In this episode I begin by celebrating some of the INCREDIBLE results that some of the HPS salons have recently achieved. This leads me to a question for you: Are you dreaming big enough? Because these results are achievable for you and anyone that has the vision, business systems and attitude to show-up and make it happen! I also talk about the coaching calls I've been having with salon owners about resetting their ambitions and helping them remember WHY they originally opened their...
Published 06/04/21
The has been ONE question that has served me my entire professional life. This question is so powerful it will guarantee your business in continually growing, it will insure your salon is continually evolving and it will keep you miles ahead of your competition. This question is something Nicole and I have been asking ourselves A LOT recently and it had led us to the next level of our coaching business and the people we need involved! If you are a true entrepreneur this question should...
Published 05/13/21
It's one thing for me to talk about what's possible for stylists looking to create and incredible career, but it's another level for a stylist to personally share her INCREDIBLE results. This episode is a LIVE interview I did with one of the stylists we coach in HPS, Lauren Kate. Lauren shares how she has tripled her business in a very short amount of time. From starting back in the salon following a 2 year extended maternity leave, to becoming completely fully booked and earning an...
Published 05/06/21
Are you a salon owner that feels enslaved to your business? Do you find yourself questioning WHY you even opened your own business in the first place? Do you wonder is it all really worth it? OR Are you a stylist thinking of opening you own salon? Are you fully booked and in-demand and feel like it's a great time to finally open your own business? Whether you are a seasoned owner or future owner, this episode will give you the clarity and answer the questions that will allow your...
Published 04/29/21
Most people are fearful when they hear the word "disruption". They think of unwanted changes and the pain of learning and adapting to something "new". But if you are anything like me, when you hear there is a "disruption" about to happen it spells OPPORTUNITY! You start to think about how this disruption can benefit me and if I'm an early implementor of this new system/strategy/skill, can I be ahead of the curve? I believe that the salon industry is about to go through a huge (and much...
Published 04/23/21
If you've owned a salon longer than 6 months you'll know that managing a team that are excited, inspired and in MOMENTUM is easy. It's enjoyable, it reminds us of why we decided to open our own business. BUT, when we loose momentum and our team are uninspired, bored and down right miserable, it's ROUGH! We start to question why we even bother! And struggle to remember why we even opened our salon in the first place???? So, the question is simple!  How do we create consistent highs and...
Published 04/15/21
I believe there is a right way of doing everything in life. Nicole and I have spent the majority of our careers turning ideas into systems. Giving things structure so they can be followed and applied with great effectiveness. If you have been trying to help your team set goals but they just seem to quickly forget about them or seem uninspired by them, then have a listen. In this episode I give you my 3 step formula to highly effective goal setting. Goals are a vitally important strategy...
Published 04/12/21
This episode is a recording of a LIVE coaching call that I had with one of our 1:1 salon owners Bianca Taylor. Bianca is about to open a new business and we have been helping her make sure her financial structure  is correct so she is profitable right from the start! In this call we dive into leadership. Bianca wants to make sure she has a WINNING culture in her salon. She wants to be a great leader and have a great connection with her team. If you have been wanting to improve your salon...
Published 03/26/21
I don't know if I ever thought I would ever personally own a salon again.... but I never say never..... and I'm excited to say I have just partnered with a friend of mine and we will be opening a new salon very soon! My business partner is Alex Walker, owner of Kaboodles Salon in Torquay, UK. When we started the conversation we agreed that the model needed to be controllable and repeatable! One location doesn't excite me, but multiple locations (like 10) does! So in this episode I give...
Published 03/11/21
How many times have you created, what you thought was, an AMAZING special offer for your salon, but had very little or even no new business from it? It might be a "FREE Hair Cut with Color" or "Complimentary Brow Shape with a Blow Dry", something that you would expect lots of people to GRAB the opportunity and RUN down to the salon to make sure they didn't miss out. But instead, we end up feeling deflated because after posting multiple times on social media, we only had 2 people call to...
Published 02/15/21
This episode begins with a question: Have you built a business or have you created a very busy job for yourself? What I mean by this is basically, if you took away the revenue that you "personally" bring into the salon, would the business still be able to survive? For many salon owners the answer is a BIG FAT NO! But this is only because we haven't set-up our business in a way that leads us to this result. When we first decide to open a salon, it's usually because we are a busy stylist...
Published 02/08/21
If the word "MARKETING" fills you with anxiety and overwhelm, believe me you are not alone! It feels like every time I read a post online or turn on a podcast someone else is an expert marketer and has a "new method" that will transform my business. Then comes the question of the laundry list of platforms available. Do I use Facebook or Instagram? Should I be creating YouTube videos or is LinkedIn where I need to put my energy??? This is what I know to be true: The platform you use is...
Published 01/25/21
There is always so much noise around Goal Setting at this time of the year. Our excitement to set these goals quickly turns to overwhelm because there is SO MUCH we want to achieve! Just like everything else we do in our business, there is also a process and strategy to SETTING and (more importantly) SMASHING your goals! Goal setting needs to become a daily, weekly & monthly practice in your life and when you master this skill you will be AMAZED at how quickly you smash your goals and...
Published 01/11/21
After 10’s of thousands of downloads during a ROLLERCOASTER of a year I wanted to give you something that would reflect the level of gratitude I feel for you. We have pulled out all the STOPS and pulled in some big FAVORS to arrange a very special day of coaching. Salon Business Mastery 2021 will take place virtually on January 18th! In this episode I will give you all the information on what we will be covering and all the incredible business leaders that will be presenting!
Published 12/28/20
The way people shop has now changed! The way people interact with each other has now changed! What people relate to as good customer service has now changed! For these reasons we need to make ESSENTIAL changes that allow us to THRIVE in 2021. In this episode I give you the NECESSARY changes you need to make to your salon to insure that you absolutely SMASH IT in 2021!
Published 12/21/20
Are you feeling like your business is unraveling? Are you feeling a disconnect between you and your team? Have you lost your “mojo” and are feeling maybe it’s time for a career change? If you answered YES to any of these questions then this is the episode for you!
Published 12/14/20
I’ve had so many people ask me what happens on a HPS Coaching call, I thought it would be really interesting to turn one of my coaching calls into an episode for the Podcast. On this LIVE recorded call that happened in the HPS group, I talk to salon owner Emma Jarvis.
Published 12/07/20
I love nothing more than seeing a company become massively successful by choosing a simple service or product that they become hugely famous for. But, if the riches really are in the niches, does this apply to every niche or only certain niches? If I’m a salon owner are there certain niches I should stay away from? In this episode I answer these questions and hope that you come away with a clearer vision for rapidly building your brand and finding the NICHE that could make you RICH!
Published 11/30/20
We’ve all heard this a gazillion times!  So why is it that appointment times vary so greatly from salon to salon?? Timing is something that comes up with the salons we coach EVERY week without fail! What I’ve learnt is that the majority of stylists that claim to be “fully booked” are booking far too much time for their appointments, resulting in very mediocre weekly revenue and feeling deflated and frustrated.
Published 11/23/20
There is a question that I always ask myself as I approach the end of a year. I can honestly say that this question has saved me a fortune and made me a lot of money over the years. It’s also helped me remain focused and passionate about our industry and forced me to become a better business person. Take a listen to this episode and start to ask yourself this simple question and I promise you the results will be remarkable!
Published 11/16/20
We are back in the craziness of lockdowns happening in different parts of the UK and Ireland. The question is how can you turn it into a huge positive? One of the biggest ways is to make sure you take this time to work on things to improve your business or/and your life. What are the skills that you have been wanting to master but haven't had the time? Do you want to take the time to workout and become fitter over the next 4 weeks?
Published 11/09/20
So in this episode I go “OLD SCHOOL”  by telling you about one of the most effective ways to market your business that so many people seem to have forgotten about.
Published 11/02/20
In this episode I give you my take on what today's guest is looking for when she comes to your salon and also how you can make seriously more profit from seeing less guests and offering more services.
Published 10/26/20
In this episode I will give you the strategy that Nicole and I used to go from ZERO to completely fully booked in less than 90 days when we opened our new salon.
Published 10/19/20
Probably the biggest worry we have as salon owners is that our busiest stylist is going to leave and take ALL their guests with them! In this episode I give you the exact step by step process so should this ever happen (and believe me it will) you will have the plan ready to go so you don’t pull your own hair out or lose a week of sleep worrying “IS THIS THE END OF MY BUSINESS????” If I can help with any challenges in your salon please reach out to me at [email protected] or...
Published 10/12/20