Looking for new and exciting ways to eat the target 30g handful of nuts each day? Don your apron for a culinary adventure! In this podcast episode, dietitian Themis Chryssidis shares less of the 'why' (because we already know that nuts are really good for us!) and more of the 'how' when it comes to incorporating nuts into everyday meals and snacks. From home-made nut butters and nut 'mince', to inspiring flavour pairings with nuts . . . we discuss interesting and creative ways to eat these...
Published 05/28/24
Published 05/28/24
The prevalence of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is increasing across the globe. Here in Australia, it affects two in five adults. NAFLD is fast becoming a significant public health concern in western countries, including Australia, particularly as it’s also the main cause of chronic liver disease. So, what does the evidence say in terms of prevention and treatment of this disease? Join me as I speak with Senior Lecturer at Monash University, Dr Barbara Cardoso, to learn more. ...
Published 04/24/24
Perimenopause, menopause, post-menopause . . . terms synonymous with being female. And with this, comes a host of transitions and changes that are inevitable. What are the best foods, nutrients, and exercise routines, to help prepare women entering this life stage, and help get them to the other side? We asked perimenopause dietitian, Angelique Clark. We dive into how women can support their body with the right nutrients for mid-life, perimenopause, and post-menopause. We also unpack the...
Published 03/26/24
Plant proteins, plant-based, plant-forward – these eating patterns have increased in popularity and have received lots of attention over the last few years. But today, we’re not talking about meat analogues or alternatives that are made to look like or replicate meat. We’re discussing whole foods which have been in our diets, and on our plates, for thousands of years . . . we’re talking nuts and legumes! We speak with Kathy La Macchia, from the Grains & Legumes Nutrition Council...
Published 02/08/24
The last three years have seen massive disruptions - from the global pandemic and climate crisis, to slowing economies – which have affected many aspects of human life, and are impacting consumer needs. So, what does this mean for food? We speak with Australian Macadamias Marketing Manager, Jacqui Price, who walks us through the findings of an in-depth exploration of food trends, obtained through the lens of global opinion leaders.  Hear about these emerging macro food trends that the...
Published 01/22/24
In this episode, the ‘Best of 2023’, we wrap up the year by reflecting on the highlights. Our dietitians share the most interesting things we learnt in 2023, on a topic close to our hearts: nuts and health! The Healthy Handful podcast host, Belinda Neville, speaks with colleague and Accredited Practising Dietitian Maree Hall, to uncover the best, most popular and most interesting this year – from nut research, to recipes, podcasts, news articles, and more.   Some of which may surprise...
Published 12/05/23
Did you know that around 1.9 million Australians are living with diabetes? And type 2 diabetes, which is largely preventable, accounts for 85-90% of all cases - and is increasing each year. So, how can nuts help? What’s their role in reducing diabetes risk, and managing existing diabetes? We speak with Diabetes Victoria dietitian Tim McMaster, who has a wealth of experience in diabetes.    He explains the role of nutrition in preventing and managing diabetes, how the primary clinical goal...
Published 11/08/23
Australians often avoid eating nuts, including almonds, due to their kilojoule and fat content.   But a recent randomised trial, Australian-based researchers, provides further evidence that an energy-restricted diet, containing nuts (almonds, in this case) can promote weight loss and maintenance, and support cardiometabolic health. Lead researcher, Professor Alison Coates, from the University of South Australia, shares the key findings from her team’s research, which has just been...
Published 10/18/23
Historically, nutrition science focused on individual nutrients, and how falling short of these could lead to certain diseases.  Decades on, in many higher-income countries, like Australia, nutrient deficiencies are no longer the norm. Instead, we’re much more attuned to rising rates of chronic diseases, which are not caused by single nutrients (or lack of a single nutrient), but have multiple determinants. So, we need to consider foods, food groups and, most importantly, dietary...
Published 09/25/23
Do nuts cause weight gain and should you avoid them if you’re managing your weight? Should nuts be activated to better access their nutrients? And are nuts a 'complete' protein? The Healthy Handful podcast host, Belinda Neville, speaks with colleague and Accredited Practising Dietitian Maree Hall, to unpack some of the biggest nut myths we hear time and again. We answer these questions and more, based on the scientific evidence, to set the record straight. Access episode webpage: ...
Published 08/23/23
Gone are the days when the only options for your café latte were ‘full-cream’ or ‘skim’! Plant-based milks, including nut milks, have taken grocery stores and cafes by storm in recent years, as a popular alternative to dairy milk, making up around 7% of all milk consumed in Australia.   But are they healthier, or 'better' than cows' milk? And which plant-based milks are the best?   In this episode, we take a look at the reasons behind the increase in popularity of plant-based milks,...
Published 07/31/23
About this episode Eating nuts regularly is linked with major health benefits. But consumption data (in Australia and around the globe), suggests that most people do not meet recommendations for nut intake.   So, what’s preventing Australians from eating more nuts? And how can we turn this around.   Dr. Elizabeth Neale, from the University of Wollongong takes us through the evidence.   Elizabeth discusses some of the key factors that inhibit people from eating enough nuts, plus...
Published 06/26/23
About this episode Men's Health Week is celebrated, around the globe, every year in June. In 2023, it will be held from 12-18 June, under the theme ‘Healthy Habits’.    Men's Health Week focuses on physical health, and also mental health and emotional wellbeing. It’s an opportunity to highlight the importance of men's health, and to promote and support the health and wellbeing of men and boys in our communities.   Ahead of Men’s Health Week, we speak with Joel Feren (aka ‘The...
Published 05/23/23
About this episode We speak with Emeritus Professor Linda Tapsell for a deep dive into a topic close to our heart: nuts and blood lipids. She summarises the findings from the body of scientific evidence, and explains exactly how nuts impacts blood lipids, the ideal amount to eat, and the types of nuts with the greatest effect. Linda outlines a new comprehensive review, published in Nutrients, which identified 19 systematic reviews and meta-analyses of randomised controlled controls...
Published 04/24/23
About this episode For decades, we have been interested in the impact food has on human health, and the relationship between our food choices and the risk of disease. But what impact do our food choices have on the environment? We speak with Dr Gilly Hendrie, from the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO), as she explains some recent research - investigating how the typical Australian diet compares to the Australian Dietary Guidelines recommendations, and its...
Published 03/29/23
About this episode Nuts are rich in healthy fats and are energy (kilojoule) dense. But does this mean that regularly eating nuts is linked to weight gain? No, and in fact we tend to see the opposite - eating nuts is associated with a lower body weight and a lower risk of obesity. We speak with Dr Sharayah Carter, as she explains new research, from the University of South Australia, investigating the effects of almonds on appetite-regulating hormones, appetite ratings and energy intake.   ...
Published 02/27/23
About this episode Nuts are rich in heart-healthy fat and are energy (kilojoule) dense. But does this mean that regularly eating nuts is linked to weight gain? No, and in fact we tend to see the opposite - eating nuts is associated with a lower body weight and a lower risk of obesity. We speak with Cassandra Nikodijevic, as she explains more findings from her PhD research – the effect of nut consumption on energy compensation and energy expenditure. Her latest findings show that eating a...
Published 01/23/23
About this episode In this episode, we take a slightly different approach and reflect on the highlights of 2022. The Healthy Handful podcast host, Belinda Neville, speaks with colleague and Accredited Practising Dietitian Maree Hall, to uncover the best, the most popular and the most interesting research, recipes, podcasts and news articles from 2022. Some of which may surprise you! About today’s guest Maree Hall is the Digital and Communications Manager at Nuts for Life. Based in...
Published 12/13/22
About this episode Many factors influence gut health, including age, gender, the environment, antibiotic use and our diets. So, what’s the best diet to ensure our gut remains healthy? And are nuts part of this? Should nuts be avoided in you have diverticular disease? And do we really need to activate nuts? In this episode of The Healthy Handful podcast, we speak with dietitian Nicole Dynan, for a deep dive into gut health. Nicole explains how foods and dietary patterns can influence the...
Published 11/28/22
About this episode: In this episode of The Healthy Handful podcast, we speak with dietitian Melanie McGrice about the evidence behind diet and fertility, and why the first 1,000 days of life is so critical. Good nutrition can optimise both egg and sperm health. From selenium and omega-3s for men, to iodine and choline for women, optimal intake of particular nutrients is crucial to lay the foundation during pre-conception, post-conception and pregnancy, and ultimately for the healthy...
Published 10/19/22
About this episode Research supporting the role of nuts for heart health has gained significant momentum since the publication of the landmark Adventist Health Study in 1992. And the body of evidence is still growing today. But what do we know about seeds? Despite them having a relatively similar nutritional profile to nuts, does the evidence also support seeds for heart health? We speak with Lily Henderson from the New Zealand Heart Foundation. Lily explains the key findings from their...
Published 09/27/22
About this episode Our skin is the largest organ in the human body, and it acts as a barrier to protect internal organs and cells from external elements. And just like other organs, our skin needs a diverse range of nutrients to stay healthy, with emerging research suggesting the potential role of plant-based foods in the promotion and maintenance of the health of our skin. In this episode, we ask dietitian Geraldine Georgeou about the science behind diet and skin health. She covers...
Published 08/24/22
About this episode Just like it can the rest of our body, our lifestyle choices (including sleep, exercise and importantly, our diet) can impact the health of our brains too. Our brains need a diverse range of nutrients, from a diverse diet, to perform at their best. When this happens, it can result in meaningful improvements to our mental health too. Learn more about this fascinating area of research with our guest Dr Wolf Marx from the Food & Mood Centre at Deakin University. He...
Published 07/26/22
About this episode Nutrition is a crucial foundation for performance, underpinning everything from preparation via fuelling and hydration, to recovery, as well as playing a key role in injury prevention, sleep and mental performance. We speak with Accredited Sports Dietitian Emilie Burgess, and take a deep dive into the nutrition pillars that underpin performance. She explains the key nutrients which assist in supporting our ability to train and perform at our best, and dispels some common...
Published 06/21/22