We wrap up season 8 with Dr. Kulreet Chaudhary and her powerful, dynamic conversation with Sharon. Dr Chaudhary is a neurologist, neuroscientist, and Ayurvedic practitioner. She combines modern neuroscience with ancient wisdom. She also coaches executives of large corporations on how to connect. Dr. Chaudhary completed the Hoffman Process in 2022. She shares a powerful, pivotal moment from her Process. She was paired up with another student which provided the perfect invitation to be -...
Published 06/27/24
Published 06/27/24
Equine Assisted Coach and soon-to-be-published author, Leslie Kornstein, is our guest today. Leslie and Liz sit down for this powerful conversation about healing and coming into a wholeness of self that includes what Leslie calls our social self, the aspect of ourselves she discovered learning from the horses she worked with. Leslie experienced a delayed emergence of language until age five. Her early challenge became a unique gift as she developed sensitivity to people's energy, empathy,...
Published 06/20/24
Elaine Duncan, Hoffman Process graduate, and strategy and development consultant, shares her touching story about growing up in a family with numerous adopted siblings. She came to the Process over a decade ago. One thing Elaine remembers and cherishes about the Process is the copious amount of laughter she experienced and the feeling of deep connection, laughter, and joy. Elaine was the only child in her nuclear family until her parents adopted their second child, a boy younger than...
Published 06/13/24
Roxy Hayde, Hoffman teacher and member of the Hoffman UK team, is our guest today. She came to the Hoffman Process after a lifetime of trying to hold it all together behind a deeply defended heart. At a very young age, Roxy knew that to feel safe she would have to learn how to control everything and everyone around her and not let herself feel vulnerable. Through the Process, she dropped into a very soft place and came to parent herself in a way she'd never known. Roxy and her emotional...
Published 06/06/24
Tami Tack & Kim Worrall graduated from the Hoffman Process in 1996. They took the Process a second time after it was rejuvenated from an 8-day Process to 7 days. Tami and Kim have been stewards of this work ever since. For over 15 years, Tami has been a graduate group leader in the Portland, Oregon area. Tami and Kim speak to the power of learning to trust in and live from the Spiritual Self and softening into its care. Kim first realized that his nature had a spiritual aspect during...
Published 05/30/24
Jessica Kizer, PhD and Professor of Sociology, shares her powerful life story. One of the main threads of her story is the deep feeling and sense of not belonging. Through her story, we can understand how identities, roles, and circumstances can cause us to feel as if we do not belong in this world as we are for who we are. You'll also hear Drew reflect to Jessica: "...that's stereophonic not-belonging on overdrive." Through her studies in Sociology, Jessica began to understand how societal...
Published 05/23/24
Johanina Wikoff, PhD, sits down with Drew for a conversation about consciousness, the Hoffman Process, psychedelics, relationships, and deep inner healing. As someone who has always been "drawn to explore the mysteries of life," Johanina began exploring psychedelics when she was a teen and in college. She lived off-grid in deep nature and homesteaded while raising her children. Eventually, she was called to return to school for graduate studies, earning her PhD and becoming a therapist and...
Published 05/16/24
Rector of Dharma Gate Buddhist College in Budapest, and Professor of Philosophy and Religious Studies, Gabor Karsai has practiced Buddhism and mindfulness for decades. His Hoffman experience was "magical" and one of profound healing and forgiveness. It's also a story of how important it is to listen to our body's signs of distress and heed the message it is trying to tell us. Over the past few years, Gabor began to experience physical symptoms of stress daily upon waking. While he was very...
Published 05/09/24
Award-winning storyteller in television, film, and literature, Matthew Weiner, is a recent graduate of the Hoffman Process. Matthew is the creator, executive producer, writer, and director of the television show, Mad Men. Matthew shares that his biggest fear in doing the Process was losing his creativity; if he healed his trauma, he'd no longer be creative. Now on the other side of the Process, Matthew knows his fear was unfounded because, through his deep work of transformation, he...
Published 05/02/24
Visual thinker, author, and Hoffman Process grad Brandy Agerbeck shares her ideas on creativity, visual thinking, and innovative ways to get what's rustling inside us out onto paper. Brandy speaks with light-hearted wisdom on creativity: what it is, tools to apply in service to it, and the challenge we face from what she calls the 'inner and outer critic.' She's been in touch with her creative spirit from a very young age, so she holds an approach to creativity stemming from a vast archive...
Published 04/25/24
Neuroanatomist, Dr. Jill Bolte Taylor, joins Drew on the podcast to share her latest insights on the brain, from the inside out. Occasionally, we host guests who are not Hoffman Process graduates. Dr. Taylor is not a Process graduate but shares vital science and insights about the human journey of transformation. Her knowledge of the brain can guide us to a deep sense of peace through active, personal choice. With her profound expertise in brain anatomy, Dr. Taylor was able to study her...
Published 04/18/24
Globally recognized Executive Chef, consultant, and author, Doug McNish, began his amazing career when he was 15 years old. Decades later, after winning numerous accolades and awards, Doug yearned to come to know his true self. When he arrived in Petaluma to do the Hoffman Process in 2023, his highest intention was to find out who he truly is. Doug's journey is a story of the transformative power of self-love, determination, and persistence we find within when we are serious about making...
Published 04/11/24
You’re most likely familiar with Dr. Dan Siegel and his pioneering work to understand the mind and help us live more joyfully. You probably aren’t familiar with his childhood story in which his joy and innocence set in motion the death of something he dearly loved. When Dan arrived at the Hoffman Process retreat site and stepped out of his car, he was immediately greeted by one of the rabbits who lives on the over 180 acres there. When he saw this rabbit, an array of feelings and...
Published 04/04/24
Darla Murray Loomis has been a seeker for much of her life, traveling the world to find what she longed to find. Each place she went, she found something meaningful. But, Darla didn't find what she was looking for out in the world - she found it within, what Darla calls this treasure inside herself. When Darla came to the Hoffman Process, she'd already found this treasure. What brought her to the Process was the realization that she had emotions stuck inside ready to be set free. Darla was...
Published 03/28/24
Patricia Martin, a 1998 graduate of the Hoffman Process, has spent 30 years studying people and ideas that change the culture. She is the podcast host of Jung in the World. and is at the forefront of curating ideas of technology, culture, and humanity. Listen in as Patricia and Liz converse about the Hoffman Process, the healing that happens when we bend toward the Light, and how resiliency is the medicine for our chaotic times. Patricia came to the Process because she saw, firsthand, how...
Published 03/21/24
When Os Alvarez speaks of the newfound emotional intimacy he now knows in his relationships and the power of living from his heart, you can feel the depth of his heart as he speaks. Os had a profoundly life-changing experience at the Hoffman Process in 2019. As he saw the effect that his childhood patterns had on his childhood and adult life, he came to find great compassion for the beauty of the child that still lives within him. Os now brings the power of this intimacy to his work as a...
Published 03/14/24
Kevin Rempel, 2014 Paralympic bronze medalist in sledge hockey, is today's guest. Listen in as Kevin shares his incredible life story and the wisdom he's gained. Kevin was paralyzed in a Motocross accident when he was 23. He was never supposed to walk again, but, as he says, he made it to his feet to walk again with a little bit of luck and a lot of hard work. Four years earlier, his father, was paralyzed in a hunting accident. His father severed his spinal cord, making it impossible for...
Published 03/07/24
In 1991, James Flaherty, MCC, founder of New Ventures West, graduated from the Hoffman Process in Virginia. After completing the Process, both James and his wife, Stacy, began to sponsor the Process in Virginia. They found the retreat site, enrolled people, scheduled the teachers, and transported them to the retreat site. They did this for six Processes over a few years. As James says, they were, and still are, deeply committed to the Hoffman Process. Often, our hosts ask our guests if...
Published 02/29/24
Chelsea Javier, actor, writer, and filmmaker, has always been a creative person and visual artist. But she was also risk averse. She stayed in jobs that were close to what she wanted rather than the real thing - until she did the Hoffman Process in May 2018. In her early to mid-twenties, Chelsea went through what she calls a dark period.* During this time, she moved back to her family home and sought the help she needed. As she began to transition to a new life, in one of those 'sliding...
Published 02/22/24
We kick off season 8 of the podcast with an uplifting, truth-telling conversation with  Brooke Baldwin. TV host, documentary director, journalist, bestselling author, and Hoffman grad, Brooke finally shares the truth of what happened when she left CNN and the transformational journey she embarked on shortly thereafter. When Brooke left CNN, her heart cracked open and she set off on a transformational journey. She found her way to the Hoffman Process in January 2023. Brooke describes her...
Published 02/15/24
For our season 7 finale episode, we're taking you behind the scenes with co-host Drew Horning and executive producer Julie Daley. The idea came about when Drew and Julie met in person for the first time the day after Thanksgiving - over three and a half years after starting this podcast together. It's pretty amazing that people can work together so closely to create something near and dear to them, and have never met in person. But the real story is why the podcast came into being, to...
Published 12/28/23
Sadie Hannah, beloved Hoffman teacher and coach, shares with us her experience of profound transformation in the Hoffman Process as well as navigating the transformation she has continued to experience since. Her story reveals the richness, beauty, and possibility available on the other side of suffering. Content Warning: this episode contains sensitive content that details the near death of a child. It may not be suitable for all listeners. As a 31-year-old mother of two when she came...
Published 12/21/23