Can we truly be willing to see things differently? All too often, we turn our pain into unnecessary suffering because we fail to examine the meaning we give to our pain. Let's explore.
Published 02/22/20
Published 02/22/20
Having compassion for other people may not always be as easy as it sounds, especially when we're dealing with those who've wronged us in terrible ways. So how is forgiveness still possible, and why does it even matter?
Published 02/10/20
Self-Worth, not a topic that many people inquire about. How it shows up in your life, how it's ruining your relationships, how you're holding yourself back, and how I've held myself back.
Published 12/22/19
In this episode I want to give you guys a little teaser for what's to come, a little bit about myself, and a little bit about one of the number one factors holding people back from creating the life that they say that they want.
Published 12/16/19