You’re in for a special treat today, because this episode is like having a fly-on-the-wall seat during Brittany's live coaching call with Michelle, a member of The Joy-Filled Food Freedom Society! You’ll hear Brittany coach Michelle through tough topics like how to use faith as a motivation for recovery without it leading to shame, what to do when the recovery journey takes longer than you or others expected, and how to evaluate the accuracy of the way you see and relate to the Lord. Get...
Published 06/18/24
Feeling stuck in a cycle of restrictive diets and negative body image?  This episode cracks the code on why so many women struggle to find true food freedom (and it's not what you think!). Brittany Braswell, RD, dives deep into the #1 sneaky culprit holding you back from a joyful relationship with food and your body.  She also unveils the 3 key factors that keep this culprit in control and offers practical strategies to overcome them for lasting freedom. Here’s a few things you’ll hear in...
Published 06/11/24
Our phones can be a major distraction when it comes to listening – both to our bodies AND to those around us. And if you know (or even think!) that you spend more time than is beneficial on your phone, this episode is going to equip you with tools to help you back off your phone usage to make more room for life-giving activities. In this episode, I’m joined by licensed professional counselor, Emily Grace Ames, as we explore 4 of the most sneaky ways our phones can sabotage our quality of...
Published 06/04/24
If the fear of weight gain has been holding you back from going all in on your food freedom journey, this episode is for you. Today, we’re tackling how to overcome the fear of weight gain so you can finally make real progress on feeling more confident in your body and in the way you nourish it! By the end of today’s episode, you’ll understand the importance of unearthing the "why" behind your weight loss goals and anxieties. I’ll give you three key strategies to help you break free from the...
Published 05/28/24
Unresolved emotional pain can manifest in physical symptoms and lead to a cycle of negative emotions and behaviors, hindering progress towards food freedom. This episode equips listeners with tools to identify and address unresolved emotional pain that may be impacting their relationship with food. In today’s episode, registered dietitian Brittany Braswell chats with Pastors Travis & Tina Hall, diving deep into the connection between unresolved emotional pain and food struggles. They...
Published 05/21/24
Feeling lost on how to support a friend or loved one struggling with an eating disorder? This episode equips you with practical tools for offering compassionate and effective support, without feeling like you need to become their therapist. We're joined by Jessica Shafer, MS, LMFT, a family therapist specialized in eating disorder treatment, who shares powerful communication strategies, healthy boundaries, and ways to show you truly care (without the pressure). Topics you’ll hear discussed...
Published 05/14/24
Integrity is essential if you want to achieve and maintain recovery from a disordered relationship with food, your body, or even exercise. If you’ve ever struggled to maintain integrity by sticking to your commitments, the buck stops here.  By the end of this episode, you’ll have some effective tools and strategy that will help you become the kind of person who keeps their word… even for yourself! In today’s episode, I’m joined by non-diet personal trainer, Kasey Shuler, who shares her...
Published 05/07/24
Do you ever feel like learning to make peace with and trust your body is too much effort, and you can’t do it all yourself?  Working towards building a better relationship with your body can be daunting when you feel like you have to take it on alone. Luckily, you don’t have to! In this episode, you’ll learn how much easier it is to trust your body when you let go of the control you think you have to cling so tightly to. In today’s episode, we’ll be taking a look at the third and final...
Published 04/30/24
Just knowing why and how to trust your body doesn’t solve everything when it comes to body trust.  There’s a second component that’s 100% necessary but can seem tedious and frustrating at times.  The easy thing to do when things get hard is to give up, and that’s the reason so many women never come to experience full body trust. But, we’re working to solve that problem in episode 75 so you can learn how to grow, even when things may be uncomfortable. In today’s episode, I’m discussing the...
Published 04/23/24
One of the biggest obstacles to letting go of dieting is learning to trust your body’s natural cues. For many women, the idea of letting go of a diet plan is scary because it means stepping away from a source of control and direction over what or when they eat. But in this episode, we’re addressing why it’s SO much better to trust your body when it comes to eating, and you’ll learn the key component to doing it! In today’s episode, we’re continuing our discussion of body trust. I know...
Published 04/16/24
Negative body image often leads to hyper-focus on one's appearance, perpetuated by the belief that body positivity is the solution. However, body trust, not body positivity, is the key to cultivating a positive body image. This episode delves into how to understand what body trust is and shift your focus away from your body so that you can confidently nourish and care for your body, while improving your body image along the way! In today’s episode, we’ll uncover some common misconceptions...
Published 04/09/24
What do you do when you know you’re not going to make it to the hospital in time to give birth to your baby?  That’s the decision my husband and I had to make very quickly when I went into labor during rush hour on a Wednesday morning just outside Birmingham, AL. Hear our full story in episodes 71 AND 72 where I’m joined by husband, Chris, as we take some time to let you in on our personal lives and share the details about my third pregnancy, our mad rush to to the hospital (which we DID NOT...
Published 04/02/24
What do you do when you know you’re not going to make it to the hospital in time to give birth to your baby?  That’s the decision my husband and I had to make very quickly when I went into labor during rush hour on a Wednesday morning just outside Birmingham, AL. Hear our full story in episodes 71 AND 72 where I’m joined by husband, Chris, as we take some time to let you in on our personal lives and share the details about my third pregnancy, our mad rush to to the hospital (which we DID NOT...
Published 04/02/24
Navigating eating disorder recovery is really difficult, especially with the influences of those still struggling around you cause confusion and uncertainty on your food freedom journey. Family stuck in diet culture can add a challenge to your recovery, but that doesn’t make it impossible. So in this episode, you’ll learn the key concepts of understanding how to make progress in your relationship with food and body, despite the influence of those around you. In today’s episode, I’m joined...
Published 03/26/24
As our bodies change, so do lots of other aspects of our relationship with food and the clues that keep us in tune with our bodies, which can feel really tricky to navigate! In today’s episode, I’m back for part 2 of my conversation with certified eating disorder dietitian, Kate Griege, where we talk about navigating hunger, changing bodies, and how we honor our health (and cravings!) during pregnancy. If you’re currently going through some type of body change, pregnancy-related or...
Published 03/12/24
We are immersed in a culture that puts so much pressure and worth on what your body looks like, so it can be a really difficult journey to find peace and navigate times when your body is changing. There is a huge unrealistic expectation for women to look a certain way, and especially to ‘bounce back” after times of body change, but in this episode, you’ll learn specific ways you can keep a positive mindset and healthy relationship with your changing body. In today’s episode, I’m joined by...
Published 03/05/24
The idea of weight-related conversations with healthcare professionals can be daunting, especially if you’ve struggled with disordered eating in the past or are currently in the process of finding food freedom. Believing that weight loss is the primary solution for improving your health is a HUGE mistake that many people make, so in this episode you’re going to hear a fresh perspective on improving your health (without requiring weight change) and what to do if or when your doctor recommends...
Published 02/27/24
Tons of health issues can go overlooked by westernized American medical care, but functional medicine can give you insight into deeper issues that may even play into why you may be struggling with disordered eating. If you’ve been feeling like crud, and you’re tired of doctors telling you that all your labs look ‘normal’, then this episode is for you, because we’re talking all about how functional labs can help you uncover underlying causes of what may be driving those uncomfortable symptoms...
Published 02/20/24
Grief is a hard thing to experience. And grieving the loss of a past version of yourself or your body size is a normal part of the healing process for most people.  That’s why it’s so important to understand that grieving is okay and as Christians, it’s possible to grieve well. There’s a common misconception that Christians shouldn’t grieve, however this can lead to shame when it inevitably does occur. So, in this episode, we’ll address what scripture actually says about grief and learn how...
Published 02/13/24
Most people know that sleep is important, but if you knew HOW important, you probably wouldn’t choose to sacrifice that time or compromise your sleep as often as you do. Sleep is a big part of our body’s recovery and regulation, and a major player in the energy and flow of daily tasks. By the end of this episode, you’ll be able to determine if you’re getting good sleep and have a list of action steps to improve it. In today’s episode, I’m chatting with Amy Connell, a certified personal...
Published 02/05/24
It’s time to stop allowing bad body image moments or days to keep you from caring for your mental, physical, and spiritual needs! It can be hard to take your mind off of yourself when you’re having a hard body image day, but by the end of this episode, you’ll have three key tools you can use to refocus your thoughts and continue to take care of your body, mind, and soul... even on your hardest body image days. In today’s episode, I’ll address the struggle of finding a way to distract...
Published 01/30/24
For a lot of us, we can be our own biggest critic. But what happens when that critic starts holding you back from growth? Or even worse, causing you to backtrack and feel like the progress you’ve made has flown out the window? Sound familiar? If so, you’ve likely dealt with some form of self-sabotage. That’s why today, we’re tackling this difficult topic and looking at ways you may already be sabotaging your 2024 food freedom and body image progress. In today’s episode, I’m chatting with...
Published 01/23/24
Most women (especially Christian women) are making a HUGE mistake that can cost them years of wasted time and effort when it comes to achieving their health and wellness goals – including their mental health and relationship with food. But you don’t have to fall into the same trap. That’s why I want to hand you the missing piece of the puzzle that most people are leaving out so that you can defy the odds and achieve greater levels of freedom in your health this year. In today’s episode, I’m...
Published 01/16/24
Ready for 2024 to be your BEST YEAR YET?! What if by the end of this year, you were experiencing a whole new level of freedom in your relationship with food and your body? In today’s episode, you’re gonna hear the replay from our FREE 2024 goal setting and game planning workshop.  We have 2 more live workshops left later this week, so if you want the workbook and resources discussed in the replay, simply head to www.brittanybraswellrd.com/gameplan to register for one of our next live...
Published 01/09/24