The final Leadership Quest Podcast (for now) is with the fantastic John Walsh.  I met John a number of years ago and put simply he is one of the kindest most inspiring people I know.  He tells his story of his leadership journey - hope you enhjoy it as much as I did.
Published 04/16/21
Published 04/16/21
Hear Matt talk about his journey to the NHS, how he describes himself in the context of change and leadership and some of the things he learnt as a member and graduate of the Nye Bevan Programm.  This is a very reflective episode - a story of a journey and a realisation of what leadership means.
Published 04/16/21
Hear from Mick Ward, who recently retired from Leeds City Council as the Chief Officer for Innovation in Adults and Health.  But its not Mick's grand title that I found so inspiring; more his determination and activism that runs thorough his career.  I found his journey from carer through to his final role inspiring.  He certainly values driven and he's not afraid to rock the boat.
Published 11/24/20
Elaine is an experienced nurse who has a reputation for speaking her mind.  Behind that reputation is a fine mind and a story about her journey.  I loved this conversation.  There is a lot about nursing in it but there is much for everyone, including Elaine's account of returning to practice to work in ICU during the first wave of the COVID19 pandemic.
Published 11/17/20
This conversation was a lovely one, with the warm, authentic human who happens to be the Chief Executive of Leeds City Council.  Its a far ranging discussion about Tom's sense of place, his desire to retain his yorkshire accent and his stellar career.
Published 11/08/20
Stacy is remarkable and this was a completely fascinating chat.  She holds clear views about leadership and thinks being  'Leaderly' is where we all need to be aiming for.  I loved this conversation, recorded right in the heart of LockDown.  
Published 10/30/20
Recorded before lockdown and in Leeds, this is a great conversation exploring a range of issues about leadership. Kirstie is inspiring and talks about her experience of the GMTS programme as an in-service candidate and the brilliant 'Shadow Board Programme' that she developed and delivers with her team at the Inspiring Leaders Network. I struggled with the sound quality on this one so I hope it doesnt distract from your enjoyment - my apologies to Kirstie and to you, the listener!
Published 08/25/20
Filled with wisdom, this podcast tells us about a young woman growing up, about finding her voice, about politics and the transition to a health leadership role.
Published 05/06/20
It takes courage to lead in difficult areas that are fundamentally about attitudes and beliefs.  That's what Yvonne does; leads in a tricky area where it means standing up for something and speaking truths.  She also champions young people and recognises that leading them can be different and needs different skills.  I found this conversation refreshing and stimulating. Enjoy!
Published 04/22/20
Professor Brendan Stone and I had the most wonderful conversation.  He has such interesting views on power, agency, class and mental health.  He was a founder of Sheffield Flourish and also has lived experience which gives him unique insights.  This conversation happened months before we had even heard of Coronavirus but it gives hope and optimism in people.
Published 04/05/20
This Podcast felt quite special to me: its really about humanity and connectedness; with ourselves and others.  The final episode in this block of 6.  Back in 2020 with more interesting conversations!
Published 12/18/19
Myron and I had a fascinating conversation about leadership in a systems context.  His thinking seems particularly pertinent in today's NHS.  if you want to think more carefully about the leadership we are likely to need for the future, this is a good one for you!
Published 12/04/19
A fascinating conversation about old and new power, changes in society, and how we can effect change.
Published 11/24/19
Jenni is the ex-editor of the Nursing Times and provides an interesting perspective by looking at leadership in the NHS through an outsiders perspective.  She observes how she personally thinks about leadership and how sometimes circumstances mean that we are forced to lead.  She also observes leaders who are just starting out in their career.
Published 11/17/19
This is an exploration of leadership with Karen Lynas who articulates clearly her analysis of leadership. 
Published 11/08/19
In this episode I interview Mike Chitty where we have a wide ranging conversation about leadership including his perspective on leadership development, whether leadership exists and where the NHS is at the moment with regard to fostering leadership.  Mike is never one to hold back and I hope you enjoy this frank conversation we had over a coffee, in Leeds.
Published 11/03/19
What is the leadership quest all about? Find out here! Presented by more information on this website www.leadershipquest.net
Published 10/24/19