We are wrapping up Season 1 of the KLN Podcast! Come listen to what were some of my favorite episodes, and what I’d like to leave you with as we end this first journey together.
Published 08/03/20
There’s no getting around it. At some point you will have to confront someone…. feeling a little nauseous about that? Come listen and let me explain why that feeling is okay.
Published 07/27/20
Do you sometimes hear the latest and greatest personal development for women and it doesn’t quite relate to you? I’m here to tell you that okay, and here’s why.
Published 07/20/20
Good leaders are a dime a dozen. Great leaders…. they are world changers. I want the great. I want to learn how to be one heck of a great leader. I’m not there yet, but I’m on my way, and I’m sharing a few things I’ve learned on the journey.
Published 06/22/20
Well, that was a little uncomfortable. Sex. It’s complicated and somewhat embarrassing to talk about, but it’s a really important part of our lives. A healthy sex life is a huge part of having a healthy marriage.
Published 06/15/20
I decided to tackle this topic. I’m not sure if I actually tackled it, but I spent time digging deep inside of myself to see where my blind spots might be, and how I can bring them to light within our home.
Published 06/08/20
Have you ever struggled your way through something? Let me share with you about my “not so pretty” race I just finished and what I learned from doing it.
Published 06/01/20
Parenting is hard and wonderful at every stage. When I look back over the last 15 years of being a mom, here are the 5 things I would tell you are my best pieces of advice.
Published 05/11/20
We all have something in common. Someone has hurt, and someone has hurt me. How do we move past it? What the first step in finding health again? Take a listen to what I dealt with just this week.
Published 05/04/20
Does making a decision completely stress you out? Are you terrified it will be the wrong one? Here’s the check list I use when I have to make a big one.
Published 04/27/20
Published 04/27/20
Do you ever find yourself in just a horrible mood? I hate to admit that I struggle with this, but I have found some ways to make it better… at least for the people around me.
Published 04/20/20
Description I took a classic business concept for success, and realized how much it applied to the success of the relationships in my life, too.
Published 04/13/20
Feeling a little shame because you’re struggling and yet there are others who seem to be in a worse situation? Guess what? You aren’t alone and I want to share what I did with my feelings of shame.
Published 04/06/20
We talk a lot about comparing the good parts of our lives, but what about the bad? Have you ever found yourself comparing your hard to someone else’s hard?
Published 03/23/20
If you tell me you can’t do what I do, I may just be insulted. Come listen to how I have continued to grow in confidence, and why I know you can, too.
Published 03/16/20
Where does your energy come from? Learning how you recharge can help you in your relationships more than you may realize.
Published 03/09/20
Over 50% of marriages end in divorce and the number one reason is money. Seems like we should talk about it, huh?
Published 02/24/20
In the seasons of my life where I've found the most fulfillment, I realized there were always these 3 people. See if you know who they are....
Published 02/17/20
We all walk around with a certain amount of guilt for feeling like we aren’t giving enough of ourselves… my best advice GRACE.
Published 02/10/20
Are friendships really for a lifetime? As much as I’d love to tell my daughter friendship issues end in middle school, I’ve learned first hand that friendships can continue to be a challenge into adulthood.
Published 02/03/20
I always knew I was going to be a better “bigger kids” mom, and now I’m actually here… parenting bigger kids. This isn’t as easy as I thought, but I have definitely learned some important lessons this year.
Published 01/27/20
No one ever said, “I am who I am because she was so skinny.” Why do we look for beauty in places that leave no impact? Let’s desire something that changes others for the better.
Published 01/20/20
Discipline isn’t supposed to be enjoyable so why must it even be something we want to achieve? Listen to some ways I’ve learned to embrace this in my life and where I’m confident the discipline will lead me.
Published 01/13/20
Being your own boss sounds glamorous, but what does it actually mean? I wouldn't change anything about what I do, but I might have wished someone would have shared these concepts with me before I ventured into the arena of entrepreneurship.
Published 01/06/20