When is 'the right' time to leave your unfulfilling job? In this episode I'm sharing an extensive answer to this question. There's a very specific way to determine when it's time for you to finally transition into a career of meaning & purpose. *** Schedule a consultation call to take this work further: https://calendly.com/coachvilmausaite/45min *** Instagram: @vilma.usaite
Published 08/29/22
The more I work in career change & alignment, the more infatuated I become with this beautiful transformative experience. I believe that our quest for purpose & career fulfilment is magic & mystery above strategy. I think this process is not dissimilar to alchemy. In this process we too metaphorically transform lack of meaning into awareness, harmony & purpose.  Career change is an identity shift which means that through this process we, first & foremost, crystallise the...
Published 08/15/22
Career changer series is back with  one of my clients Shanice who, in this episode, shares her career alignment journey with you all.  She went through the whole career change process and transitioned from being lost, confused & miserable to having found a path of fulfilment.  Along the way she picked up the practices of managing her mind, changing her beliefs and learning how to allow her feelings back into her life to create a more wholesome experience. You are really in for a treat -...
Published 05/09/22
In this week's episode I'm inviting you to revisit belief work & learn more about the importance of a story. The stories we tell ourselves about our lives, about our future, about our careers determine our reality. We are our stories. This is particularly true when we embark on this uncertain & unstable process of career change - the way we will frame it in our heads  will affect the success & timeline of our career transition. Tune into the episode to learn how to start...
Published 05/02/22
This week we are talking about building solid foundations within your career change journey. If you are considering a new career path - here's one piece of advice I have for you - less is more. I spend many hours of my day connecting with career changers - many of them are very eager to rush into implementing a myriad of vague career/ business ideas. They have this long list of unfulfilled wishes and a deep sense of urgency - to fulfil them all, at the same time.   As you can imagine that...
Published 02/21/22
Many of you have heard of the term ‘dark night of the soul’ within various contexts.  In this episode, I share how the dark night of the soul is related to career change and what role it plays within career transitions. I believe that career change is a powerful spiritual teacher - tune into the episode to learn more. *** Schedule a consultation call to take this work further: https://calendly.com/coachvilmausaite/60min *** Instagram: @vilma.usaite
Published 01/31/22
This week by popular demand, I’m walking you through the symptoms of a misaligned path.  You might be familiar with the emotional impact a career that you have outgrown is having on you - but what about physical symptoms? Through the years of working with many career changers, I have witnessed and collected a number of physical symptoms signaling that it’s time to shift. As you know, my philosophy is holistic which means that I will often analyse the less obvious symptoms and messages that...
Published 01/24/22
This episode is all about me sharing realisations and truths I WISH I knew before starting my career change process as I feel like it would have given me more peace and would have allowed me to lean in and surrender more.  I hope this will be an inspirational piece and my wish is to help you feel more hopeful about your own career change process. *** Schedule your first call to take this work further: https://calendly.com/coachvilmausaite/60min *** Instagram: @vilma.usaite
Published 11/29/21
In this week's episode, we are wrapping up the series on thought work. I share real-life career change examples of how to use the thought work to support you. We also discuss how not to use the model against yourself and what your daily thought work practice could look like specifically for you. *** Schedule your first call to take this work further: https://calendly.com/coachvilmausaite/60min *** Instagram: @vilma.usaite
Published 11/15/21
In this week's episode, we are continuing the thought work conversation. I am introducing the model - the most powerful and simple tool I have encountered over the years of training and work with clients in my private practice. It's very effective in helping you clearly and schematically understand the causal relationship between your circumstances, thoughts, feelings, actions and results. You probably have often heard various teachers and literature talk about the idea of your thoughts...
Published 11/01/21
This week's episode is an introduction to thought work - which is the very first aspect I address with every single client of mine going through a career change. A lot of our thoughts we have surrounding career change are unquestioned.  If you have a choice to think thoughts that make you question your worth, make you believe that you literally have no future and your life will be this boring small existence  OR think supportive thoughts, that remind you of what’s available for you, make you...
Published 10/19/21
Are you one of those people who love to secretly fantasise how one day you'll hand in your resignation letter to your boss and proudly walk out of the room? I know it has definitely been me in the past and in this episode I'm sharing my advice on how to prepare for the inevitable career change. First tip - I invite you to NOT rush to dramatically hand in that resignation just yet. I cover strategies to take on way ahead of your planned quitting date and I share the most important aspects...
Published 09/27/21
In this week's episode we are chatting about career change and financial fears. One of the main reasons why mid-career professionals struggle with embracing the idea of a career change is their fear of having to accept a significant cut in the salary. They also fear that  they may need to 'regress' in their career and perhaps even take on a junior role in order to embark on a different career path. My take on this is slightly unorthodox - I do not believe it has to be the case. It can be,...
Published 09/13/21
In this Career-Changer Series episode, I interview the charming Lois Letchford, who went from PE teaching to becoming a reading specialist and literacy problem solver. Her journey, however, was not very straightforward one - her career change was not necessarily voluntary or intentional, at least to start with. She went from living her life as an undiagnosed dyslexic, and having to, essentially, from the scratch create principles and unique techniques to help her son, who also is dyslexic,...
Published 09/06/21
Self-sabotage is THE curse word that I hear a lot. My new clients often share that they feel like they contain this inner battle inside of them whenever they express the need to change something up, especially when they commit to embark on a career change. They share that there's one part of them that wants to transition and do whatever it takes - and then there's that other part that works hard to sabotage all and any efforts. That part is so convincing and strong that they often quit...
Published 08/23/21
In this week's episode we talk about a topic that is not the most appealing - responsibility. Responsibility is about taking ownership of ALL that we have consciously and unconsciously created in our lives. It's dropping all the stories about why we are the way we are and why all the odds are stacked against us to change. I'm also sharing a simple 'stock-taking' and responsibility embracing exercise - Life wheel. Download it and make sure you complete it to gain more awareness and start...
Published 07/27/21
This week's episode is a little different - I’m sharing a recorded interview on a holistic approach to a career change. While in my mind taking a holistic approach is an obvious golden thread weaved into everything that I do, this interview made me realize that, unfortunately, it's still not a necessarily common approach to switching careers. So, in this interview, I share a very high-level explanation as to how I arrived at this holistic approach. I also walk through a bird's eye view...
Published 07/19/21
In this week's episode I invite you to meet the most wise, authentic, self-sufficient and calm person you will EVER get to meet - your future self. I share my absolutely favourite luxurious technique that I myself use daily without fail. If you explore and really embrace this technique - you will gain a new best friend, therapist, coach, partner in crime - all in one. Listen to the episode to learn more and to go through the meditation I have recorded especially for you. *** If you'd...
Published 07/05/21
In this week's episode I invite you to expand your vision and evaluate your life beyond a career switch. We are prone to think that when we change roles and industries, that's where the transformation stops - but really embracing a career of meaning will inevitably affect your lifestyle choices as well. In this episode we will be dreaming AUTHENTIC - that is crafting what a perfect, most luxurious, self-loving and nourishing lifestyle may look like for you so you could enjoy a career and...
Published 06/22/21
This week we are diving into communication strategies.  How do you communicate your career change to others when you don't feel confident about this process yourself? How do you have your own back and yet answer to the questions in a respectful matter? Your answers in the episode! *** Schedule your call: https://calendly.com/coachvilmausaite/60min *** Instagram: @vilma.usaite
Published 06/08/21
This week I have only two questions for you: Are you leading a double life?  How will you let your blue bird sing its song? *** Schedule your consultation: https://calendly.com/coachvilmausaite/60mim  *** Instagram: @vilma.usaite
Published 05/31/21
In this Career-Changer Series interview, I had the honour of chatting with Jennifer Baker - a translator who has recently fully stepped into her authenticity and embraced her calling to paint.   In this episode, Jennifer shares her magical journey of how her life has turned around in less than 12 months of her saying YES to opportunities coming her way.  You will learn: -how Jennifer found herself in a career in translation and how she stayed in it for years convincing herself she was...
Published 05/24/21
In this week's episode we look at one of my favourite topics - multipotentiality.  Say WHAT? You will learn: -Why I skipped publishing last week's episode -What to do you when you have multiple passions & interests and you are not sure which one to commit to -What multipotentiality is and why it's your superpower -What is a portfolio career and how you could design yours -Why Richard Branson is one of the most successful multipotentialites on the planet *** Schedule your your...
Published 05/17/21
In this week's episode, I'm inviting you for a test drive. You will learn: -Why you should never hold your dream career choice against yourself (and what paper tower sniffers got to do with it) -How to look after your transition process as if it was a fragile flower -What is test driving your new path and why you should do it -How to just do it Schedule your first complimentary consultation: https://calendly.com/coachvilmausaite/60min Instagram: @vilma.usaite
Published 05/03/21
This week we are diving into the nervous system and why so often you may feel resistant in carrying out even the smallest of career change-related tasks. In the episode you will learn:-Why changing career may be perceived as a major threat to your...
Published 04/26/21