How to travel with SIBO with Rebecca Coomes | Ep. 70
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Feeling daunted by travelling with SIBO? Unsure of how you’ll manage to follow your SIBO protocol while away? Rebecca is a very keen traveller and has travelled all over the world whilst treating her own SIBO. This week she shares her top tips and hints for travelling successfully with SIBO. ✓ Why preparation is key to a successful journey ✓ Snacks and small meals that are easy to eat while travelling ✓ Why hydration is so important when flying ✓ How to avoid inflight germs ✓ Setting up for success on arrival at your destination ✓ Why you should build regular movement and exercise into your vacation ✓ Recovering from time zone alterations ✓ Dealing with the change in temperature, food and routine ✓ Managing a flare while travelling To access the show notes or to sign up to The Healthy Gut Podcast to receive the full transcription of all shows from Season 2, head to