdles...
Published 12/04/23
#66 — Do you ever think: "I don't love science anymore"? Many of us have doubts during our scientific career and question whether the passion or enthusiasm is still there, but is it really true that we don't love science anymore, or is it that we don’t love the machine, the politics, the funding apparatus, or the people we work with? In this episode of The Happy Scientist, let's go back to where it all started and figure out when the “real world” got in the way. Discover how to apply your...
Published 11/06/23
#65 — Do you feel awkward responding when someone genuinely compliments your work? Have you ever had a backhanded compliment or dubious praise? It seems like it can be hard to know what to say when your accomplishments get noticed—especially when it's your boss, a VIP, or even a celebrity. In this episode of The Happy Scientist, get the tools you need to make you confident and gracious in the face of that often uncomfortable experience—receiving praise. By applying what you learn, you'll...
Published 10/09/23
#64 — Catalysts aren't just for chemists anymore! The best practices you bring to the bench can be invaluable tools beyond it. In this episode of The Happy Scientist, discover how to repurpose best lab practices to recognize new opportunities, accelerate your career progression, and extract value from your professional experience. Watch or Listen to all episodes of The Happy Scientist podcast here: https://thehappyscientist.bitesizebio.com Join us on Facebook:...
Published 09/25/23
#63 — Discover the art of focus. Dive into its macro and micro applications. Begin with the bigger picture—your career, then ripple inward to your organization, team, and current tasks. But the order you put these in is yours to shape. Make your priorities guide your focus. Tune in to this episode of The Happy Scientist to explore how priorities and focus intertwine and redefine your lab superpower! Watch or Listen to all episodes of The Happy Scientist podcast here:...
Published 09/11/23
#62 — Looking out for number #1 was fashionable in the 80s. Now it's almost a rude comment. But if you're not looking out for yourself, who is? And what's the best balance between collaboration and prioritizing your individual goals? Discover ways to balance your interests and those of the people around you and how service to all can be of service to you, in this episode of The Happy Scientist. Watch or Listen to all episodes of The Happy Scientist podcast here:...
Published 07/10/23
#61 — Join us on the latest episode of The Happy Scientist podcast for a conversation with Dr. Brandon Vaidyanathan, Associate Professor at the Catholic University of America and lead scientist on a fascinating study that examines the role of beauty in science as well as the impact of beauty on the well-being of scientists. It turns out that whether one is drawn to the subjective side of science or the objective side, beauty plays a major role in one's satisfaction in the field. Learn more...
Published 05/15/23
#60 — Have you been wronged? Are you righteously indignant? Are you that most popular of characters today: a Victim? In this episode, we will give you the keys to set you free. Then you can decide whether you prefer grudges or freedom. Watch or Listen to all episodes of The Happy Scientist podcast: https://bitesizebio.com/thehappyscientist Join us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thehappyscientistclub #Podcast #BitesizeBio #TheHappyScientist
Published 10/14/22
#59 — “It’s always been done that way.” Maybe that works for double-entry accounting (which hasn’t changed in a thousand years), but not in the lab. We humans may love the security of things we can count on, things like protocols and management, axioms and HR. But you are a scientist, and curiosity and discovery define your world. So buckle up: we are going after the status quo. Also check: There Is No Such Thing As A comfort Zone -...
Published 09/16/22
Rene Descartes famously wrote, “I think therefore I am.” Have you cleverly upgraded that to “I science therefore I am”? It turns out that might not be the shining achievement you thought it was. Join me in conversation with Dr. Laura Grassie, Ph.D. molecular biologist and full-time wife and mother as we discuss the benefits of decoupling your identity and your work. Watch or Listen to all episodes of The Happy Scientist podcast: https://bitesizebio.com/thehappyscientist Join us on...
Published 08/19/22
Rene Descartes famously wrote, “I think therefore I am.” Have you cleverly upgraded that to “I science therefore I am”? It turns out that might not be the shining achievement you thought it was. Join me in conversation with Dr. Laura Grassie, Ph.D. molecular biologist and full-time wife and mother as we discuss the benefits of decoupling your identity and your work. Watch or Listen to all episodes of The Happy Scientist podcast: https://bitesizebio.com/thehappyscientist Join us on Facebook:...
Published 08/19/22
Remember when you were a wide-eyed child and you dreamed of being the person who would invent some world-changing gizmo? You had lots of ideas back then. But now that you’re all grown up and worse yet, EDUCATED, have you run out of notions? Or have you found you have them but you can’t produce them in a clutch? Don’t worry; that dream machine is still in there. In this episode, we will turn the idea fountain back on. Also check: How to Foster Imagination -...
Published 07/15/22
Remember when you were a wide-eyed child and you dreamed of being the person who would invent some world-changing gizmo? You had lots of ideas back then. But now that you’re all grown up and worse yet, EDUCATED, have you run out of notions? Or have you found you have them but you can’t produce them in a clutch? Don’t worry; that dream machine is still in there. In this episode, we will turn the idea fountain back on. Also check: How to Foster Imagination -...
Published 07/15/22
this episode, we interview the Ph.D. pharmacologist and biocurator, who became Senior Managing Editor for Bitesize Bio, Dr. Adam Pawson. How did he escape the lab, and overcome his fear of being exposed after over 25 years of academic and professional scientific success? See how competence and success ultimately triumph over fear and self-doubt. Also Check: Episode 10 — Getting Past Imposter Syndrome - https://bitesizebio.com/podcast/episo... Episode 40 — Does Humility Harm our Career? -...
Published 07/01/22
In this episode, we interview the Ph.D. pharmacologist and biocurator, who became Senior Managing Editor for Bitesize Bio, Dr. Adam Pawson. How did he escape the lab, and overcome his fear of being exposed after over 25 years of academic and professional scientific success? See how competence and success ultimately triumph over fear and self-doubt. Also Check: Episode 10 — Getting Past Imposter Syndrome - https://bitesizebio.com/podcast/episode-10-getting-past-imposter-syndrome/ Episode 40 —...
Published 07/01/22
Is your lab a pressure cooker? You’re not a pot roast, so such an environment is not for you. But can you do anything about it? Fortunately, yes! This episode will unpack the many tools at your disposal to make your workday and your career far more serene and productive. Also check: Episode 11 — The Art of Going Slow - https://bitesizebio.com/podcast/episo... Episode 12 — Managing Your Energy - https://bitesizebio.com/podcast/episo... Episode 20 — The Multitasking Myth -...
Published 06/17/22
Is your lab a pressure cooker? You’re not a pot roast, so such an environment is not for you. But can you do anything about it? Fortunately, yes! This episode will unpack the many tools at your disposal to make your workday and your career far more serene and productive. Also check: Episode 11 — The Art of Going Slow - https://bitesizebio.com/podcast/episode-11-the-art-of-going-slow/ Episode 12 — Managing Your Energy - https://bitesizebio.com/podcast/episode-12-managing-your-energy/ Episode...
Published 06/17/22
In this episode, we will offer you a simple test that will clarify the proper priority for any item on your to-do list – or reveal that it shouldn’t be on your list at all. View the quadrants here - https://www.dropbox.com/s/msevvzjgq3q... Watch or Listen to all episodes of The Happy Scientist podcast: https://bitesizebio.com/thehappyscientist Join us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thehappyscientistpodcast #Podcast #BitesizeBio #TheHappyScientist
Published 06/03/22
In this episode, we will offer you a simple test that will clarify the proper priority for any item on your to-do list – or reveal that it shouldn’t be on your list at all. You can view the quadrants here — https://www.dropbox.com/s/msevvzjgq3q5t1k/Ken%20Town%20Hall%20Apr%202022.pdf?dl=0 Watch or Listen to all episodes of The Happy Scientist podcast: https://bitesizebio.com/thehappyscientist Join us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thehappyscientistpodcast #Podcast #BitesizeBio...
Published 06/03/22
In this episode, we will offer you a simple test that will clarify the proper priority for any item on your to-do list – or reveal that it shouldn’t be on your list at all. You can view the quadrants here — https://www.dropbox.com/s/msevvzjgq3q5t1k/Ken%20Town%20Hall%20Apr%202022.pdf?dl=0 Watch or Listen to all episodes of The Happy Scientist podcast: https://bitesizebio.com/thehappyscientist Join us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thehappyscientistpodcast #Podcast #BitesizeBio...
Published 06/03/22