Have you ever had a gut feeling that you followed and it lead you to an amazing experience? Or maybe you've had a hunch and you didn't listen to it only to find out things would have been better had you listened it? We all have gut feelings, hunches or a little voice that's guiding us in our lives, it is called intuition and it's powerful. Our intuition is one of the greatest tools we have in life! It guides us to live a great life and more importantly, it guides us to be the parents our...
Published 04/10/19
In an era where everything is go-go-go and when so much is expected of us it is easy to feel overwhelmed, lose yourself and get in a funk. And getting in a funk, feeling down is something that happens to everyone. No exception! But, what happens when in get in a funk? Does it ruin the rest of your day? The rest of your week? Does it affect your relationships or how you parent? On this podcast episode I'm going to share with you a new perspective, a new way seeing life and I'm going to share...
Published 04/03/19
Dr. Bill Sears is renown pediatrician and author of over 40 books. He supports alternative parenting ways, like attachment and positive parenting and believes every mom knows what's best for her child. On this interview with Dr. Sears we covered important parenting topics, like how to positively discipline children, why moms should trust their instincts and how to keep your marriage alive, even when practicing attachment parenting. On this episode Mama Instincts asked Dr. Sears: Why do so...
Published 03/27/19
As parents we have the power to stop the negative self-talk and replace it with positive self-talk. Doing this is not as simple as telling your child "you can do this!", because that doesn't always work or have an impact on your children. On this podcast episode I'm going to show you the 3 letter word than has taken my children from "I can't" to "I can". This simple yet powerful word has given them the confidence to understand that we need to have patience and perseverance when learning...
Published 03/20/19
Have you ever wondered why some parents seem to be more calm than others? Would you like to be a more peaceful and calm parent? It all starts with YOU. All you need are simple strategies that you can implement in your life to be a more calm, peaceful and loving parent (and person too!). On this episode Mama Instincts talks about: The most important thing you can do every single morning to set yourself up for success and to be a more calm and peaceful mom. Why surrounding ourselves with...
Published 03/13/19
Have you ever taken your child out to run errands only to end up with an upset child and only half of your to do list done? Have you ever gotten frustrated because your child is simply not cooperating? You are not alone. This has happened to ALL of us. But, what if I told you there's a way to make your every day life a lot smoother? On this episode Mama Instincts talks about: Setting expectations and boundaries with your children The power of detailed explanation and why you should...
Published 03/06/19
Have you ever thought about using humor as a way to discipline your children? After trying many different tactics, humor was the only thing that stopped our toddler from bitting. In this episode Mama Instincts talks about: - How to use humor as a way to discipline children - Why is humor so important - When to use humor with children - The benefits of using humor as one of your parenting strategies - Why it is such a great tool to connect with your child, even when they're angry
Published 02/28/19
Yelling comes natural to many people because it's how most of us were raised. But is it the right way to discipline? Are children truly learning their lessons or are they complying out of fear? In this episode Mama Instincts talks about: - Why most parents yell - What happens to children when you yell at them - How to discipline without yelling - Things we can do instead of yelling - The most important thing we can do to effectively discipline children
Published 02/28/19
Want to know what the Mama Instincts Podcast is all about? Then hit play! In this episode I will tell you what to expect from this podcast, the topics we will cover as well as a little bit about me, your host, Carolina King.
Published 02/27/19