It's the end of the year, which means it’s time to pull back the curtain and show you how this year really  went. On today's episode I give you the full lowdown of my year… - Like the hardest thing I had to heal  - My business failures  - Things I wasted money on - The things I’m most proud of  - Business moves that changed EVERYTHING for me half way through this year.  And lastly, what that means for 2024. Like offering NO free things in 2024 (I’m still only 92% there…but pretty sure that’s...
Published 12/21/23
I was literally cleaning up sh*t this week when my tenants called to say they had a sewer backup. It took every part of me to keep my cool, remain calm and try to navigate a sh*t storm of a few days (pun intended). I hit record and shared with you my tips of how to remain calm when shit hits the fan for you (especially during this season where stress and chaos is upon us!). We pull an oracle card AND we conclude with a beautiful meditation at the end. Hit play and enjoy! Want to hang...
Published 12/14/23
Selling is soooo important if you are a business owner. And guess what? You actually don't suck at it. I'm sure you've raved about a product or service to a friend before, so if you can do it for someone else, you can do it for yourself! On today's episode we wrap up this two part series on selling with love. I share with you my top 5 selling tips and in particular a practical tip that has me face palm when I see people NOT doing it. Enjoy! p.s. - want to check out the Money Makers...
Published 12/07/23
Let's talk selling with love. Sounds fluffy doesn't it? But what if the energetics behind selling was the #1 thing stopping you from showing the F up and selling your awesome things. I've done a LOT of mindset work over the years on selling, and it's helped me achieve things like $100K months, $30K days and beyond. Heck, I even sold a house on the spot for over $500K through a private sale...easy peasy. So join me in learning the biggest selling mistakes you might be making and the false...
Published 11/30/23
Did you miss out on the FREE Path to Prosperity mini course? Well there's still time to join us as you can access the replay throughout the month of December. Sign up at https://jointheshift.ca/path-to-prosperity In the meantime, I'm sharing my top 3 aha moments from the course. The last one I share in particular is one that I'm sure you can relate to. It's a biggy!  Enjoy!  And if you haven't already, make sure to leave a review and subscribe to the podcast. 
Published 11/24/23
What do you do on those days when you just want to quit? When you want to throw in the towel. Well, I had one of those days today. I've been in this place many  times along my entrepreneurial journey, so it's familiar territory...but it still sucks.  In a tearful podcast, I share with you the 3 things that are getting me through to the other side where miracles live. Don't throw in the towel...and go listen to this episode that will help you feel good and keep. f**king. going. BONUS: Join...
Published 11/16/23
I've been running my Rich Woman coaching business since 2015, and lemme tell ya...there has been a TON of lessons and growth over those years. Highs, lows and everything in-between. And after selling over $1 MILLION dollars of coaching services and courses to people there has been a ton of internal shifts that helped me get here. So today, I'm sharing them with you. I'm sharing with you the top 7 lessons I've learned as a 7-figure entrepreneur. Enjoying this podcast? Make sure to leave us...
Published 11/09/23
You made it to the final part of Heal Your Debt! On the final part I'm sharing with you some EPIC practical tools to end any unhealthy relationship with money you may have. I share with you... What the "end of history illusion" is and how it impacts your relationship with debtThe fact that as humans, we suck at knowing what the future holds (the study showed it!) and what that means for you My favourite money action step to take with the $100 cash you took out Last but not least, my top tip...
Published 11/02/23
Wahoo, part 3 of 4 is here! How are you feeling? Are you feeling lighter when it comes to debt? Things starting to turn around for you? Great! In today's lesson we explore how our expectations impact our financial reality. Enjoying this series? Make sure to share it out with a friend, leave a review of message me on IG @emilyking.ca
Published 10/30/23
Welcome back to the Heal Your Debt *special edition* podcast series. Join us for part 2 where we dive into forgiveness. It's a big one, but it's soooo worth it to go deep into this work and release all the junk that's been keeping you stuck and feeling heavy around debt. 
Published 10/26/23
Ohhhh it's here! I'm very excited to share with you a special podcast series called Heal Your Debt. This is revamped from what used to be a PAID course years ago, that I'm now offering to you for F-R-E-E! Money is the #1 stressor for Canadians, and I'm not okay with that. So in this 4 part series you'll learn how to heal your relationship with debt, shift into miracles with your money and FEEL GOOD! I'm so excited! Loving this podcast? Share it out with a friend, or even better...leave a...
Published 10/24/23
Ohhh the classic "glass ceiling". I hit it this past week with the release of my oracle cards and the ego sabotage that soon followed. "Do people like them?", "Is the art good enough?", "What do people think about them?", and a whole lot of other mind chatter. Well, I nipped it in the bud today with some mindset work to set me straight.  On today's episode I share with you some of the things I reminded myself of to break through that glass ceiling and up-level my life and business -...
Published 10/16/23
Exciting news...the Money & Miracles Oracle Cards are here!!!! It's something I've been working on and dreamed of for years, so this is a dream come true! We had some fun on today's podcast where we did a livestream on IG and pulled cards and messages from my new deck.  I also share how my ego has been trying to sabotage me and the joy I'm feeling with these cards. Ohhh ego...gotta love it!  Enjoys todays episode and if you're looking to purchase a deck for yourself, check it out here...
Published 10/13/23
Does your savings account goal always feel 1 step ahead of you? The goal to get out of debt, or save for a downpayment on a house, or save up for a trip...them BAM an expense comes up and you're right back to where you started. Well, there might be a deep rooted reason that you're completely unaware of that explains EXACTLY why you keep sabotaging your savings.  Todays episode is going to help you big time with overcoming the money mindset blocks stopping you from hitting some epic goals for...
Published 10/09/23
What do you do when your family doesn’t support you? When your partner doesn’t “get it”? Or when you feel like your friends are judging you? It can be really tough to navigate. On today’s podcast episode I’m sharing with you how I’ve helped myself and clients navigate through sticky situations when their family and friends haven’t supported them.  You’re not alone and this is a very common issue that people struggle with when they’re doing the growth work that you’re doing. Keep your head...
Published 10/05/23
Oh life. It's a spiral process. Sometimes you're on a high, sometimes you're in a low and then sometimes you land somewhere in-between. So I'm sharing with you today the struggle. In one area of my life I feel like I'm thriving (even though I struggled with it for years), and in another area my body and mind is stressed about it.  Listen to this un-edited, real talk about struggles and what to do when you find yourself on the struggle bus. I'm working through it and I know I'll get to the...
Published 10/02/23
Ohhh this one is a short and sweet episode for you today. I got my butt kicked the other day when I came across a note I had written to myself years ago. It's about wanting MORE. Most of us want more in our lives - more money, more love, more fun, more happiness, etc. But there's a difference between wanting more from a place of lack and wanting more from a place of love. Listen now to today's episode. Enjoying this podcast? Make sure to subscribe! Doors close today for ELE. You can check...
Published 09/28/23
Manifesting can feel SO confusing. We're supposed to focus on what we want, but don't chase it or you'll chase it away. But then what do we do? Sit back and relax? Do nothing. Let's clear through the confusion today around manifesting and dive into one of my favourite processes to manifesting, that I can "reverse manifesting". In this episode I break down the 5 easy steps to help you manifest whatever it is you desire, and even share a little glimpse into how I'm applying it in my life...
Published 09/25/23
If you're feeling like it's time to get out of your own way and take life by the horns, well giddy up! On today's episode I'm sharing with you the 3 things I did that took me from getting excited about donut days at work, to running a $1M+ business and growing. Simply put, the 3 things you need to change your life. If you feel like you have no idea what your first step is, or you're scared of the unknown, this episode is for you. And if you want to check out ELE, check it out here:...
Published 09/21/23
Ahhhh, how I love today's episode. It's a special edition podcast episode with a F-R-E-E meditation for you. A meditation to help you close one season of your life and to start a new season. It was inspired by this month - September - and that "spiritual New Year" feel in the air. May this episode give you exactly what you need today to help you heal, to help you release, surrender and open up to a new season of your beautiful life. I have a whole library of meditations that can be found...
Published 09/18/23
Welcome back to Season 3 of the Money & Miracles podcast! We are kicking off this season with some exciting things in store for you. 1. We will be doing a mini series called "Heal Your Debt" - stay tuned! 2. We're bringing back the Money & Miracles FREE mini-course in November. 1000's of people have taken this course with some stellar results. You're in for a treat. 3.  We'll be launching TWO episodes each week that will drop on Monday and Thursday for your listening pleasure. ...
Published 09/15/23
Well rich woman, I was inspired (and fired up) the other day and hit *record* to capture what I was feeling. If you need a reminder of how awesome you are, and that it is your time to GO, then this is the episode to hit play to.  If you loved it, make sure to share it with someone who might need the reminder as well.  IG: @emilyking.ca  Website: www.emilyking.ca
Published 07/22/23
Analysis is paralysis, and it ain't fun. Feeling stuck in all the "what if's", the where to begin, what step to take first, and all the overthinking that comes with it. It's exhausting and it sucks.  On today's episode I'm sharing with you how to get OUT of the how and get into action, even when you feel like you don't know how. Between expanding my home and starting a new business, I'm sharing with you how I'm getting through some question marks in my life and leaning into the miracle that...
Published 07/13/23
Want to have a day where you experience what it's like to have what I call a miracle moment? They are the BEST kind of days. And guess what? You get to have one every day. Miracles are available to you every day...if you so choose to see them. Today's episode is short and sweet but OH so helpful to help you connect with the Universe and co-collaborate with it. Let me know what your #mm is on Instagram @emilyking.ca
Published 07/05/23
If you're a business owner I can almost guarantee that you will come across a time when you will have to inevitably raise your prices. GAH. It can be super scary to do so. All the money blocks and fears come to the surface..."will I lose all my clients?", "I won't be affordable then", "I'll have to give them more if I increase my prices". All false beliefs. Today's episode of Money & Miracles is jam PACKED with goodness to help you overcome the money blocks that are stopping you from...
Published 06/28/23