The old seeker-sensitive movement focused on attracting non-Christians to church, leading to weak gospel presentations, effeminate worship music, feel-good sermons, compromised cultural engagement, and little to no emphasis on robust doctrine. The new seeker-sensitive movement focuses on attracting non-whites to local churches, with its own set of negative consequences.
Published 04/15/24
Published 04/15/24
Jason and Saint Militant from the @ATimeForWar38 show break down Ligon Duncan's appearance on the Room for Nuance podcast, particularly Duncan's suspect analysis of the Moscow project. Full video of my appearance on A Time For War: https://youtu.be/EVQJ438hQd4?si=k82RzReGQGsGK_kX
Published 04/12/24
A brief primer on how to respond to the Christ is King and Transgender Day of Visibility controversies. Also, I analyze an article from KSP in which she argues against prosecuting women who procure abortions. Link to KSP Article: https://religionnews.com/2024/03/25/mohler-and-the-abortion-abolitionists-dont-take-sin-seriously-enough/
Published 04/05/24
When Jesse Johnson attacks Canon Press and the Moscow Folks for CN, it demonstrates that he has either no clue as to what is going on there, was unwilling to do his homework about what is going on there, or chose to omit the fact that the Moscow Mood is successfully building God’s kingdom in hostile, enemy territory. Harris podcast:https://youtu.be/7HKARuyKF4Q?si=06a9vJuM1BDEQVSB 00:00: Intro about Holy Week 04:50: Background info for today's episode. 09:22: Response to Johnson...
Published 03/29/24
Wisdom from Athanasius helps us understand Ephesians 2, and C.S. Lewis reminds us of the value of the old books.
Published 03/27/24
If we choose to find rest in sources outside of screens, and if we want to break the slavish habit of turning to our phones the moment boredom strikes, we need high-quality leisure pursuits to replace the phone, the Xbox, the iPad, and the Instagram feed. 00:00: Recap of previous episodes in this series. 04:04: Intro to today's episode. 08:05: The screen solution.
Published 03/23/24
“All things are lawful for me,” but not all things are helpful. “All things are lawful for me,” but I will not be dominated by anything (1 Corinthians 6:12). It is lawful to own and operate a smartphone. It is lawful to sign up for and maintain a social media account or two or three. It is lawful to cultivate an online presence. It is lawful to purchase an Xbox Series X and play video games on it. It is lawful to own an iPad. It is lawful to google recipes, synonyms, the cast of Despicable...
Published 03/20/24
Plato, if he were around, would strongly assert that the music we listen to, the television shows we watch, the movies we hold close to our hearts ought to catechize us in the true, good, and beautiful of God’s creation. We ought to train our affections to love not simply that which excites us, moves us, captivates us, but that which moves us to goodness, righteousness, virtue. We ought to be able to glorify God when we sit down to watch a movie or fire up our Spotify playlist. It’s a high...
Published 03/15/24
Philippians 4:8-9: Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things. Those things, which ye have both learned, and received, and heard, and seen in me, do: and the God of peace shall be with you. This passage and others like it in the Bible must be the foundation for our...
Published 03/12/24
Come listen to a discussion on the dangers of inviting wokeness and diversity into classical Christian education circles, God's rightful place on Sunday mornings, and the next chapter in TGCs cycle of deleting cringy articles they voluntarily publish. Wokeness and CCE: 00:00 Entertaining Churches: 07:45 TGC Article: 12:35 TGC Taylor Swift Article: https://web.archive.org/web/20231012212014/https://www.thegospelcoalition.org/article/taylor-swifts-eras-tour/ TGC Josh Butler Article:...
Published 11/20/23
With a little help from Dr. Ben Merkle, I offer a non-compliant, non-regime-approved take on the conflict between Israel and Hamas. Subscribe to my podcast at https://anchor.fm/jason-modar #israelpalestineconflict #hamas #israel
Published 11/02/23
The Apostle Paul tells the Galatians - and, by extension, all Christians - to show love to one's neighbor by confronting his sin and restoring him to Christ. Phil Vischer says loving one's neighbor means allowing sodomites to continue marrying. Check out the video for a helpful discussion on defining biblical love and identifying worldly weasels. You'll especially enjoy the last five minutes. Previous episode on biblical love: https://youtu.be/gjG7UpTXpco Subscribe to my podcast at...
Published 10/16/23
Have you seen the signs around your town? “Love is love” the signs read, alongside a number of other pithy one-liners designed to stir your emotions for whatever cause de jour to which Progressives have attached themselves. These signs include such misguided maxims as “women's rights are human rights,” which is little more than progressive slang for “leave me alone while I murder my baby,” and “Black Lives Matter,” which sounds noble on the surface, but really means “if you do not support the...
Published 10/09/23
Are celibate gay "Christians" just like Christ? Are homosexual desires sinful? Can I be a celibate adulterer Christian? These pressing questions and more receive answers in today's episode, as faulty Christian assumptions about sexual sins are exposed. Subscribe to my podcast at https://anchor.fm/jason-modar #lgbtq #gaychristians #homosexuality #thebible
Published 09/23/23
Pop culture and 21st-century sexual norms desensitize Christians from a biblical and proper reaction to sexual abominations like transgenderism and homosexuality. It's time to wake up from our self-induced stupor. #lgbtq #ellenpage #elliotpage #christianity Subscribe to my podcast at https://anchor.fm/jason-modar The Jason Modar Show Substack: https://jasonmodar.substack.com/
Published 09/16/23
In today's episode, I review Doug Wilson's book Mere Christendom. 00:00 Introduction 02:22 First Critique - Formatting 04:30 Second Critique - Style and Figures of Speech 06:45 Third Critique - Style and Clarity 08:15 Fourth Critique - Content 09:05 Book Recommendations for Books with Similar Content Subscribe to my podcast at https://anchor.fm/jason-modar #dougwilson #merechristendom #christiannationalism
Published 09/12/23
The SBC is currently winning the lady pastor debate. The question is, will the SBC follow the lead of men like J.D. Greear and turn back into losers, or will they hold the line and disfellowship churches that refuse to comply with biblical standards and the standards of the SBC’s Constitution and the Baptist Faith and Message? 00:00 Intro/Books I'm Reading 03:15 JD Greear and the Law Amendment Washington Times article:...
Published 07/27/23
​ @WokePreacherClips finds another zinger! Subscribe to my podcast at https://anchor.fm/jason-modar The Jason Modar Show Substack: https://jasonmodar.substack.com/ What happens when sexual perversion spews forth from American pulpits? This occurs weekly across the nation, but not all of it comes in torrents. Some of it is covert, like when J.D. Greear said that God whispers about sexual sins such as homosexuality. I don't think God was whispering when Sodom was turned into ash nor when...
Published 07/12/23
#lgbtq #tgc #pridemonth #russellmoore Dr. Russell Moore teaches Christians what they should know about transgenderism. I, then, use the Bible, reality, and common sense to correct him. 00:00 Intro 03:10 TGC Russell Moore Video Response 16:20 Books I Am Reading
Published 06/14/23
#ladodgers #lgbtq #pridemonth After caving to the tyrants of transgenderism, the LA Dodgers reinvited the abomination known as the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence - an anti-Catholic and anti-Christian group of demonically influenced and mentally ill men - to their June 16th Pride Day celebration. Several MLB players rightfully voiced their opposition to these queens of filth, but one player demonstrated why you never, ever apologize to the tyrants of transgenderism. 00:00...
Published 06/07/23
In celebration of #pridemonth I read an article from Rosaria Butterfield titled "Why I no longer use Transgender Pronouns—and Why You shouldn’t, either." In the article, Butterfield repents of her past use of pronoun hospitality, calls out #bigeva for its capitulation to the demonic #lgbtq mob, and explains why the use of pronoun hospitality is a sin. Rosaria's article: https://www.reformation21.org/blog/why-i-no-longer-use-transgender-pronouns-and-why-you-shouldnt-either
Published 06/01/23
Why would a District Attorney have his son repeat a grade just so his son could attend a classical Christian school? The answer provides insight into why parents are removing their children from local public schools.
Published 05/30/23
In the sixth and final response episode in my series covering the TGC's good faith public school debate, I propose that there is such a thing as too much school work, Jen finds value in wasted time at school, Jen continues to show she doesn't understand the goals of education, Pennington falls for Jen's emotional manipulation, and more! 00:00 Intro 01:45 Making time for extracurriculars 02:48 There is such a thing as too much schoolwork 06:10 Wasted time at school is a good...
Published 05/27/23
Part five of the review of TGC's good faith public school debate deals with offering Jen a chance to repent of her educational decisions (spoiler, she doesn't), Pennington causing the audience to wonder why he is at the debate, Jen making a gross joke about homeschooling her children, and Pennington redeeming himself by offering a beautiful vision of homeschooling. 00:00 Intro 03:37 Part 4 Recap 08:32 Would You Do It Differently? 10:00 What Is Education? 12:15 Jen’s Foolish...
Published 05/22/23