Cycle syncing your workouts can be CONFUSING AF! Inside of this episode I want to keep it simple on how you can sync your movement to each phase of your cycle for the ultimate results AND consistency! Topics Included: -my history + failure with workout calendars -the 4 phases of your cycle + movement for each -what to do if you have painful periods or PMS LINKS 1:1 Coaching Be sure to connect with Jacqueline: Apply for 1:1 coaching. Let's connect on Instagram. Let's connect on...
Published 01/18/24
Have you ever heard the phrase that "you need to fall in love with the work", not so much the end goal?! I have found the shortcut in LOVING the work. Getting variety on a day to day basis that also connects and feels right with the different energy that comes with each phase of your cycle. Inside you will learn how to stop setting goals and creating plans like you have a d*** and instead use your cycle as the compass and follow through to consistent actions that bring you to your...
Published 01/11/24
2023 was transformative for me and my clients...but along with transformation comes a LOT of lessons. I'm not holding back on giving you the real behind the scenes shit that comes up when you're working through old mindsets, limiting beliefs and personal situation. Topics Covered: -10 lessons from 2023 -how you can transform your life in 2024 LINKS: Alcohol Episode of the Podcast Law of Attraction 1:1 Coaching Options Be sure to connect with Jacqueline: Apply for 1:1 coaching. Let's...
Published 01/04/24
I teach my clients through cycle syncing that exercises such as journaling, manifesting, vision boards and getting intentional around your goals ALL starts the week of your period! During the menstrual phase (your period) there are many thing factors (such as your hormones being at their lowest) that benefit you when it comes to clarity in what goals you want to set and go for, especially in the new year! Many women are trying to make January 1st their 'new year' and depending where they ...
Published 12/28/23
Is this even a thing...YOU BET IT IS! WHY? Because there are phases of your cycle PERFECT for a fresh start and new beginning. While other phases are more about wrapping things up or focusing on the task at hand. Depending on WHAT phase of your menstrual cycle you're in could have a HUGE affect on the results you want to see with your new year resolution in 2024! Set yourself up for consistency and success with cycle syncing it all! Topics Covered: -the bone I have to pick with...
Published 12/21/23
Energetics. Manifestation. Strategy. All sexy terms when it comes to running your business online as a female entrepreneur. But which one is the MOST IMPORTANT to focus on?! As an 11 year online coach vet, I have some thoughts (of course with a cycle syncing twist!). This episode is for my coaching industry baddies, but even if you are not a business owner...you will find it valuable towards any of your goals. Topics Covered: -what is energy vs strategy? -what it means to lack in each -the...
Published 12/14/23
When you think of self care you probably think of bubble baths, facials and massages or a face mask. But depending on where you are in your cycle, those cliches could feel like misaligned TORTURE! Thanks to our hormones ebbing and flowing throughout our menstrual cycle, it means your self care could ebb and flow with it! Inside of this episode I breakdown how you can love yourself  throughout the 4 phases and how to cycle sync your self care! Topics Covered: -what exactly IS self...
Published 12/07/23
It's easy to ignore our body's signals telling us something is wrong when we've been taught most of our life that things like painful periods or PMS is just 'normal'. The truth is cramps, hormonal acne, heavy periods, mood swings and so much more are COMMON, but not normal. Instead you should look at these symptoms as messengers that something internally needs so attention. This episode will teach you what these signs and symptoms mean and even suggestions on how to address them! Topics...
Published 11/30/23
Happy Thanksgiving, babes! We're taking a baby step off the cycle sync path to talk about the power of giving back and investing in yourself. If you have wanted a specific result or outcome in your life, but the means to get there comes at a price and you say "I can't afford that", then this is for you. I was the woman for so long until the past two years and I want to shed light on the transformation YOU can experience when you realize that your life is WORTH IT! Whether it's with a Black...
Published 11/23/23
Ready to be INTENTIONAL AF with your energy and time this winter? Let's take a look at where the seasons of the year and the phases of your cycle collide! No phase of our cycle is ever truly the same thanks to the changing of the seasons as I explain inside of this episode. Tune in if you're looking to ditch burn out, create more time, have less painful periods and PMS and so much more this winter! Topics Covered: -how to find out your 'phase sign' & 'rising season' -way to honor your...
Published 11/16/23
Did you know that our hormones and cycle influence the financial decision we make?! Inside this episode you're going to feel empowered on when the best time to spend your money is..especially with Black Friday coming up! This episode touches on not only how to approach Black Friday as a CONSUMER but also as a CEO with a cycle. Prepping for a chaotic, fast paced sale, such as Black Friday, does take some prep work if you expect your hormones to feel harmonious by the end of it! Don't worry,...
Published 11/09/23
The holiday season can wreak havoc on our hormones leaving us tired, bloated and less than thrilled to be entering the new year. I know because this was my reality MANY years, until I found cycle syncing. This episode will teach you the do's and don'ts when it comes to supporting your hormones throughout Thanksgiving, Christmas/Hanukkah and New Years. This year you're going to feel energetic, happy, have painless periods and diminish your PMS and more! Topics Covered: -what my holiday...
Published 11/02/23
As a woman still in her menstruating years it's important to know how to sync even something like BOUNDARIES to the 4 phases of your cycle. There are times where boundaries must be unshakeable (especially if you deal with PMS or painful periods). Where other times boundaries can shift and change. With the holidays coming up, it's time to honor your hormones and the four phases by incorporating boundaries that will leave you with feeling like it truly IS the MOST wonderful time of the...
Published 10/26/23
The biggest mistake I see not only female entrepreneurs, but women overall make when they begin syncing to their cycle is leaving their menstrual cycle calendar OUT of the mix. This is mistake could be a contributor to symptoms such as PMS, mood swings or mental breakdowns. Inside of this episode I'll give you my top tips on how to consult, acknowledge and align with your cycle's calendar as MUCH as possible so that you free up your energy, feel amazing during the different parts of your...
Published 10/19/23
Our hormones and cycle can be 'touchy'. Put that with being a modern day woman in the year of 2023, and it can sometimes feel super frustrating. What I want to explain during this episode is what can disrupt your cycle (making your period early or late, or even experiencing PMS symptoms when you haven't in a while) and how you can fix it (especially with the upcoming Holiday Season). Half of the relief is knowing WHY we are experiencing something or a symptom and my hope is with this...
Published 10/12/23
The term influencer has been beat down and botched in the year of 2023, but there is merit to the power of someone or something with a lot of INFLUENCE. Which brought me to the thought: HORMONES are the ULTIMATE influencer! Got goals in weight loss, less painful periods or PMS, building and scaling your online business or just overall having more energy? Yeah, your hormones influence ALL OF IT (and so much more!) Many of the topics in this episode are geared toward my female entrepreneurs...
Published 10/05/23
This one is JUICY! The 75 HARD is a viral challenge on the internet that has you upholding specific guidelines each day (and if you fail to achieve them, you have to start over). However, like many nutrition or fitness challenges, it was created and in many ways made to support a man's hormone cycle instead of woman's! Inside of this episode I want to give you the full scope of how the 75 HARD could be messing with your hormone, cycle, periods and PMS. But don't worry-I'm also shedding...
Published 09/28/23
To celebrate two years without a sip of champs or wine, I go down memory lane of my f***ed up relationship with alcohol.  In a world where alcohol is the most normalized drug, I want to shed light on how I gave up the taboo vice for GOOD. If you're sober curious or wanting to learn more of what an alcohol free life looks like, then this episode is for you! Topics Covered: -how I began drinking -when I realized it was becoming a problem -my struggle with giving it up -my breaking point and...
Published 09/21/23
Take it with a grain of salt: here is my dog mom of 2 childless by choice CEO with a CYCLE AM routine. Yes, its ridiculous. Yes, I can't live without it! Today I wanted to give you a behind the scenes of the morning routine and habits that have brought me success, productivity and overall setting my tone to be HAPPY day to day. If checking your phone first thing is a struggle, if you experience procrastination or anxiety or perhaps you need inspiration to create your OWN morning routine,...
Published 09/14/23
Wake up, check your phone, mindlessly scroll and then wonder where your morning went?! I GOT YOU GIRL. Inside of this episode I am giving you practical tips you can implement right away in order to have a healthier relationship with checking your phone and instead getting the tasks you want to do done. This episode is heavily geared towards female entrepreneurs in the online space, however if you struggle with ADHD, chronic stress or anxiety it will benefit you too. Topics Covered: -how...
Published 09/07/23
Recorded out in the WY/MT wilderness, another lesson and reflection I experienced when my phone went into airplane mode and I could just sit in nature. Today's episode is how you deserve MAGIC. And you don't need to be anxious, nervous or think that you have to earn it by struggling . Learn how by finding our camping spot I was served the lesson of deserving magic simply by just BEING. Be sure to connect with Jacqueline: Apply for 1:1 coaching. Let's connect on Instagram. Let's connect...
Published 09/05/23
WTF is a parasite cleansing episode doing on the Menstrual Mogul Podcast?! To be fair, not too much of this has to do with hormones or syncing your life to your cycle. HOWEVER-this information I'm sharing in this episode truly CHANGED my life (I may have cried for the first time on the pod with this LOL) that it's too good to keep to myself. Parasite Cleansing is a topic that, just like those that want to cycle sync, can be confusing. Inside of this episode I want to empower you to...
Published 08/31/23
A special BONUS episode of The Menstrual Mogul Podcast. Coached by Nature is an impromptu series of lessons learned in the Jackson Hole/Wyoming Wilderness and how they can applied to the goal you set for yourself, your entrepreneurship journey and just leading a happier life.  Today's episode is about how Jac equates setting out to go camping in the vast wilderness has it's pros and cons and how you can apply this metaphor to a specific goal you're working towards. ENJOY!   Be sure to...
Published 08/27/23
Inside of my courses and 1:1's I use the physical seasons of the year to describe the four phases of our cycle. This concept was strummed up by Traditional Chinese Medicine. TCM also believes that there are superpowers, organs and purposes that correlate with wherever we find ourselves in the calendar year. It's like matching our natural internal energy levels during the different seasons with our outside habits.   As we approach the season of Fall or Autumn, I want to empower you on how to...
Published 08/24/23
Usually you are meant to gain clarity around your ideal clients in just one day or training with your mentor. The truth is it's a process to be TRULY clear around WHO you are trying to serve in your online business and how to find and speak to them with your content. The perfect compass and guide to use in this process is: YOUR CYCLE. The four phases of your cycle each come with a super power trait you can tap into when bringing in new clients.  Syncing this part of your strategy to your...
Published 08/17/23