Parapsychologyist and consciousness researcher Chris Connelly attends Changing Times to discuss his studies and present evidence finally demonstrating how the use of commercial EEG equipment can measure the mediumship phenomenon. Note that the audio for the practical demonstration held during this talk has been left in but will often mean the audio is silent for short periods of time as volunteers have their brain waves scanned. 
Published 12/04/23
Published 12/04/23
Consciousness explorer Todd Acamesis joins Changing Times to discuss his experiences with lucid dreaming, astral projection, and parallel dimensions.
Published 09/21/23
Consciousness expert David Ash attends Changing Times to discuss his Quantum Vortex and Superenergy theories, the nature of consciousness, and the afterlife.
Published 07/23/23
Birmingham UFO Group (BUFOG) Chairman Dave Hodrien joins Changing Times to discuss the latest UFO revelations from the US military.   Talk held at https://www.changingtimes.org.uk/ in May 2023
Published 05/22/23
Author and UFO expert Philip Kinsella presents the story of his baffling alien abduction experience, which occurred in the winter of 1989, along with his theories centred around this most perplexing mystery.  Talk held at https://www.changingtimes.org.uk/ in September 2022
Published 09/15/22
Geopolitical expert and Rudolf Steiner scholar Terry Boardman investigates what he describes as ·the profound world crisis of the 21st Century·. These incendiary times are steadily becoming more critical as we approach ·the key decade of the 2030s·.   Talk held at Changing Times
Published 07/29/22
An interview with retired Brighton based artist and researcher Dave Patchett on his views regarding Flat Earth theory and the fake nature of space travel footage
Published 06/19/22
Jez Hughes attends Changing Times to explore the topic of shamanistic mental health and awareness. He covers how traditional shamans undergo years of mental distress as part of their initiation and sees how their approach can be applied to help heal the current surge of mental health issues in the West
Published 05/23/22
Researcher Neil Geddes Ward returns to Changing Times to examine the idea of extra-terrestrials inhabiting our nearest celestial neighbour.    Prior to this lecture, Neil Geddes Ward last attended Changing Times in 2017 to discuss his encounters with other-worldly creatures and spectral beings. His talk from then can be found here 
Published 03/22/22
We join the latest London protest against vaccination mandates, passports, and the imposition of Draconian laws in Austria
Published 11/22/21
Matt Campbell, whose brother Geoff died in the twin towers, attends Changing Times to present a personal account of his legal action in the UK and US to achieve justice for Geoff, as he believes the evidence overwhelmingly shows that the destruction of the twin towers was caused by explosives and incendiaries.   The talk is preceded by a presentation by Andy Thomas covering a general round up of events around 9/11 and the various related conspiracy theories.   Prior to this lecture,...
Published 09/23/21
By way of a follow up to our last episode, some thoughts and reflections on the momentous anti lockdown protest that took place in London on April 24th 2021
Published 05/01/21
We report live from London as the latest anti lockdown protest makes its way through Oxford Street and eventually concludes at Hyde Park
Published 04/24/21
Our father, Michael Poole, passed away peacefully on New Year's Day. In this episode, Martin Poole reflects on his life and discusses subtle signs he has received indicating some otherworldly communication.
Published 01/17/21
Kerry Robinson relates her shocking experiences in Brighton at the hands of local Satanists, recorded in Hove on Saturday November 7th 2020.
Published 11/26/20
A few days after the second English coronavirus lockdown begins, protestors gather on Hove seafront on Saturday November 7th 2020.
Published 11/10/20
Thoughts on the 2020 US Election and how the count played out over the subsequent hours and days. 
Published 11/05/20
Peter, Martin and Wayne from The Information attend the We Do Not Consent rally in London, Saturday September 26th 2020, and witness the chaotic scenes that follow.
Published 10/01/20
Martin Poole reads a short piece about COVID-19 inspired by an article from the September 2020 edition of Nexus magazine titled, 'The Occult Power of Egregores'.
Published 09/07/20
Protests against the coronavirus lockdown continue as Save Our Rights UK demonstrate on Hove seafront, England, in the June of 2020.
Published 07/05/20
Peter Poole joins a protest against the coronavirus lockdown on Hove seafront, led by Louise Creffield of a new group, Save Our Rights UK. Recorded on Monday May 25th 2020.
Published 05/29/20
We tune into the livestream of David Icke being interviewed by Brian Rose on London Real. The following is a raw recording of the uncut audio of the entire 3 hour talk being shared to help spread the information.   Video is available to view at https://londonreal.tv/
Published 05/03/20
For a limited time only, The Information issue 8 is available as a free PDF download. We have had a lot of issues getting this one out there and circulated so made the decision to make it free for a limited time instead of shelving it! Many topics covered including COVID-19, Aldous Huxley, and Isaac Kappy. Hope you enjoy! Link: https://tinyurl.com/y87v9ttc
Published 04/19/20
Peter and Martin Poole discuss the Coronavirus lockdown measures currently in place in the UK
Published 04/05/20