Ready for 2024 to be your BEST YEAR YET?! What if by the end of this year, you were experiencing a whole new level of freedom in your relationship with food and your body? In today’s episode, you’re gonna hear the replay from our FREE 2024 goal setting and game planning workshop.  We have 2 more live workshops left later this week, so if you want the workbook and resources discussed in the replay, simply head to www.brittanybraswellrd.com/gameplan to register for one of our next live...
Published 01/09/24
With the new year comes lots of resolution and goal-setting, but so many of those goals never come to pass because there’s no plan in place for HOW you’re going to achieve them. By the end of this episode you’ll understand why goal setting isn’t enough, and I’ll share some practical tips on how to make a game plan for your goals. I’m talking all about the process of goal setting and game planning, the biggest problems I see when goals fall through, and keys to making your plan work so you...
Published 01/02/24
There are lots of voices in the world telling you what “true freedom”, but it can be difficult to know who or what to listen to. The world tells us that the best way to find freedom is doing what you want to do when you want to do it, being “true to yourself”; however real freedom comes when we learn to surrender to God. In today’s episode, we’ll talk about finding freedom from the concepts of Radical Expressive Individualism. I’ll discuss why understanding and grounding ourselves in...
Published 12/27/23
Nutrition is a huge part of reaching performance goals for athletes, but is it possible to eat in a way to reach those goals without hurting your relationship with food? For many athletes, counting macros or tracking their nutrition is a huge way to reach performance or physique goals, but it’s not the only way. Today, you’ll learn to balance a healthy relationship with food and fueling to perform your best through empowered eating. In today’s episode, I’ll be chatting with registered...
Published 12/19/23
Christmas time comes with lots of exciting opportunities to celebrate with friends and family, but can be overwhelming to step into if you don’t feel fully confident around food. Does the idea of holiday foods, gatherings, and baking make you more nervous than excited? Well, tune in to this episode to hear the best tips on how to combat the fear or guilt you may feel around food this holiday season, and fully enjoy time with friends and family at Christmas dinner. In today’s episode, I am...
Published 12/12/23
It can be a challenge to love and care for your body when you feel like it’s not where it “should be.” By the end of this episode, you’ll be equipped with several tools to use on your journey to peace with and appreciation of your body. In today’s episode, I’ll be chatting with Amy Reinecke, blogger and host of the Love Your Body Well podcast discuss all about what it looks like to appreciate and nourish your body where it is right now. We’ll break down the barriers and mindsets holding...
Published 12/07/23
Hearing others’ stories can be impactful and inspiring, but it can be hard to determine what your story entails and how to share it. By the end of this episode, you’ll have insight into understanding the major aspects of your story and how to strategically share it to impact others in a meaningful way and reflect the Lord’s purpose in your life. In today’s episode, I’m joined by best-selling author, motivational speaker, and host of The Speak to Scale Podcast, Jessica Rasdall to talk all...
Published 11/28/23
Thanksgiving is just around the corner, and that might feel intimidating if you’re struggling with food or in the midst of your food freedom journey. The holidays are meant to be filled with joy, community, and celebration, not guilt and stress about what you’re eating. In this Q&A episode, you’ll get lots of helpful insights on how to break free from holiday food guilt and find food freedom when gathered around the table! Today, I’ll be answering YOUR questions all about food freedom...
Published 11/22/23
If you could anonymously ask a panel of experts any question at all about body image, what would you ask? Body image can be a pretty messy topic to navigate… not to mention uncomfortable.  That’s why we decided to make it a little easier for a group of teens and women at the 2023 In His Image Body Image Conference, and I’m about to let you listen in on some of their questions. In today’s episode, you’re getting a sneak peak into answers to some of these ladies’ biggest body image questions,...
Published 11/14/23
Do you ever feel like you have no idea what your purpose is or if you even have one? Not knowing your purpose can lead you to clinging to a variety of disordered habits, rather than turning to the Lord with that question. In this episode, you’ll be equipped with steps to take in order to discover your calling from the Lord. In today’s episode, I’ll be joined with Kaitlyn Cey, author, speaker, leadership coach, and director of Inspire Our Nation, to discuss all about God-given purpose. We’ll...
Published 11/07/23
We often fall into the trap of feeling guilty for eating something we “shouldn’t” or eating too much. By the end of this episode, you’ll learn how to stop the feelings of guilt dead in their tracks by discovering and battling the root beliefs causing those feelings. In today’s episode, we’ll be talking about how to navigate the guilt you may feel about the way or what you eat. I’ll touch on things like the amorality of food, different stages of food guilt, and fighting back against imposed...
Published 10/31/23
If you struggle with an “all or nothing” mindset when it comes to fitness, food, or other aspects of physical and mental health, this episode is for you! Sometimes it feels easier to take a break from progress in busy seasons than to remain consistent with your recovery-focused habits. In this episode, you’ll learn to challenge your “play/pause” mindset to breed resilience and lay down healthy patterns of progress, even on your busiest days. In today’s episode, Shaela Daugherty and I will...
Published 10/26/23
If your answer to, “How are you?” is always, “I’m so busy,” then this episode is for you! It’s easy to allow your busyness to become an excuse to not prioritize your overall health and progress to food freedom, but in this episode, you’ll hear all about navigating busy seasons without pressing pause on progress. In today’s episode, I will be talking all about busyness with guest Shaela Daugherty, minister, fitness and nutrition coach, personal trainer, and so much more. We’ll share some...
Published 10/24/23
Have you ever found yourself thinking, “I’m too [fill in the blank] to recover,” or, “I can’t recover because of [blank]?” It’s easy to use your traits or tendencies as an excuse for not being able to fully recover, but today you’ll learn the power of understanding those qualities on your path to food freedom. In today’s episode, I’ll be chatting with Sarah Lee, a certified eating disorder recovery coach, about assessing how your character traits can go from liabilities to assets on your...
Published 10/17/23
Intuitive eating and food freedom begins by learning to be aware of what your body is telling you, and why. Trying to figure out what your body is telling you can feel complicated and daunting, but after this episode, you’ll be equipped with the tools you need to not only start listening to, but begin trusting and responding well to the signals your body is sending you. In today’s episode, you’ll hear from Char-Lee Cassel, Registered Dietitian and exercise physiologist, about interoceptive...
Published 10/10/23
People-pleasing is one of the driving factors that influences people to change the way they eat or how they look. Seeking to please others first can lead us to displeasing the Lord through self sabotage of mental, physical, and spiritual health. So by the end of this episode, you’ll learn how to recognize 5 signs of being a people pleaser, AND how you can overcome each one. In today’s episode, we’ll take a look at various aspects of people pleasing as Christians and look at how Jesus lived...
Published 10/03/23
Today’s episode is a little different, because today I’m getting vulnerable and giving you an update on where I’m at in life and business and what my current season of waiting and transition looks like. Sometimes, waiting can seem like a bad thing, and it’s hard to figure out what to do during those seasons, but a season of waiting can be so fruitful when you learn to wait and transition well. In today’s episode, I’m updating you all on what my current season of life looks like. I’ll be...
Published 09/26/23
Therapy can be such a valuable tool for improving our mental health, but without the incorporation of the Ultimate Counselor, it can’t be the ultimate solution. If you’re ready to learn more about improving your mental health through the lens of a child of God rather than through the world, tune in, because today my special guest and I will uncover multiple aspects of moving toward God by letting go of the barriers that could be holding you back. In this episode, I’m chatting with Freddie...
Published 09/19/23
Our culture promotes an endless cycle of work and striving, portraying it as the only path to success, but what if that’s not the case? Rest can be hard to see as a gift, yet the Lord has wired us for rest. So in this episode we’ll address how and why you need to implement rest into your routine and begin to view it as a blessing that doesn’t hold you back but actually promotes healing.  In today’s episode, I’ll be joined by Emily Louis, faith coach and host of the Abundant Grace Podcast,...
Published 09/12/23
Wanting to better yourself and be healthy is not a bad thing, but striving for perfectionism can be overbearing, exhausting, and unattainable. Luckily, we’re not called to be perfect, and we’re here to talk you through what it looks like to “let go of perfect” and conquer the mindsets that tell you that progress is measured by perfection.  In today’s episode, I’ll be talking with certified life, health, and mental-health coach and speaker, Kassandra Baker, about how to avoid and deal with...
Published 09/05/23
You’ve got questions about gentle nutrition, and today, I’m answering 7 of them! Several listeners submitted SpeakPipe questions asking about varying topics related to nutrition. Questions like, “What does it look like to grow in honoring both hunger & fullness? How do I  honor the gray area?”  “How do you know how much protein to eat?”  “How do you balance what you know will make you feel good vs. a meal out that you really want to eat that doesn’t have all those components?” In...
Published 08/31/23
Diet culture seems to scream everything but gentle nutrition, and holding onto those lies and ideas that you need to be dieting are likely holding you back from optimal health and a better relationship with food that can come from practicing gentle nutrition. There are lots of fears and food lies that can get stuck in your mind and hold you back from making progress toward intuitive eating and food freedom.  So today, you’ll learn how to recognize and address those barriers in your own...
Published 08/29/23
Raising kids who enjoy nutrition and have a healthy relationship with food can feel like a daunting challenge, so let’s discuss what to do and what not to do in order to help your kiddos foster a neutral relationship with food and expand their understanding of their nutritional needs. As a parent, aunt, grandmother, etc., you want your kids to be healthy and eat plenty of nutrient dense foods, but you don’t want to contribute to the development of disordered habits, so it’s important we...
Published 08/24/23
In today’s society, the sad truth is that diet culture is everywhere, including in the church, which means you’ll probably run into food lies or diet culture comments coming from the pulpit. While church leadership most likely isn’t intending to offend or trigger anyone in the church body, it’s really important that we understand that many pastors just aren’t aware of the implications of their comments and we learn how to either address or disregard and move past those triggering...
Published 08/22/23
Planning out your menu for the day or week is a super helpful practice if you’re someone with a busy schedule.  And if you’re anything like me, you probably don’t have a lot of time to deal with complicated recipes for busy weeknights. Thinking you have to meticulously plan and prep every aspect of your meal can feel overwhelming and lead to giving up before you even start to prepare a meal. In today’s episode, you’ll learn how to plan some simple, quick to make, no-recipe needed nourishing...
Published 08/17/23