Published 10/20/22
You have been in the corporate world for a long time, you have become the expert in your field, you are generating tons of money for your company and then you suddenly think to yourself..."Why am I working myself to the bone and making someone else rich? Why am I sacrificing MY TIME to build someone else's dream? Isn't it time to chase after my own dreams? Well, in today's episode we talk about the 3 Secrets that you need to to implement when you are ready to start your own online...
Published 10/20/22
There’s a story of a woman who lived according to the “WHEN” philosophy…and her life went something like this... I’m going to travel one day... WHEN I have the money I’m going to spend longer with my kids… WHEN I have the time I’m going to start writing my book… WHEN I feel more creative I’m going to mend broken relationships… WHEN I feel like I can learn to forgive I’m going to quit my work… WHEN I find the courage to do so I’m going to start my online business…WHEN I’ve done another...
Published 10/13/22
Many new small business owners (like you), are making 3 common mistakes when first starting out and it's costing you dearly. You might even know that you are doing these things when getting started, yet in your excitement to launch, you neglect to get these basics right! Ooops... So ultimately, NOT being clear on these 3 things is costing you traffic, sales and is putting you on the back foot from day 1. However, it's never too late to get things back on track and if you haven't launched...
Published 10/06/22
Being in business requires you to wear many hats and the pressures to succeed can be overwhelming, especially if you are working with a spouse or close friend. How often do you hear of partnerships failing between business partners because the pressures of separating business and friendship becomes too much.  But, it doesn’t have to be that way for you. Working together with a spouse or close friend can be extremely powerful when you maximise each person’s capabilities to the fullest.   Now,...
Published 09/22/22
As a new Mother, when you realise you need an INCOME and you have a DESIRE to stay at home with your newborn, you “make a plan” as they say in South Africa! And this is exactly what Louisa did - she made a PLAN. Louisa saw a gap in the market 6 years ago for women wanting to advertise their own businesses online but there were not many options available. This was an opportunity for her to create something out of necessity and so she got to work. After 6 months, she only had 100 members so...
Published 09/15/22
If I were to start an online business with no money, or if I had to start from scratch with no audience, no products and no business, then this is what I would do and this is what YOU can do, if... You are starting out brand new… No one knows you… You haven’t got a product…. You know you need to make an additional income online…especially with rising living costs and unpredictable job prospects... Yes, it is possible to start an online business with no money or very little money as long as...
Published 09/07/22
You have a problem! You need more customers and you’re feeling stuck right now. Can we agree that an endless stream of leads and clients are the lifeblood of your business and you could do with more right now? Without paying clients, you don’t have a business, you have a hobby!  The good news is that I’m going to show you a way to find, attract and keep more customers whether you have a traditional brick and mortar business or an online business. It doesn’t matter whether you have a product...
Published 08/31/22
Is your business “stuck” right now… Sales are down, revenues are down and you don’t know how or what to do next to turn things around. The bad news? Every business goes through these periods where no matter what you do, nothing seems to work. If you keep doing what you are doing and it’s NOT working, you can’t expect to get different results can you? However, there is some good news. Irrespective of your business model, there are 3 ways you can look to start turning things around…but only...
Published 08/24/22
What would having a mentor do for you and your business? The internet has a plethora of free information, experts, gurus, bloggers, vloggers and everything in between, yet MOST people still struggle to earn an income online. Why is this so - well, most of this information is disjointed and disorganised and it’s time consuming to make sense of it all. Furthermore, opinions are so vastly different - who and what do you believe? Over the past 10 years whilst earning an income online, what I’ve...
Published 08/17/22
We have a serious problem on our hands. Inflation and rising prices are getting out of control and customers are becoming more selective about where they are spending their money! Have you noticed a drop off in sales? Have you noticed that your income is getting less but expenses keep on rising? Still wondering where your next customer will come from? Well, maybe you want to turn this all around…become “that” person and “that” company who customers want to do business with - irrespective...
Published 08/10/22
The reason you are listening to this right now is because you DO NOT have enough paying customers which means you are NOT making the money you need to make, leading to frustration, stress and unhappiness! I’m going to suggest to you that the biggest reason you are not getting paid what you deserve is because you are NOT having enough conversations with the right people. In today's episode we look at why sales are actually made OFFLINE! So let’s dive into it… To book for one of our LIVE...
Published 08/03/22
Do you know what the #1 problem I hear from most women who enter my world is? The # 1 problem  is…. I need more customers! I need more sales! Is this YOU! Well here is the thing…people don’t just wake up one morning and decide they want to buy your product…the reality is most people don’t even know you or even  that your business exist…right? So how are you going to get more customers and make more sales in a crowded market place? In today’s episode I am going to share with you the #1...
Published 07/27/22
You are sitting there building up the courage to do a “live” video on social media, when, boom, out of the blue, something stops you from hitting the play button! Again…And again… And again… It’s the “F” word isn’t it? ….FEAR… The word that distracts you and stops you from trying to do what you know you need to do to put yourself “out there” to market your business online. The bad news…fear never leaves you. The good news…you can use this fear to your advantage in many ways. In this...
Published 07/20/22
Now, if you read the title of this episode and said something along the lines of, “Well, I’m not really sure I can call myself an entrepreneur…,” this is what I have to say to you: If you’re showing up, if you’re building your business, if you’re working hard towards your goals—you can definitely call yourself an entrepreneur! … There is so much fear around starting something new…the fear of not being good enough is one that is really difficult to let go of…if you struggle with this I just...
Published 07/13/22
Back when he was first getting successful, Tony Robbins apparently started charging ONE MILLION dollars for personal consultations.  His reason was surprising. It wasn’t for the money.  It was because his goal was to help people improve their life, and his biggest problem was people not doing the necessary work after coming to see him. So if someone spends a million dollars, they’re sure as hell going to do the work. He says it kept his success rate at 100%. Sounds crazy right? Now, I'm...
Published 07/06/22
“Age is an attitude of the heart” (Brenda Hattingh, Founder True North Passion) In this week’s episode we draw from the fountain of wisdom in the form of 66yo Brenda Hattingh. Brenda is truly passionate about seeing women reach their full potential but so often has found that women self-sabotage themselves because of their state of mind. She says that limiting beliefs that have been passed on can unconsciously stop you from reaching your full potential but it all starts with WHO AM I? She...
Published 06/29/22
There is a new and smarter way to do business - and it involves selling your knowledge online! Have you ever heard the saying: “you don’t know what you don’t know.” It’s not your fault that you don’t know, but after today you will know and I trust you will do something with this new-found knowledge…Keep listening if any of these resonate with you.. You want to keep working but you are looking for additional incomeYou want to do something for yourselfYou want to get involved in the online...
Published 06/22/22
When I asked my audience of women if they wanted to start an online business, the overwhelming response was "YES! We want a business, we want to do something for ourselves!" Now, Why did all these women want their own online businesses? No surprises here. All of them wanted... the freedom, the choice, the security and the multiple income streams. And that is because you want to know that if you put the work in, you can get more choice, more freedom, more security and more income  - not just...
Published 06/15/22
You read about it every single day. Someone, somewhere in the world has turned their knowledge into a profitable, online, money-making machine. As someone who is a member of many groups and Masterminds, you will be pleasantly surprised because there is a market for just about anything, but we do need to tread carefully because some areas are definitely more lucrative than others. So in today’s episode we are going to look at what kind of knowledge is profitable and capable of generating you a...
Published 06/08/22
Today I want to share with you how you can use these 3M’s in your own business to attract more buyers and make more sales. Getting clear on your own 3 M’s will have an immediate impact on your business. So, what exactly are the 3 M’s in marketing terms? Let's dive into this week's episode to find out... If you are planning to turn your knowledge into an online business then you need Kajabi! To try out Kajabi FOR FREE  for 30 days click on my special link below......
Published 06/01/22
In today's episode I chat to the beautiful Stefanie Minnaar. Stefanie is a Pastoral Narrative Therapist that specialises in helping parents understand the changes happening in a teenage brain. When I met up with Stefanie she was giving all her knowledge away for free - so of course I had to jump in there and show her the light of having an online business. She joined my Kickstart your Online Business and finally took her knowledge and created some digital products which she is now selling...
Published 05/25/22
Women wear so many different hats and they wear them really well. It’s difficult enough being a wife, partner, mother, home executive, cook, cleaner, taxi driver, sports cheerleader…never mind trying to forge out a career path where the playing field has never been level. In today's episode we are going to have a look at the benefits of running your own online business... To register for my LIVE workshop click the link below ⬇️⬇️⬇️ FREE WORKSHOP The LadyBoss Lounge Facebook...
Published 05/18/22
Ever wondered why you always seem to be broke? Why as soon as success is lurking in the near distance, you just never seem to be able to grab it? Girl, it’s your Money Mindset! “My what?” I hear you asking. It’s your Money mindset. Your money mindset is your own unique set of values, beliefs and attitudes around money. It drives the decisions you make about earning, saving, spending and allocating money. Since we are all wired differently, our thoughts, actions, passions, fears and dreams are...
Published 05/26/21
It can be so easy as entrepreneurs to work constantly. We have these huge goals we want to achieve, and we keep pushing to make them happen…can you relate? The problem is when we only care about our business and how we need to push forward to reach those goals…we often forget to look after ourselves, and guess what? We are the business…if you’re not on your game, your business is sure to suffer. I truly believe that self-care is a huge part of an entrepreneur’s successful journey… You have to...
Published 05/19/21