Published 09/22/22
One hundred is a nice, round number. It's also quite an achievement. Most importantly, 100 is/was our episode goal. Since we launched, we didn't miss a week. Through work travel, vacations, a pandemic, job changes, and everything else life threw our way, we stuck to a schedule. For us, this was about growth through challenges and critical review. We admitted to mistakes and celebrated success. KL has also been about you, the listener. Early on, we stopped worrying about how many of...
Published 09/22/22
This is a big question. This is a face the mirror and sweat it out question. This is a nail biting, teeth grinding, try to ignore it because it's just too damn scary to face it and really think about it question. Ok... but why? Is there a chance we aren't following our purpose? We won't know unless we dive into it. The answer requires thought. There's no way around it. Start with these questions and enjoy the journey. 1. What would you do if you never had to earn another dollar? 2. What...
Published 09/15/22
With so many variations on the definition of Quiet Quitting, we're not able to tell you exactly what it means. We can't even tell you exactly how it feels. But, we know it when we see it. Maybe. On one hand, Quiet Quitting is when you do you job and nothing more. No extra assignments. No "above and beyond." No overtime of any sort. On another hand, Quiet Quitting is not doing anything you are specifically asked to do. That may mean that your day is wide open because no one has emailed you,...
Published 09/08/22
You might struggle to imagine a gym full of people exercising their brains, but replace "gym" with "office" or "classroom" and you'll understand. Our brains are the muscle that sets us apart. Training those blobs of gray matter elevate our ability to negotiate the big and little challenges we face every day. Through intentional engagement, you can buff your brain. It's time to get your pump on.
Published 09/01/22
Here's the deal: some requests are unreasonable. This is not the same as "out of line" or "unethical," though those requests are unreasonable and should be addressed quickly. We're talking about the requests that may prevent you for getting home in time for family dinner or put you on a red eye flight for an early morning meeting. You *could* do it, but is it necessary? If not, how do you address those requests without limiting your career?
Published 08/25/22
Uh oh. Your boss' boss just called you and your peers in for a quick meeting. The news: you're getting a new boss. OR You've just accepted an offer and are moving to work for a new boss. In either situation, you have to learn a new leadership style. One one hand, this can be stressful. What are the expectations, boundaries, and cultural values of your leaders? On the other hand, this can be exciting. You can reinvent yourself, your old leader wasn't all that great anyway, or you really...
Published 08/18/22
Generally speaking, people don't enjoy delivering bad news. At the same time, people don't want to get bad news. Delivering a tough message at work can result in a no-win situation for everyone, but with preparation and critical listening skills, leaders can help their team through the message and get back on track. Today, we discuss multiple instances of tough messages. Sometimes, you have to make a call that will negatively impact your team. Other times, you have been handed a message to...
Published 08/11/22
We've all been there. Day in and day out, we're on autopilot. Not to take anything away from autopilot because the technology is truly amazing, but the drone behavior is hardly one of creativity. When was the last time autopilot surprised you with a new idea or shifted the culture in a positive way. When we are stuck in a rut, we need a serious boost to get out, but first we have to admit we're in a bad place. For the sake of argument, let's start there. Now what?
Published 08/04/22
Our final episode on Stoicism focuses on applying the beliefs and virtues to your professional life.
Published 07/28/22
Part 5 is our final discussion on Stoic virtues. We will discuss Wisdom. Next week, we close this series.
Published 07/21/22
In part 4 of our series, we discuss Justice.
Published 07/14/22
Continuing our discussion on Stoicism, today we discuss Self-Control.
Published 07/07/22
The Stoics held four virtues central to their philosophy. Today, we dive into Courage.
Published 06/30/22
Stoicism is a school of philosophy from ancient Greece and Rome in the early parts of the 3rd century, BC. The fundamental beliefs focus on action rather than just thought. Key among the beliefs are the four virtues- Courage, Self-Control, Justice, and Wisdom. In episode 1, we discuss the background of Stoicism. In future episodes, we will dig into each virtue and wrap with a focus on employing Stoicism in your professional life.
Published 06/23/22
Reinvention has so many benefits, but who cares because I'M AFRAID OF ALL THE POTENTIAL NEGATIVE OUTCOMES! Fear of change is real, but your fears may be more imagined than your realize. We lean into the teachings of Tim Ferriss and discuss "Fear Setting." Grab three sheets of paper and a pen. On our final episode of this series, you'll be writing out your own fears.
Published 06/16/22
You're on your way to a reinvention (or a renewal). You understand what it means and why this change is important. So now, how do you do it? Luckily, we aren't proposing an eight week program of intensive self inspection. That said, there are a list of techniques to consider and many of these we've mentioned in previous episodes. Self understanding and self awareness Define core values Ask yourself what we want to change Set realistic goals Build positive habits Practice self reflection Be...
Published 06/09/22
Before we even get into this, we're not saying you have to reinvent yourself; we're saying you probably should reinvent yourself. It's a nuanced point. Why should you reinvent yourself? Good question. In this episode, we define personal reinvention and explain the potential benefits. The good news is that you've probably done it many times (without knowing it). The better news is that you can make intentional changes for an even better outcome.
Published 06/02/22
In our final episode of this series, we wrap up the eight weeks of self-esteem improvement. Again, this is an ongoing process that will require plenty of work. Some weeks may take longer than others. Build up and you progress forward and remember that as a person (and as a leader), you owe it to yourself to always improve. Week 5 – Develop your mission statement Week 6 – Do something uncomfortable Week 7 – Build your social system Week 8 – Quit negative self talk
Published 05/26/22
In part two of our three-part series on Self-Esteem, we start the eight week program toward improving your self-esteem. You'll hear us say it many times, but this is not "eight weeks and done." This is a layered approach with each week living on and requiring vigilance. This process is not easy but it's worth it. Week 1 – Social media cleanse Week 2 – Cut out toxic friends Week 3 – Clean your environment Week 4 – Create micro wins Next week, we close this series with the final steps.
Published 05/19/22
Self-Esteem is a comlex engine that is both driving the way we feel about ourselves and driven by the way we feel about ourselves. When our self-esteem is high, we probably don't even notice it, but when it's low... oh boy. In part one of this three part series, we crack open self-esteem. How are our lives impacted by self-esteem and how does self-esteem impact our lives? Where does it come from? In parts two and three, we break down a path to increasing self esteem. While there is no...
Published 05/12/22
Dead or disregarded? The days of landing a job on a factory line and working until your pension starts seem to be in the past. The "services economy" has created new careers built on switching jobs multiple times. Don't even get us started on the "Great Recession." Oh, and how does the gig economy contribute to job stability? The truth is, employment stability is the measure we should take. Do we, as individuals, have the skills and a track record that makes us hirable? The demand we...
Published 05/05/22
Thinking back to our episode on The Great Resignation ("I Quit"), we consider the pros and cons of Loyalty. The pros, you say, are obvious: strong relationships, deep trust, better communication, authentic personalities... Yes. We agree. But, if we know that we want these traits, why we sometimes dip our toes into the cons of loyalty. The cons? How about: "yes men," a reluctance to speak truth to power, lack of creativity, selfish behaviors. In short, Darth Vader ran a tight ship with...
Published 04/28/22
If you are afraid of professional failure, then you are (essentially) afraid of professional success. As it happens, fear has a seat in many offices, home or other. But what is it that really scares us? How do we settle that fear?
Published 04/21/22
If it seems like our entire lives are a series of decisions (or indecisions), then you're right. Every day we choose something over something else. While many of those choices are on autopilot, some require deep thought. While many of us may conjure up reasonable excuses or point to unforeseen collisions in the Universe as clear examples of events that are out of our control (and, hence, not a result of our decisions), we still own the choice that brought us there. It's sticky, isn't it?...
Published 04/14/22